• 耶和华超乎万民之上。

    Great is the Lord in Zion; he is exalted over all the nations.


  • 国王宣布继承人

    The king proclaimed Anne his heir.


  • 儿童杂志工作并且儿童教育感兴趣。

    Ann Roylor works for a children's magazine and she is interested in child education.


  • 当地机构代表来电话说,艾希丽资助申请被批准。

    A representative from a local organization was calling to say that the aid Ann had requested for Ashley had fallen through.


  • 现在你们有意抗拒大卫子孙手下耶和华,你们的人也甚多,你们那里又耶罗安为你们造当作神牛犊

    And now you plan to resist the kingdom of the Lord, which is in the hands of David's descendants. You are indeed a vast army and have with you the golden calves that Jeroboam made to be your gods.


  • 现在你们有意抗拒大卫子孙手下耶和华,你们的人也多,你们那里耶罗波你们当作神的牛犊

    And now ye think to withstand the kingdom of the LORD in the hand of the sons of David; and ye be a great multitude, and there are with you golden calves, which Jeroboam made you for gods.


  • 天后·卡洛斯加冕国王

    Two days later, Juan Carlos was crowned king.


  • 现在9点钟玛丽·斯诺播报新闻。

    The time is 9 o'clock and this is Marian Snow with the news.


  • 劳拉被抛弃而哭泣保持着这种镇静

    It's Laura who cries at Dean's abandonment, while Dean maintains this composure.


  • 这部称作《寻找杰克》的电影,通过利用计算机生成图像技术的形象将依据镜头老照片在银幕重现,另一位演员配音

    In the film, which will be called Finding Jack, Dean will be recreated on screen with CGI based on old footage and photographs, with another actor voicing him.


  • 索伦·德瑞森一名社会科学家达尔伯格全球发展伙伴公司负责监督报告撰写进行辩护,这些数字显然粗略估计

    Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates.


  • 所有需要所的只是编织蚁合适,并用一根绳子连接你所要保护的棵树

    All you need do is locate a suitable nest and run string from it to the trees you wish to protect.


  • 浑身脏兮兮坐在棵大树旁边。花了很时间试图所有蝴蝶残肢拼凑到一起能够它们入土但是做起来容易了。

    I sat there in the dirt, by that big old tree, for the longest time trying to fit all the butterfly pieces back together so I could bury them whole, but it was too hard to do.


  • 如果出于某些外部原因需要公司头衔那不妨自己自己杜撰一个。

    If you needed a title for external reasons, our founder told us, we should feel free to make one up.


  • 时尚摄影师操刀,斯噶齐以及理查德格兰特特瑞吉利名人参与,一个相关活动展出拍摄海报

    Scacchi was shot by the cult photographer Rankin with other well-known faces—Richard E. Grant, Terry Gilliam—embracing fish, for an associated poster campaign and exhibition.


  • 多利答应,而我工作回报,他正在盖一幢新的原木小屋

    Dorian had offered to take me panning for gold in return for helping with work on his new log cabin.


  • 荷兰的列斯荷属的列斯官方货币,该属地加勒比海群岛以前位于阿鲁巴。

    The Netherlands Antillean guilder is the official currency of the Netherlands Antilles, two groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea, and formerly in Aruba.


  • 有着27工龄的西雅图地铁司机德拉确信看过儿子所有比赛,当儿子还德克马的林肯高中读书的时候,德拉儿子可谓殚精竭虑

    A Metro bus driver in Seattle for 27 years, Cheatham made sure she was at all of her son's games. She played at Lincoln High School in Tacoma and stayed active in the game through her son.


  • 琪尔不要这样一个乡下孩子着急!”母亲

    Don't, Angel, be so anxious about a mere child of the soil!' said his mother.


  • 1972年普莱斯女士——粉丝们称她小姐”——买下这家小店以来,亚特兰大地区伍德街区发生了很大的变化。

    Much has changed in the Kirkwood neighborhood in east Atlanta since Ms. Price — known as “Miss Ann” to fansbought the tiny shop in 1972.


  • 同时该队租借切尔西球员帕特里克霍尔特,租期一个赛季。

    The Latics also brought in Patrick van Aanholt on a season-long loan from Chelsea.


  • 然后茉莉结婚礼物露丝格特霞也买了适合圣诞节较简单礼物

    Next he bought Marian's wedding present, and simpler presents, suitable to Christmas, for Ruth and Gertrude.


  • 也令工作越来越危险——毕竟我们开路

    That makes Ann's job even more critical - after all she is the one out front leading us.


  • 阿桑齐女士朱利13岁的时候第一台电脑告诉记者孩子从小充满好奇,从小被灌输“假如好人无所作恶人就会横行霸道”的理念。

    Ms Assange, who bought Julian his first computer at age 13, said her son had been a curious child, raised to believe evil flourished when good men did nothing.


  • 阿桑齐女士朱利13岁的时候第一台电脑告诉记者孩子从小充满好奇,从小被灌输“假如好人无所作恶人就会横行霸道”的理念。

    Ms Assange, who bought Julian his first computer at age 13, said her son had been a curious child, raised to believe evil flourished when good men did nothing.


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