• 夏天结束时,开始条腿跛行并且游泳了全家人担心,不知道飞行时能否跟上。

    Over the summer, the creature begins to hobble on one leg and eventually swim, but the family still wonders how it will get up enough speed to fly. Then one day, all the geese are gone.


  • 开始用最硬的东西击打——我找到了一个垃圾桶。

    I started hitting it with the hardest thing—I could find a waste bin.


  • 很多食物的时候,你开始担心怎么额外的未开采的资源一点点处理掉

    It’s only when you have plentiful food that you can start worrying about drizzling it with extra virgin.


  • 如果外面i开始迭代,或从里面开始迭代,我开始改变,我可能引起一个无限循环但是j可以的。

    If I'm iterating from I on the outside, I on the inside, I'm going to start changing the value and I might very well induce an infinite loop but J is okay.


  • 窗户就是墙上进来的空洞,直到开始一块块玻璃堵上。

    So a window is the space in the wall where the wind looks in; or at least did until people started sticking sheets of glass in the way.


  • 但是当时并没有能成功这个软件有效输出工作脚本随后开始意识到这个软件来处理图片输出脚本来更为容易。

    But I was not successful in getting it to output a working script that was efficient, and started to realize it would be easier to make this program do image processing than to output a script.


  • 这次相同示例开始但是闭包对进行了极大增强

    I'll start with the same example this time, but enhance it considerably with closures.


  • 开始,会感觉有点奇怪,明白他们后,我喜欢之后口腔的感觉。

    At first it was weird, but after I realized what it was for, I really like how my mouth felt after using it.


  • 尝试过重写作,左手打字,去开始本他已经酝酿了很久的小说很快丢在了一边

    He tried to return to work on a long-gestating novel, typing with his left hand, but soon set it aside.


  • 愤怒无奈中,坐在旁边男士拿出自己的牛顿”,地上开始气愤地脚跺上去;

    In fury and desperation, the man next to me pulled out his own Newton, threw it to the floor, and began furiously stomping on it.


  • 然而,打起过了130多年直到1685年,偏心意思形容的个性,而且开始,人们亲切的口吻这个词来形容古怪的老头

    It wasn't until 130 years later in 1685 that it's “off centremeaning was applied to a personality and the first application held a kindly tone of an old codger.


  • 自从2004年开始石墨烯触已经广泛使了,第一研究人员连续卷轴式成功大批生产

    Graphene screens have been around since 2004, but this is the first time that researchers were able to successfully produce them in larger quantities in a roll-to-roll production.


  • 1932年开始就是奥运会计时商的欧米茄,为电子计时系统四个数码相机进行备份,赛后这些图片一般都会欧米茄公布出来。

    Omega, which has timed Olympic events since 1932, USES four digital cameras as a backup to its electronic timing system. Images from track events have routinely been released by Omega.


  • 虽然很多人认为XML作为一种技术地位已经开始动摇相反变得更善于处理之前提到例。

    While many feel that XML is on its way out as a technology, instead it is becoming better able to handle the niche use-cases outlined previously.


  • 现在拇指吊着情况下,或者说,指甲轻轻的碰一下口气-开始下滑

    Now, at that situation that it's just hanging by its thumbs, so to speak, by its fingernails, - we touch it very lightly, we blow on it — — and it starts to slide.


  • 但是一些cube的东西,开始稍微变得有意义点了,对不

    But with something like cube, now it's starting to make a little more sense; right?


  • 个人而言开始RedHat之后分成官方版本称作Fedora社区发行版

    Personally, I started off using Red Hat, which split off into the official Red Hat version and a community edition dubbed Fedora.


  • 时期之后,就是在500以前人们开始单词bitch称呼男性不过此时意思接近于“这个东西(you olddog)”之类的说法,并不上面的那样侮辱性

    For a while there starting 500 years ago bitch was applied to men as well, although for them it seems to have been more along the lines of "you old dog" and not so insulting.


  • 名工作人员橙色旗子引导4岁成年,并开始第一次8000英里跋涉

    Two workers with orange flags led the way as the 4-year-old bear was carried on the first leg of his 8, 000-mile journey.


  • 可以DevicePortIdentifier直接Host访问,也可以通过roothub开始usbBus找到

    A Device can be accessed directly from the Host with its PortIdentifier, or can be found by traversing the USB Bus starting from the root hub.


  • 奶瓶喂奶开始照顾就像一个婴儿。

    I'll let you start it on a bottle, like a baby.


  • 我们开始骑车时候一样,我们开始总是试图运动来控制,然而不断失败尝试后最终还是学会了状态肌来掌控的平衡。

    This is in fact what happens when we start learning to ride a bicycle - we start by using phasic muscles and through trial and error the postural muscles take over and we 'find our balance'.


  • 已经引入了一个金融交易税种已经开始凸显其

    It has introduced a tax on financial transactions and that is going to help.


  • 那时开始SAG就已经谈判桌上一些手段打败姐妹集团。

    Since then, SAG has been angling to beat its sister performers' union to the negotiating table.


  • 开始学习语言时,我总是孩童般的眼光去学习

    When I start to learn languages, I often approach it through the eyes of a child.


  • 群狗找到一张狮子皮毛,于是开始狠狠地撕扯。有一只狐狸碰巧看见了,就轻蔑了。

    Some Dogs found the skin of a Lion and furiously began to tear it with their teeth. A Fox chanced to see them and laughed scornfully.


  • 群狗找到一张狮子皮毛,于是开始狠狠地撕扯。有一只狐狸碰巧看见了,就轻蔑了。

    Some Dogs found the skin of a Lion and furiously began to tear it with their teeth. A Fox chanced to see them and laughed scornfully.


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