• 审计网络访问控制安全远程访问系统

    Audit network access control and secure remote access systems.


  • 允许技术员点击任何设备通过网络PSTN建立安全远程访问

    This will allow the technician to point and click on any device to establish secure remote access via network or PSTN.


  • 确定应该如何识别定位远程应用服务器访问应用服务器建立了基本安全模型

    It establishes how a remote application server should be identified and located and determines a basic security model for accessing an application server.


  • 使可以安全访问控制远程数据中心所有服务器路由器交换机电源设备,让您能够纠正问题

    It enables you to rectify the problem by providing you with secure access to and control of all servers, routers, switches, and power devices in your remote data centers.


  • 一个远程客户端提供持久化数据访问可能会引起数据保密安全问题

    The provision to access persistent data as resources by a remote client raises data privacy and security concerns.


  • 作为一个EJB单例可以访问标准EJB中间件服务——事务管理安全远程依赖注入等等

    As an EJB, the Singleton has access to the standard set of EJB middleware services - transaction management, security, remoteing, dependency injection and so on.


  • 支持JMX应用程序依赖MBeanServer充当MBean容器提供远程访问命名空间管理安全服务

    A JMX-enabled application relies on an MBeanServer, which ACTS as a container for MBeans, providing remote access, namespace management, and security services.


  • 如果访问远程服务器那么有可能正在使用安全shell

    If you access remote servers, then there is a good chance you're already using secure shell.


  • 安全bean试图访问远程服务时,需要使用额外业务角色

    When the secure bean attempts to access the remote service, it will need additional business roles.


  • 访问安全bean用户不会占用远程应用程序要求访问用户所具备业务角色

    The user accessing your secure bean will not possess the business role that the remote application expects from a user trying to access it.


  • SecurityIncidentPortlet访问远程业务流程检索安全事故任务就绪活动实例

    SecurityIncidentPortlet accesses the remote business process and retrieves a list of ready or otherwise active instances of security incident tasks.


  • 可以直接控制端口通过远程连接访问HMC通过使得Web浏览器指向HMC可用安全页面来启用登录功能

    The HMC is accessible either directly in the console or by configuring remote connectivity, which allows login functionality by directing a web browser to a secured page available on the HMC.


  • 本文讨论了如何通过配置IBMCloud实例支持使用ssvnc,让团队成员能够安全虚拟进行远程图形化访问

    This article described how to configure cloud instances on the IBM cloud to support the use of SSVNC to enable you and your teams to have secure remote graphical access to your virtual machines.


  • SecurityIncidentCoopA访问远程业务流程检索安全事故人工任务就绪活动实例

    SecurityIncidentCoopA accesses the remote business process and retrieves a list of ready or otherwise active instances of security incident human tasks.


  • 远程主机shell访问(取代telnetrlogin明文,安全协议)。

    Remote host shell access (supersedes Telnet and rlogin clear text, insecure protocols).


  • 操作方面质量通过保证监听监听数据到达、发起远程调用以及访问控制传输安全等功能判断的。

    The quality of operation aspect is measured by being able to ensure a listener's ability to listen to arrival of data, ability to invoke a remote call as well as access control and transport security.


  • 作为管理员必须确保使用SLES系统的用户访问所有文件安全存储远程AIX文件服务器上。

    As an administrator, you are required to ensure that all the files being accessed by users using the SLES machine have their data securely stored over the remote AIX-based file server.


  • 框架(消息传送适配器远程代理外观)实现设计模式隐藏远程API相关复杂性,从而实现透明和安全访问

    Design patterns implemented by the framework (messaging, adapters, remote proxies and facades) make this possible by hiding the complexities associated with remote APIs.


  • 最好cron任务现在可以使用OpenSSH命令安全访问远程计算机而不需要交互地使用密码短语

    Best of all, cron tasks are now able to use OpenSSH commands to securely access remote machines without requiring the interactive use of passphrases.


  • 框架lego/messaging架构提供远程组件透明安全访问;可将远程框架对象看作本地对象。

    The framework lego/messaging architecture provides transparent and secure access to remote components: remote framework objects are treated as local objects.


  • 我们使用SSH是因为支持安全加密地访问远程Linux服务器,以及支持访问单一应用程序数据库

    We used SSH because it provides secure encrypted access to a remote Linux server, which provides access to a single application database.


  • 意味着只要安全bean需要访问远程应用程序,Acegi用户装载额外角色从而允许安全 bean 访问远程应用程序。

    This means whenever the secure bean needs to access a remote application, Acegi will load additional roles for the user, thus allowing the secure bean to access the remote application.


  • 如果需要执行db2高级配置可以通过安全shell (SSH)telnet远程访问

    If advanced configuration of DB2 is necessary, then the Add-on can be remotely accessed via either secure shell (SSH) or Telnet.


  • 您希望使用专有解决方案方便并且具有ssh更具安全方式来访问远程桌面吗?

    Want to view a desktop remotely, with more convenience than proprietary solutions and security advantages over SSH tunnelling?


  • IPCSAP使应用程序可以通过类型安全面向对象接口访问本地远程的IPC协议比如TCP/IP

    IPC SAP enables application programs to access local and remote IPC protocol families such as TCP/IP via a type-secure, object-oriented interface.


  • WTLS扩展协议轻量级无线终端上实现,以满足无线终端在企业远程访问环境下的高安全要求

    The WTLS protocol variant can be deployed on lightweight wireless terminals and meet their high-security requirements under future enterprise remote access environments.


  • 对于第二风险(财务顾问远程访问网络面临密码被盗风险),安全风险管理小组会得出类似

    For the second risk, the risk of financial advisers having their passwords compromised when accessing the network remotely, the Security risk Management Team would find similar values.


  • 服务器可以使用其他计算机客户安全上下文,从而作为客户端访问本地资源远程资源。

    The server can use the client's security context on other computers to access local and remote resources as the client.


  • 服务器可以使用其他计算机客户安全上下文,从而作为客户端访问本地资源远程资源。

    The server can use the client's security context on other computers to access local and remote resources as the client.


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