• 对于份报告结论感到震惊指出,当今孩子明显1950年的孩子焦虑

    Still, I was struck by a report which concluded that today's children are significantly more anxious than children in 1950.


  • 当今竞争激烈商业环境中领导力重要一个因为引导企业管理者关注内在,关注他们个人能力风格

    Leadership is the most significant word in today's competitive business environment because it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal capabilities and style.


  • 甚至可以帮助解决当今的问题。2015年,科学家发现10世纪英国的一种治疗前夕问题的药物可以杀死抗药性病毒。

    It can even help solve present-day problems: In 2015, scientists discovered that a 10th century English medicine for eve problems could kill a drug-resistant virus.


  • 人们看到一个非常普通罗马特别是允许把玩的时候,他们常常会评论看起来摸起来有多现代,他们很难相信实际年龄

    When people today are shown a very ordinary Roman pot and, in particular, are allowed to handle it, they often comment on how modern it looks and feels, and they need to be convinced of its true age.


  • 这个消息本身已经足够糟糕了,但是同时也造成了当今全球化时代开放市场来说最大威胁

    This news is bad enough in itself; but it also poses the biggest threat to open markets in the modern era of globalisation.


  • 这个API经过多年精心改进许多不同解析实现支持包括当今可用的功能齐全解析器。

    This API has been refined over a period of years and is supported by many different parser implementations, including the most fully-featured parsers available today.


  • 这种重点的变化(从基于规则到基于实例)重要的,因为更加健壮,而且当今线上世界里取得大量例子访问少数专家容易的

    This shift in focus is important because it is more robust, and because in today's online world it is often much easier to gather lots of examples than to interview an expert.


  • 老虎当今自然保护标志性动物之一,特别的花纹虎皮令人生畏名声脱颖而出。

    The tiger is one of the most emblematic symbols of conservation today, and its distinctively patterned coat and fearsome reputation make this species instantly recognizable.


  • 非常发人深思,说明了当今社会普遍存在的一个现象很多成年人拒绝赡养他们的父母

    The picture is thoughtprovoking, and what it illustrates is a common phenomenon in todays society: many grown-up children refuse to support their aging parents.


  • 因为捕获到了一些当今思想力量误解的画面,非常诙谐一则广告

    Because it captures some of the misunderstanding that there is today about the power of the mind, just a very cute AD.


  • 由于大多数当今系统工程都是基于文档的,所以遭受着前面提到不一致性误解

    As most of today's systems engineering is document-based, it typically suffers from the inconsistencies and misinterpretations mentioned earlier.


  • 知识产权提出一个当今重要道德问题所有权价值以及物主尊敬

    Intellectual property represents one of the most important ethical issues today: that of ownership, and the value and respect which that ownership entails.


  • 任务处理当今知识工作普遍一部分常常需要创建重新创建与当前任务相关上下文

    Multitasking is such a prevalent part of knowledge work today that it's often necessary to create and recreate the context of what's relevant to the task at hand.


  • OLAP报告当今非常流行广泛用作顾客提供数据仓库解决方案基础

    OLAP reporting is so popular today that it is widely used as the basis for presenting the power of data warehouse solutions to customers.


  • 纹陶器文化许多当今日本人民心头仍然可以产生强烈的共鸣,也许是因为叙说日本文化的独特性质,强调改变需要在传承性与连续性中进行

    Jomon POTS and culture have great resonance for many Japanese people today, perhaps because it speaks of the distinctive nature of Japanese culture that often stresses continuity through change.


  • 使适于支持当今市场许多不同普及设备

    This makes it well-suited to support the many different pervasive devices in the market today.


  • developerWorks你们都知道当今业务处理方式逐渐增长合作元素有时奇怪,有时我在如果没有我们怎样处理的呢?

    DeveloperWorks: You know, this increasing collaborative element of the way business is being done nowadays it sometimes makes me wonder how did we get along without it until now?


  • 另一个例子RosettaNet帮助各个行业公司应对当今全球供应链需求挑战

    Another example is RosettaNet, which helps companies from multiple industries meet the demands and challenges of today's global supply chain.


  • 熟悉当今城市网络——伦港,我们定义为:了解我们时代

    Understand this network of cities - Nylonkong, we call it - and you understand our time.


  • 伦敦居民帕特丽夏·维认为不管等候多久肯定能为当今社会解决一些早该清除问题吧。

    However long it takes, Patricia Wager of London said it would clear up something that should not be an issue in the modern world.


  • 很显然当今软件系统交付世界不再1981年代状况,正以惊人速度不断变化着。

    Obviously, the world of software and systems delivery isn't what it was in 1981, and it continues to change at an astonishing pace.


  • 贸易顺差无情地攀升,储藏外汇仓库也膨胀——这是当今世界影响力实质

    Its trade surplus mounts inexorably, as does its stash of foreign exchange -the essence of influence in today's world.


  • 于是他们需要一个集成化IT基础,适应当今商业需求——更能适应未来的商业需求。

    Somehow, they need to move to a more integrated IT infrastructure that is better suited to today's business needs -- and tomorrow's as well.


  • 前所说当今时代标志就是速食文化速食文化优点正在于的被抛弃

    The present is, as noted, characterized by lots of throwaway cultural artifacts, but the nice thing about throwaway material is that it gets thrown away.


  • 其他新兴大国当今全球市场决策的“卓越俱乐部”——20集团内发挥他们的存在

    It and other emerging giants will also make their presence felt in the G20, now the pre-eminent club for global decision-making.


  • 仅仅能够处理比特(八位二进制数)组的信息相形之下当今计算机处理器处理64比特或者128比特一组的数据。

    It can process information only in eight-bit chunks, compared with the 64 - or 128-bit chunks handled by a modern computer processor.


  • 然而当今年初新的口蹄疫病毒株突现再度经历了考验

    But it was put to the test earlier this year when the new FMD strain cropped up.


  • 然而当今年初新的口蹄疫病毒株突现再度经历了考验

    But it was put to the test earlier this year when the new FMD strain cropped up.


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