• 汉代用于郊祭祀乐府今存有高祖时代的《安世房中歌》和武帝时代的《郊祀》。

    There are still exist an Shifang Songs of the era of emperor Liubang, Jiaosi Songs of the era of emperor Wu about the ancient emperors 'ritual music of Han Dynasty,.


  • 郑庠古韵分部一以收音为式,分古韵六部;安世则以通转为主,注重古韵之间联系

    Zheng Xiang had six division according to ending of rhyme, and Xiang Anshi pay attention to connection between ancient rhyme.


  • 汤色红润浓香扑鼻安世食之顿感麻辣鲜香满头大汗舒畅淋漓,爽快至极连声:“硬是爽得”。

    The soup was ruddy and attractively fragrant, Shimin an instantly felt spicy, hot and sweaty, and very comfortable, and continuously said: it is so delicious!


  • 其他德特人的骨骼上也曾进行过类似的观察比如拉西德特人本身

    Similar observations have been made on other Neanderthal skeletons such as La Ferrassie I and Neanderthal itself.


  • 到了7,“teon”这个词就已经可以鲁-撒克逊语言中的“tachundhund”互换了,因此100可以用“hundteontig”或“ten times ten”来表示

    By the seventh century, the word teon had become interchangeable with the tachund or hund of the Anglo-Saxon language, and so 100 was denoted as hund teontig, or ten times ten.


  • 国王卡洛斯一俄罗斯国家奖金捐赠给纪念馆重建

    The King of Spain Huan Karlos will donate his Russia State's premium to the reconstruction of memorials.


  • 只有名球员免遭调查,即日本出生的郑大英学他们比赛之后直接飞往了日本。

    Only two players avoided the inquisition - Japanese-born Jong Tae-se and an Yong-hak, who flew straight to Japan after the tournament.


  • 称为因为第四个条克的。

    He's called the IV obviously because he's the fourth Antiochus.


  • 从未发生过条克从未占领埃及埃塞俄比亚利比亚也没有,最终死了不过是死巴比伦

    That didn't happen. Antiochus IV never took all of Egypt, he never took Ethiopia, he never took Libya, and he did eventually die, but he died way over in Babylon.


  • (音)说道62岁,体格匀称,理平头每天都要骑20分钟自行车——并非健身是他公园晨练交通工具

    That's strange, "said Ye Shi an, 62, a fit man with a crew cut who rides his bike 20 minutes every day - not as for exercise, but as transportation to the park to exercise."


  • 所以这个自称但以理作者聪明人,与当时其他犹太智者产生共鸣,他们反抗条克有些甚至因此而牺牲

    So this author writing under the name of Daniel, a wise man, identifies other wise Jews of his own day and he says they're going to oppose Antiochus IV and some of them will die because of it.


  • 条克留意,背弃摩西五经犹太人,“兴兵,兵必亵渎圣地。”

    Antiochus IV will pay attention to the Jews who have forsaken the Torah, "Forces sent by him shall occupy and profane the temple and the fortress."


  • 托斯卡尼尼的评论很快传遍了整个音乐最后玛丽·德森闻名于了。

    Toscanini's comment spread throughout the world of music. Finally, Marian Anderson was famous.


  • 罗梅戒指一个可以追溯到公元符号重新原子来创建。

    The Borromean rings, a symbol dating back to the second century, were recreated with lithium atoms. Credit: wikipedia.


  • 正如JoelKotkin城市”一文中所说,公元10纪末中国城镇展示出亚历山大开罗提克,威尼斯一样大都市融合景象。

    As Joel Kotkin points out in "the City", Chinese towns at the end of the first millennium AD showed the same cosmopolitan mixture as did Alexandria, Cairo, Antioch and Venice.


  • 20英国人来到这里之前,在荒原上坐落着几个比萨人和本巴人部族村落

    Until the arrival of the British, in the early nineteen-hundreds, there were several villages of the Bisa and Bemba tribes in the North Luangwa wilderness.


  • 全面地220亿美元蒙古GDP,是老挝GDP的而且现在年底。” 卡普尔另一位界银行专家菲利普.布罗西共同撰写了这份报告。

    To put this into perspective, the almost $22 billion is four times the GDP of Mongolia and more than twice the GDP of Lao PDR, and the year is not even over.


  • 不过拉乌纳利指出20纪70年代法国只有不到50处祈祷场所

    But Mr Elouanali points out that in the late 1970s, France had fewer than 50 prayer Spaces.


  • 耶和华赐福给。愿你一生看见耶路撒冷好处。

    May the Lord bless you from Zion all the days of your life; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem?


  • 经过将近5亨利进一步动作顽强抗拒,博林最终还是让亨利诱奸了自己

    After nearly five years of obstinately rejecting King Henry VIII's advances, Anne Boleyn finally allowed him to seduce her.


  • 可能独自打败罗马,打败希腊,打败神选者条克但是上帝

    You can't defeat all of Rome,you can't defeat all of Greece, you can't defeat Antiochus IV Epiphanes by yourself,but God can.


  • 20纪40年代澳大利亚98%的人口为格鲁·卡尔特人,80年代人口组成主要是意大利人和希腊人少数欧洲人以及已经开始潜移默化的混入其中越南人

    In the 1940s Australia was about 98% Anglo-Celtic; by the 1980s a few other Europeans, mostly Italians and Greeks, and latterly some Vietnamese, had started to leaven the mix.


  • 的确,自1503年以来,从某种程度上看,绘画看上去,现在仍然看起来,像是法国艺术。大约1516年,拂郎西斯邀请达芬奇西(amboise)的行宫,这幅绘画成为了法国国家遗产

    Indeed, the painting, begun in 1503, seemed-and still seems-somehow French, having entered the national patrimony around 1516, when Francis I invited Leonardo to his palace at Amboise.


  • 提瓜到位于西印度群岛15西班牙殖民地

    Located in the West Indies, Antigua was colonized by the Spanish in the fifteenth century, and makes the absolute perfect destination of Caribbeans.


  • 提瓜到位于西印度群岛15西班牙殖民地

    Located in the West Indies, Antigua was colonized by the Spanish in the fifteenth century, and makes the absolute perfect destination of Caribbeans.


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