• 表面多年来由于尘埃宇宙破坏它的原始亮度,它应该变暗。可依然保持着青春

    Its surface should darken over the years as dust and cosmic rays mar its pristine whiteness, and yet it's kept its youthful sheen.


  • 巨大星体例如太阳能够使弯曲但是庞大暗物质宇宙中产生“气泡”。

    Massive objects like the sun can bend light, but colossal clouds of dark matter create "bubbles" in the cosmos.


  • 那些已经准备好成为时间大师毫无疑问的庆祝这个重新校准的时刻,并且将准备好驾驭宇宙能量浪潮将成就位【之和声学的大师】。

    Those who are ready to become Masters of Time will no doubt celebrate this recalibration and will be ready to "ride" the waves of Cosmic Energy that also make one a "Master of Light Harmonics".


  • 于是,感受到相随的整体感觉一切都在宇宙在一起。

    So I felt a wholeness with the light, a sense that all is right with me and the universe.


  • 而言之,队伍发现了超过50遥远超新星,它们所发射出不如预计的那么明亮,意味着宇宙膨胀速度正在加快。

    All in all, the two research teams found over 50 distant supernovae whose light was weaker than expected - this was a sign that the expansion of the Universe was accelerating.


  • 广义相对论证实是正确的,一项新的测试中,它精确地预测了在宇宙一些最为遥远星系团那里的运行。

    His general theory of relativity has proved accurate in predicting how light travels from some of the most distant galaxy clusters in the universe, according to new measurements.


  • 这些图像,就他们上面一样,给解决暗物质如何构建早期宇宙带来了希望。

    The resulting image casts light, as it were, on the question of how “dark matter” was distributed in the early universe.


  • 这些图像,就他们上面一样,给解决暗物质如何构建早期宇宙带来了希望。

    The resulting image casts light, as it were, on the question of how "dark matter" was distributed in the early universe.


  • 设计冰立方不是用来捕捉遥远星球上发出而是要捕捉一叫做中微子的神秘粒子,这种粒子来自宇宙边缘甚至穿过地球

    IceCube does not record light from distant stars but ghostly particles called neutrinos which can fly from the edge of the universe and even pass right through the Earth.


  • 工人们在检查用于探测罕见宇宙粒子微弱作用力传感器

    Workers inspect light sensors that detect the watery impact of rare cosmic particles.


  • 我们宇宙所有方向大致相同的,甚至包括自大爆炸传播最远距离更远分离区域

    The universe looks roughly the same in all directions-even parts that seem to be separated by more than the distance light has traveled since the Big Bang.


  • 遥远爆炸地球时,宇宙膨胀拉长红色——一种称作红移现象

    As light from the most distant explosions travels toward Earth, it is stretched by the universe's expansion so that it appears red, a phenomenon known as redshift.


  • 得益于它们重量MACS星系就像巨大宇宙镜头能放大变形弯曲经过它们任何和引力透镜效果一样

    Because of their heft, the clusters act like giant cosmic lenses, magnifying, distorting and bending any light that passes through them - an effect known as gravitational lensing.


  • 普朗克卫星7月发布了宇宙最早一张映射图,只有通过这样新的微波背景映射器,才可以解决备受争议理论

    The controversial theory could be settled by a new microwave background mapper, the Planck satellite, which released its first map of the universe's earliest light in July.


  • 人类可见物质占到整个宇宙总物质的17%,剩下的83%所谓“的”,意味着它们不会释出反射

    The matter we can see makes up just 17% of matter in the Universe; the remaining 83% is "dark", meaning it does not reflect or emit detectable light.


  • 宇宙统一理论之中存在着一些科学家们梦想上的被分割开的地方天使的存在填充了它们否则运动之间的媒介为何物便无从解释

    And where there are still gaps in the grand unified theory of the universe that scientists dream of, angels fill them, agents of motion and illumination otherwise unexplained.


  • 所以我们见到正是人们所谓宇宙爆炸第一。”莫里斯博士如此解释道

    "So, we're seeing what sometimes people call the first light in the universe, which formed after the big bang," Dr. Moseley explains.


  • 做到上述这点,还要根据微弱而遥远类星体经过宇宙发生的现象而定。

    To do this, it will look at what happens to the light coming from faint, distant quasars as it passes through the web.


  • 粒子宇宙速度最快东西所以计算机在理论上可以计算机启动前处理信息

    These particles of light are the fastest things in the universe, so an optical computer could theoretically process information at speeds that make even a supercomputer look glacial.


  • 他们能够看到宇宙中行第一恒星星云-这些恒星和星云古老遥远它们发出已经归入红外

    They will also be able to see the first stars and galaxies that formed in the universe, which are now so old and distant that their light has been relegated to the infra-red part of the spectrum.


  • 宇宙爆炸之后,宇宙空间变成基本粒子混杂巨型泡沫-它温高浓密沸腾不止。

    Moments after the Big Bang, space was a hot, dense, seething froth of elementary particles and light.


  • 这样翻译会更好:,,“,于是便有“,这样说便表明故事并不旨在描述,宇宙最初起源

    It's better translated this way: He said, 'Let there be light and there was light.'" And that translation suggests that the story isn't concerned to depict the ultimate origins of the universe.


  • 另外宇宙中的尘埃吸收遥远然后再次以红外的形式散发出来,这就形成了另外的一些宇宙红外背景

    Other parts of the cosmic infrared background are from distant starlight absorbed by dust and re-emitted as infrared light.


  • 我们代表维护宇宙和平因此你们案例中我们帮助那些已经准备提升并且意愿加入我们的人。

    We represent love and Light and maintain peace in the Universe, and as in your case help those who are ready to ascend and join us.


  • 我们每个人都自己来自宇宙灵魂使命就像工作者一样我们觉醒变得强大

    Each one of us have a soul mission from the universe, as a light worker, let us rise strong and awaken.


  • 据信,这种爆发宇宙爆炸38万已经释放现在充斥宇宙之中。

    This burst of light is thought to have been released just 380, 000 years after the big bang and now permeates the universe.


  • 普朗克望远镜拍摄首张整个宇宙的全景图像,普朗克望远镜去年送入太空考察宇宙古老的

    The first full-sky image from Europe's Planck telescope which was sent into space last year to survey the oldest light in the cosmos Photo: esa.


  • 件事物都可测量意识看作灵魂是因为造物主的爱与精华创造宇宙中的每件事物的生命力创造。

    Everything that has a measure of consciousness is a soul because it is created of Creator's love-light essence, the life force of everything in the cosmos.


  • 件事物都可测量意识看作灵魂是因为造物主的爱与精华创造宇宙中的每件事物的生命力创造。

    Everything that has a measure of consciousness is a soul because it is created of Creator's love-light essence, the life force of everything in the cosmos.


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