• 约翰逊教授昨天晚上论文最后的润色电脑发生故障,我的文件清除了。能不能一天时间,重新打一遍?

    Professor Johnson, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper, a computer failure completely wiped out my files, do you think I can have another day to retype it?


  • 对于铁路操作人员,在故障发生之前预测能力具有无可估量的价值

    For a railway operator, the ability to predict a failure before it happens would be tremendously valuable.


  • 提供了统计信息表明每个命令网络进程消耗了多少网络流量执行事务花费多长时间,以及故障发生在何处

    It provides statistics indicating how much network traffic results from each command or network process, how long transactions take to execute, and where failures occur.


  • 这个日志故障恢复很有用如果数据服务器发生故障的日志就放,保证元数据安全存储磁盘上

    The journal is also useful for failure recovery: if the metadata server fails, its journal can be replayed to ensure that metadata is safely stored on disk.


  • 重要的是如果集群中的节点发生故障那么这个目录不要丢失信息所以通常会把复制到集群中的每个节点。

    It's important that this directory does not lose information if a node in the cluster fails, so it's usually replicated to each node in the cluster.


  • 由于海水淡化设备消耗大量容易发生故障,斯伯只能一天运行20分钟

    But because the machine USES a lot of electricity and is prone to failure, Spotz will run it for only 20 minutes every other day.


  • 针对可用性设计,可实现发生计划内计划外故障时,业务仍能持续

    It is designed for high availability to allow for business continuity in the event of planned and unplanned outages.


  • 如果台机器人马达停转了,或者正在实施心脏手术抑或递上一杯滚烫咖啡发生系统故障怎么办?

    What happens if a robot's motors stop working, or it suffers a system failure just as it is performing heart surgery or handing you a cup of hot coffee?


  • 发生故障或者服务器故障恢复之后处理系统资源故障转移。

    It handles the failing over of the resource groups from one system to the other as needed after a failure or after a coming back of a server from a failure.


  • 关于排文件锁定不同文件系统不同性能支持并且这些锁定在客户端发生故障无法响应时无效

    Different file systems have different capabilities with respect to support for exclusive file locks and the ability of those locks to become invalidated when a client fails or becomes unresponsive.


  • 最好个有记录基线不是在故障发生之后设法跟踪

    You'll be far better off with a documented baseline than trying to track down a failure after it has begun to happen.


  • SLA要么非常笼统,要么非常详细通常包含故障发生服务供应商客户应该采取步骤

    A SLA can be either very general or extremely detailed, and it generally includes the steps that should be taken by the service provider and the client in the event of failure.


  • 一些公司声称,已建立具有“被动安全(passively safe)”特性的核电站发生故障无须人为机械干预即能自动停止依靠物理学定律遏制失控反应

    Several claim to buildpassively safe” plants that need no human or mechanical intervention to close after a fault, but rely on the laws of physics to contain runaway reactions.


  • 如果台机器发生同样故障就把退回生产厂家。

    Send it back to the manufacturer if the machine develops the same fault.


  • 紧张飞行员毫无疑问听到配备尺寸的降落伞而感到满意因为如果100马力Rotax 912s引擎发生故障他们保证一个软着陆

    Nervous flyers will no doubt be pleased to hear that there is provision for a full vehicle parachute, so if the 100 HP Rotax 912s engine were to fail, they would be sure of a soft landing.


  • 负责监控所有数据库资源发生故障发出合适动作

    It is responsible for monitoring integral database resources and, in the event of a failure, taking the appropriate action. The main advantages of the integrated solution are.


  • 很多系统发生故障由于相对便宜部件损坏导致非计划停机发生的维修费用要这个部件本身的成本高得多。

    Many system field failures occur because relativelyinexpensive parts wear out, causing unscheduled shutdowns with costs that arefar greater than the cost of the part.


  • 我们得到广义服务时间内服务台发生故障次数分布证明服从一个修正几何分布

    We also obtain the distributions of failure number which server takes in a generalized service time, and show that it follows a modified geometric distribution.


  • 故障随机出现的,因为的出现取决于垃圾回收发生时间

    The failure appears random because it depends on when garbage collection occurs.


  • 如果陀螺仪发生故障天体导航系统就会接替继续进行工作。

    Should the gyroscopes break down, the celestial system would take over.


  • 一旦出现故障导致多种人类疾病尤其是肿瘤发生

    Its malfunction is implicated in various human diseases, especially types of cancer.


  • 机器人关节发生故障故障关节锁定一种简单可靠的容错方式已经得到越来越多的关注研究。

    Locking failure joint after the robot's joint fails, a simple and reliable way, is increasingly paid more attention to by scholars.


  • 糟糕的情况下,如果安全系统故障甚至可能导致事故发生

    In the worst case scenario, if the safety systems were to malfunction, it might even result in an accident.


  • 一些公司声称,已建立具有“被动安全(passively safe)”特性的核电站发生故障无须人为机械干预即能自动停止依靠物理学定律遏制失控反应

    Several claim to build "passively safe" plants that need no human or mechanical intervention to close after a fault, but rely on the laws of physics to contain runaway reactions.


  • 弹性网络网络故障发生表现出显著网络弹性网络本身来说,不能提供绝对的网络冗余

    Resilient ring networks can contribute significantly to network resilience in the event of failure but they do not in themselves provide absolute network redundancy.


  • 总是等到高峰期开到闹市区十字路口时或者当车子满载大家子他们的行李俄亥俄州收费公路上行驶时才发生故障

    It waits until it reaches a downtown intersection in the middle of the rush hour, or until it is fully loaded with family and luggage on the 4 Ohio 5 Turnpike.


  • 总是等到高峰期开到闹市区十字路口时或者当车子满载大家子他们的行李俄亥俄州收费公路上行驶时才发生故障

    It waits until it reaches a downtown intersection in the middle of the rush hour, or until it is fully loaded with family and luggage on the 4 Ohio 5 Turnpike.


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