• 上述问题产生外溢效应影响地区安全稳定

    The spillover effect of these issues is taking its toll on peace and stability in the region.


  • 转让损害有关地区和世界的和平安全稳定

    The transfer must not impair peace, safety or stability regionally or globally;


  • 作为加强促进和平安全稳定亚洲合作论坛

    It serves as a forum for enhancing cooperation towards promoting peace, security and stability in Asia.


  • 印度中国建立地区和平安全稳定方面大有可为

    India and China have an important role to play in building peace, security and stability in the region.


  • 过渡水流直接影响流段的运行安全稳定

    The water state of the transition section has direct effects to operational safety and stability of pressure flow section.


  • 波浪作用力大小以及分布形式直接影响建筑物安全稳定

    The magnitude and distribution of wave forces have a direct effect on safety and stability of the structure.


  • 每个国家它所有人民安全稳定——我们财富,我们的健康,我们的安全——岌岌可危

    The security and stability of each nation and all peoplesour prosperity, our health, and our safetyare in jeopardy.


  • 精分症不仅家庭社会带来沉重经济负担,而且还严重威胁社会安全稳定

    The large suffering population has brought heavy economic burden to the society and families, threatening the safety and stability of society.


  • 中国认为会议结果符合所有缔约国利益有助于维护世界和平安全稳定

    China holds that the results of the conference accord with the interests of all the parties to the treaty and will help maintain world peace, security and stability.


  • 变压器作为电力系统枢纽设备运行可靠性直接关系电力系统的安全稳定

    The operation reliability of the power transformer, which is the major equipment in power system, directly related to the safety and stability of whole power system.


  • 电力变压器电力系统枢纽设备运行状态直接关系电力系统安全与稳定

    Large power transformer is the important equipment in power system. Its running state is straightly related to the dependability of the whole power system.


  • 如果氮气其它惰性气体作为动力载体有效解决运输过程中的安全稳定问题

    If the nitrogen or other inert gases are used as the power carrier, the problems of safety and stability in a transport process can be effectively solved.


  • 系统无分布合理直接影响电力系统安全稳定经济效益直接挂钩

    Whether the reactive power distributes correctly has direct effect to the safety and stabilization of power system, also it has direct relation to the economy benefit.


  • 每个国家所有人民安全稳定我们财产,我们的健康,我们的安全处于危险的境地。

    The security and stability of each nation and all peoples - our prosperity, our health, our safety - are in jeopardy. And the time we have to reverse this tide is running out.


  • 电力变压器作为电力系统枢纽设备,其安全可靠运行关系电力系统安全稳定

    As the hub of power system equipment, power transformer's safety relates to security and stability of power system equipment.


  • 水资源短缺以及问题所造成国家之间紧张关系直接威胁着中亚地区安全稳定

    Water resource shortages and tensions among nations resulting from water problems directly threaten the security and stability of the Central Asian region.


  • 数据审计作为信息系统审计重要组成部分,对信息系统安全稳定具有十分重要的意义

    Data audit is one of the most important parts in information system audit, it has important significance to maintain the security and stability of information system.


  • 大型电力变压器作为电力系统枢纽设备运行可靠性直接关系电力系统安全稳定

    As the key apparatus in electric power system, the operating reliability of large power transformer has deep influences on security and stability of power systems.


  • 第一也是重要的一条就是维护促进东盟各地区的和平安全稳定进一步使地区和平的方向迈进。

    The very first is “to maintain and enhance peace, security and stability and further strengthen peace-oriented values in the region.”


  • 巴基斯坦现在上海合作组织观察员,上海合作组织开展合作的一个重要内容就是维护本地区安全稳定

    Pakistan now is an observer of the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" which takes maintaining regional security and stability as one of its important missions.


  • 如何加强合作化解危机维护中亚地区安全稳定成为中亚各国新的世纪必须破解的难题

    In order to preserve the region's security and stability, how to strengthen the cooperation relations and solve water crisis becomes a hard problem which t…


  • 火力发电厂燃用天燃煤质量不仅影响电厂的经济性,而且直接关系到发电厂设备的安全稳定运行

    The quality of as-fired coal in a thermal power plant affects not only the economy, but also the safety and stability of the plant operation.


  • 我们希望各方保持冷静克制妥善处理这个问题协同合作共同维护这个地区安全与稳定,”姜继续

    "We hope relevant parties to keep calm and restraint, properly handle this issue, and work together to safeguard peace and stability of the region," Jiang said.


  • 热工仪表现代生产企业动力供应重要组成部分仪表准确性在很大程度上决定生产安全稳定

    The thermal instrumentation is an important part of power supply in modern manufacturing enterprises, the accuracy of the instrument largely determines the production security and stability.


  • 热工仪表现代生产企业动力供应重要组成部分仪表准确性在很大程度上决定生产安全稳定

    The thermal instrumentation is an important part of power supply in modern manufacturing enterprises, the accuracy of the instrument largely determines the production security and stability.


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