• 人类从未停止过广袤无垠宇宙探索

    Humans have never stopped exploring the vast expanse of the universe.


  • 宇宙其他行星存在生命可能性一直激励着科学家探索太空

    The possibility that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space.


  • 朋友即将登上一搜宇宙飞船,要探索木星还是什么

    Your friend is about to go on the spaceship, which is going to do the exploration of Jupiter or whatever.


  • 促使我们探索宇宙的未知领域

    It urges us to explore the unknown domain of the universe.


  • 菲尔·普莱特来自天空死亡! 》的作者也是探索频道节目《菲尔·普赖特不良宇宙》的主持人

    Phil Plait is the author of "Death From the Skies!", as well as the host of the Discovery Channel show "Phil Plait's Bad Universe".


  • 可以在这里探索宇宙和它背后未知的奥秘!

    Here you can explore the universe and the unknown mystery behind it!


  • 计划以古代著名诗人屈原的一首诗命名,展现了中国人民为探索自然和宇宙的真理以及科学技术的探索所做的不懈努力。

    The program was named after a poem by the famous ancient poet Qu Yuan and shows the Chinese people's unending efforts to discover the truth of nature and the universe, as well as the explorations in science and technology.


  • 学家们已经发射了很多宇宙飞船去探索太阳系的其他行星。

    Scientists have launched many spaceships to explore other planets in the solar system.


  • 他们热切地追捧因为总在探索有关世界宇宙独创经常引起争议观点

    They follow him eagerly as he explores innovative and often controversial views of the world or the universe.


  • 博士说:“了解生物体对矿物形成惊人作用对人们探索宇宙非常重要。”

    Understanding just how dramatically life shapes minerals will play an important role in the exploration of the universe, says Dr Hazen.


  • 当前正值人类宇宙探索历史性关键时刻宇航员候选人3,500名申请者中挑选出来

    Selected from more than 3, 500 applicants, NASA’s new astronaut candidates arrive at a pivotal moment in the history of human space exploration.


  • 当前正值人类宇宙探索历史性关键时刻宇航员候选人3,500名申请者挑选出来。

    Selected from more than 3,500 applicants, NASA’s new astronaut candidates arrive at a pivotal moment in the history of human space exploration.


  • 正在探索宇宙秘密

    He is questing for the secrets of the universe.


  • 下一代宇航员可能宇宙执行为期数或者数十年任务探索遥远行星恒星——并且永不归来

    The next generation of astronauts may hurtle through the cosmos for years or decades on a mission to explore distant planets and stars - and never return.


  • 科学家们进一步研究粒子图像作为探索物质宇宙本质线索

    They'll study images of the particles for clues to the nature of matter and the universe.


  • 正如我们现在知道的,银河系充满需要探索世界许多我们宇宙邻居拥有地球相似原料

    As we know by now, the galaxy is teeming in worlds to exploit, and many in our cosmic neighborhood will contain similar materials to Earth.


  • 探索表明行星宇宙非常常见的,并且提出生命开始前景大部分科学家想象得要快。

    The discovery suggested planets are very common in the universe and raised the prospect that life began far sooner than most scientists ever imagined.


  • 朋友即将登上一搜宇宙飞船,要探索木星还是什么

    Your friend is about to go on the spaceship which is going to do the exploration of Jupiter or whatever.


  • 标题为“勇敢者之旅”的文章出现最新宇宙杂志上。本期杂志精选了50有关火星探索的文章随笔

    The article titled 'To Boldly Go' appears in the latest issue of the Journal of Cosmology, which featured more than 50 articles and essays on Mars exploration.


  • 基督手中玻璃一个代表世界宇宙形象想起达·芬奇科学方面的探索,想起对于宏观宇宙之中人类的思考,想起他的人生哲学

    The glassy orb, an image of the world or the cosmos, makes you think of Leonardo's scientific research and his philosophy of the microcosm of the human being within the macrocosm of the universe.


  • 然而我们开始沉湎于好奇心,开始探索,开始了解宇宙本来面貌的时侯,我们就把自己赶走了伊甸园

    As we began to indulge our curiosity, though, to explore, to learn how the Universe really is, we expelled ourselves from Eden.


  • 国家航空航天博物馆展示美国飞行宇宙探索方面取得成就,莱特兄弟第一架双翼飞机阿波罗登月任务以及其他

    The national Air and space Museum celebrates the nation's achievements in flight and space exploration, from the Wright brother's first biplane to the Apollo moon mission and beyond.


  • 然而我们探索自己宇宙后院搜寻生命构筑材料的迹象时,我们卫星彗星小行星遥远系外行星上发现了有机化学

    However, as we've explored our cosmic backyard, hunting for any signs of the building blocks of life, we've found organic chemistry on moons, comets, asteroids and distant exoplanets.


  • 他们天文学同僚们或许乐意探索宇宙边缘寻找奇特物质比如黑洞类星体暗物质

    Their colleagues might be happy probing to the edge of the cosmos looking for exotic things like black holes and quasars and dark matter.


  • 菲尔·普莱特来自天空死亡!》(研究这些主题辉煌可怕细节本书)的作者也是探索频道节目“菲尔·普莱特的不良宇宙主持人。”

    Phil Plait is the author of Death from the Skies!, a book which goes over these topics in glorious and terrifying detail, as well as the host of the Discovery Channel show Phil Plait's Bad Universe.


  • 故而任何更深宇宙探索需要寻找技术途径加速航天器以便放射性能源耗尽之前到达星系边缘

    Any missions hoping to go farther will need a means of acceleration that can get the spacecraft to the edge of explored space faster—before it has depleted its radioactive power source.


  • 哈勃望远镜的视线可能会比现在拓展一点对于宇宙深处下一步探索可能不得不吉姆斯网络太空望远镜它计划2010年发射

    Hubble may extend current vision a bit, but the next boon in deep-space discovery will likely have to wait for the James Web space Telescope, planned for launch in 2010.


  • 美国粒子物理学家探索为何现行宇宙主要物质组成的过程中又进了一步。

    US particle physicists are inching closer to determining why the Universe exists in its current form, made overwhelmingly of matter.


  • 美国粒子物理学家探索为何现行宇宙主要物质组成的过程中又进了一步。

    US particle physicists are inching closer to determining why the Universe exists in its current form, made overwhelmingly of matter.


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