• 如果其他人一起这件事,总是更有激励作用。”

    "It's always more of an incentive if you're doing it with other people," she says.


  • 这么同时,对行为道德操守嗤之以鼻,他的行为包括接受试图打通政府部门关系的一家公司赠送的劳力士手表法拉利跑车礼物

    It did so while holding its nose at the ethics of his conduct, which included accepting gifts such as a Rolex watch and a Ferrari automobile from a company seeking access to government.


  • 起来露出一个形状优美小宝箱,宝箱的底部侧面都是松木瓦的。

    He took it up and disclosed a shapely little treasure-house whose bottom and sides were of shingles.


  • 层叠叠的布料被反复敲打,直到足够紧致,可以鞋底鞋帮。

    The layered cloth is beaten again and again until it is tight enough to make soles and upper parts.


  • 主要论点我们对“免费概念重新思考,特别是免费信息相关时,这么可以我们大家都好处

    The main point is that we need to rethink our notions offree, ” especially as it relates to free information, and doing so could benefit us all.


  • 主要论点我们对“免费概念重新思考,特别是免费信息相关时,这么可以我们大家都好处

    The main point is that we need to rethink our notions offree,” especially as it relates to free information, and doing so could benefit us all.


  • 杂音就是那些我们需要拥有权力控制力的想法,因为这么的话我们将臣服

    The noise is something we all need to have power and control over because without doing so makes us all slaves to its message.


  • 剥离一次的洋葱皮,这里向我们揭示了学习者的学习水平(知识技能态度),告诉我们如何老师决定需要什么应当如何

    Peeling off yet one more skin, we reveal the intellectual level (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) which tells us how the teacher decides what needs to be done and how it should be done.


  • 这次危机不仅我们自由想象其他模型另一个未来世界,而是迫使我们这样

    The crisis doesn't only make us free to imagine other models, another future, another world. It obliges us to do so.


  • 知道苹果喜欢掌控所在的环境——个人电脑其他产品方面,他们都是这么的……因为他们认为他们可以的更好,”说道

    "Apple, as you know, likes to control their environmentthey do it with their PCs and other products... because they think they can do it better," he said.


  • 解释可以这样是因为一个数字对于而言,颜色结构,他并不是直接的计算而是感觉

    He explains that he can do this because each number, to him, has a color and texture, he doesn't just do the straight calculation, he feels it.


  • 志愿者是因为……经常一个社区变得,那里人群地区。我能简单旅行发现更多

    I volunteer because... it often lets me get closer to a community, the people and the region - I discover so much more than simply having travelled through.


  • 需要才能真正感觉到它做的怎么样。

    I need to touch and smell and feel what's going on.


  • 这样很重要的,因为影响生成编录文件方式用于组件的默认目录

    Doing so is important, because it affects the way the catalog file is generated and the default directories used for the components.


  • 事实上感谢那个旋转发明可以检测每天我们的使用量,使我们每天变得很轻松。减少能源浪费一点果汁数字生活风采。

    In fact, it's getting easier every day, thanks to a slew of gadgets that can monitor how much electricity you use, reduce energy waste and even generate a little juice to power your digital lifestyle.


  • 随笔能够最好并且最简便的方式,需要最少时间准备,即使是那些写作障碍的人也是可以应用的。

    Freewriting is one of the best and easiest exercises you can do. It requires a minimum of time and prep, and is perfect for those suffering from writer's block.


  • 真正问题在于引诱我们饼干,糕点糖果甜甜圈,而这些食品通常都是酥油黄油

    The real problem with sugar is that it lures us in to cookies, cakes, candy bars and doughnuts, which are usually prepared with lots of shortening or butter.


  • 其中有一些海獭不能野外水族馆中着,让们在水快速游泳游戏来娱乐游客

    The ones that cannot be released are kept in the aquarium and entertain visitors by swimming quickly and playing tricks in the water.


  • 不管怎么调白平衡、闪光模式快门定时器每次拍摄其他设置下次开机拍摄的时候总会回到标准设置。

    No matter how much I jack around WB, flash modes, self timers, and everything for each shot, the next time I turn it on for the next shot, it's right back at my standard settings.


  • 台新机器需要软件包括一个编译器汇编器否则什么也不了

    The novel machine needed feeding with software, including a compiler and assembler, if it was to do anything useful.


  • 软木竹子飞行玩具身体用纸的,动力一个橡皮筋提供

    It was a flying toy made of cork and bamboo. The body was made of paper and the power was supplied by a rubber band.


  • 大多数时候,大西洋太平洋印度洋一点——既不是一味,也没有倾斜棕榈树珊瑚礁成片的流苏

    The Atlantic is in most places not at all like the Pacific or the Indian oceans - it is not dominated by the color blue, nor is it overwhelmingly fringed with leaning palm trees and coral reefs.


  • 麦基博士提醒说,实验一个十分受控实验环境下的,不能分辨出慢性疼痛急性疼痛。

    Mackey cautioned that the study was done in a very controlled lab environment, and it did not look at the differences between chronic and acute pain.


  • 便当定期亲手的,所以,你可以保证新鲜含添加剂化学成分

    As you prepare them regularly, you can be sure you are eating the freshest meals, without additives or chemicals.


  • 好的敏捷开发者常常一些事情掌握知识技术不仅仅通过阅读了解

    Good agile developers usually are driven to do something to gain understanding or skill rather than to merely know about it by reading.


  • 沿绿露天墙体攀爬更能体现活力,枝条长长香气馥馥花枝切花更是妙不可言

    This vigorous rambling rose is perfect for training over a pergola or along an open wall, and the highly fragrant blooms make wonderful cut flowers.


  • 可以更多修改进一步调整

    You can make more changes to this, to tweak things even further.


  • 喂养训练泰山”,通过口哨姿势指导不同动作

    He will train "Taishan" when feeding, guiding him to make different positions in whistles as well as by gestures.


  • 问题出在那家最初负责员工招聘机构身上,应该首先个性匹配沏上一杯好相关人等谈谈。

    The problem here lies with the agency in charge of supplying the staff in the first place - personality fit and a nice cup of tea should be top of the list.


  • 问题出在那家最初负责员工招聘机构身上,应该首先个性匹配沏上一杯好相关人等谈谈。

    The problem here lies with the agency in charge of supplying the staff in the first place - personality fit and a nice cup of tea should be top of the list.


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