• 又是这般眼色气着了?

    Again is who favor this not long expression of eyes, annoy Anne's son?


  • 本文采用扎尔杜阿女混血意识理论

    This thesis employs the theory of "new mestiza consciousness" by Anzaldúa.


  • 可是啊,琪尔请你,请你不要只是为了公正——一点慈悲吧,即使不该得到你的慈悲,你也给我一点吧,我身边来吧!

    But, Angel, please, please, not to be just - only a little kind to me even if I do not deserve it, and come to me!


  • 玛丽一直柜台帮助顾客最后找了张纸片了个条上面只有大大的问号

    Mary Ann stayed behind the counter helping customers, and finally I left her a note that was just a big question mark on a folded scrap.


  • 的物品护照不在房间使人猜测她是自己离开的。

    Her bags and passport were also gone from her room, a sign that she may have left on her own.


  • 上个月艾德里·塞尔一块去了伦敦皇家艺术院,赶上施·卡普尔展览最后一

    Last month I took a trip to the Royal Academy in London with Adrian Searle, to catch the Anish Kapoor show in its final days.


  • 虽然也许积极备战,但是随着时间一天天过去阿富汗参赛选手包括女性的机会越来越小了。

    Although she could still wind up competing at the Olympics, Davies says that every passing day makes it more likely that Afghanistan will have no women at the Games.


  • 为了破解谜题研究人员包括一名新生在内11名尼德特人的大脑进行了CT扫描影像图现代人类进行了对比

    To probe this cognitive conundrum, researchers took CT scans of 11 Neandertal brains, including one newborn. And they compared these images to those of modern humans.


  • 结果发现,不论父母德特人还是现代人,新生颅骨形状大小极其相似,都是拉长形的,这可能是为能够顺利产道出生而形成的。

    They found that baby braincases are similar in size and shape, regardless of their parentage. All are elongated, most likely to smooth passage through the birth canal.


  • 坐在地下室冒充精灵,这的确糟,个人经验的是坐在地下室幻想可爱的金吉玛丽

    However lousy it is to sit in your basement and pretend to be an elf, I can tell you from personal experience it's worse to sit in your basement and try to figure if Ginger or Mary Ann is cuter.


  • 为了证明这个在认知方面的问题研究者11个尼德特人进行了CT扫描,这11个人里头包括新生

    To probe this cognitive conundrum, researchers took CT scans of 11 Neandertal brains, including one newborn.


  • 施耐德TurningPoint主持人·索耶无法发表评论,提示仅仅这部纪录片的制作上只参与了很少的一点内容。

    Schneider said that Diane Sawyer, who hosted the "Turning Point" episode, would not be available for comment, and suggested that she had played only a small part in making the piece.


  • 贾格沃霍尔纽约参加一个纪念乔治库克(电影《星海浮沉录和《窈窕淑女导演)为主题的聚会时,用自己入时的穿着来定义了何谓优雅。

    Bianca Jagger defines elegance as she and Andy Warhol attend a New York gala in 1978 in honor of George Cukor, director of A Star Is Born and My Fair Lady.


  • 维维假模特我们这里没有人体模型,时装秀

    Vivian: Dummy? We don't have any dummies here, this is a fashion show.


  • 世界1000家大银行排名研究以下人员完成:阿德里·布坎南,吉约姆-黑格,查尔斯·皮戈特,瓦列里娅-雅库托·维奇,阿尔佩托-贝拉尔迪德维尔潘。

    The research for The Banker's Top 1000 rankings was carried out by Adrian Buchanan, Guillaume Hingel, Charles Piggott, Valeriya Yakutovich, Alberto Berardi and Xavier DE Villepin.


  • 来自马里兰大学帕克分校古普塔指出这些市场都是世界上最麻烦市场

    Anil Gupta, of the University of Maryland at College Park, points out that these markets are among the toughest in the world.


  • 斯特一位常被欺负的同学波尔,一起召呼魔法王国纳尼亚,寻找失踪的瑞里王子

    Eustace Scrubb and his bullied school friend Jill Pole, find themselves on a perilous quest to find the lost Prince Rilian, aided by their newfound reptilian companion Puddleglum(Tom Baker).


  • 不要想起了,不然我会断气卑鄙讨厌家伙那天晚上蒂·恩特音乐堂里。

    114-don't let me think of him or I'll expire. The hideous old wretch! That night in the Antient Concert Rooms.


  • 据《广州日报》报道,日本近日暂停使用疑致日本4死亡的两款疫苗,分别为由美国辉瑞公司生产的“沛法国赛诺菲万特的“尔宝”疫苗。

    Japan has stopped using the US's Pfizer Inc's Prevenar and France's Sanofi Aventis SA's ActHIBor vaccines while it investigates the deaths of 4 children who were inoculated.


  • 科勒:有,坐渡轮的话,最快需要3个小时不过其实一点不快

    CleAnn: Yeah, the ferry - the fastest one right now is about 3 hours, but it's not a very fast ferry at all.


  • 科勒:有,坐渡轮的话,最快需要3个小时不过其实一点不快

    CleAnn: Yeah, the ferry - the fastest one right now is about 3 hours, but it's not a very fast ferry at all.


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