• 何瑞克捕鱼维生父亲,抱着满满一笼子贝壳回来,那种贝壳艳丽的鲜红色,也就是深红色。

    One day Arachne's father, who was a fisherman , came home with his baskets full of little shellfish, which were of a bright crimson or purple colour.


  • 在,华为、回力和李等中国品牌高质量而闻名。

    Now Chinese brands such as Huawei, HuiLi and LiNing are famous for their high quality.


  • 届时拉特(面对机器人称霸的局面,这两位某位博主称为人类最后希望”)将会带上这个ibm创始人ThomasJ .Watson命名超级计算机上场

    Jennings and Rutter (described by one blogger as mankind's "last, best hope" against our robot overlords) will take on the supercomputer named after IBM founder Thomas J. Watson.


  • 位于帕斯北部大约750英里珊瑚礁生活于其中的世界最大——鲸鲨闻名

    Ningaloo reef, about 750 miles north of Perth, is best known for its whale sharks, the world's largest fish.


  • 欧德表示英特尔公司正在努力开发耗电量更低的处理器促使这种个人电脑早日诞生。

    According to Otellini, Intel is hard at work at developing the lower-wattage processors that will enable this new breed of PCs.


  • 布朗肋骨配可可粉越莓果实,生姜柳橙,口味浑然天成。

    Browning the ribs and adding cocoa powder, cranberries, ginger, and orange zest make the stew sing in the same key.


  • 美国观察员进驻监察核设施的去功能化最终拆除

    Since then American inspectors have moved into Yongbyon to see that it is disabled and eventually dismantled.


  • 李玉需要成绩等待两个星期,她还曾过到外国读书逃避高考

    Li, who will have to wait for two more weeks before she finds out her test results, said she had considered studying college overseas to escape Gaokao.


  • 欧德回答说:“我们正在每年的10亿美元戴尔满足公司需求[原文如此]。

    Otellini replied: "We are transferring over $1bn a year to Dell for meet comp efforts [sic].


  • 地处英国西约克郡斯坦雷(Stanningley)地区LBBC技术工程公司制造这种新型设备的公司,该设备自然化学分解原理为基础。

    Engineering firm LBBC Technologies of Stanningley, West Yorkshire, who make the Resomator, based the technology on the chemistry of natural decomposition.


  • 其中苏董事长近东财富304亿第3荣登首富宝座。

    Suning Board Chairman Zhang Jindong topped the list for the 3rd time, with personal wealth of RMB30.4b, and 4 other top executives also made the list.


  • 团队得到中国一家大型生物技术公司支持,他们力争在年内这种牛奶一种居民消费得形式推上市面

    Li's team, which is supported by a major Chinese biotechnology company, aims to have an affordable form of the milk on the market within three years.


  • 精品商务酒店设计多种房型满足不同类型客户诉求客房设计简约大气为主,搭配抹亮色点睛之笔。

    The hotel has a variety of chamber design to satisfy different customer demands, design of the guest room with simple atmosphere, a bright color collocation do punchline.


  • 因此权威凌驾于的子民之上统治他们

    Thus Nimrod ascribed to himself power and authority over his fellow man and ruled them.


  • 凭借坚韧反击贝贝11:9第三局中击败张怡最后的一局迅速11:4输掉。

    Fighting back with tenacity, Sun slammed Zhang 11-9 in the third set but succumbed quickly in the final set 11-4.


  • 因为经过审理判决的,他们再也不怕有人看见了,依旧雕刻玉石为生

    Since Cui Ning was judged by a trial, they were not afraid to be seen any longer. They still depended on carving jade.


  • BASIC语言编制程序选择最佳测定波长消除组分相互干扰提取分离同时测定脑片中二组分的含量

    To eliminate interference of ingredients , the program was edited by BASIC for the best wavelength pair , pyramidon and caffeine in naoning tablet were determined without any preliminary separation.


  • 课题安徽省高速公路高边坡路堑爆破开挖研究对象,重点分析影响爆破效果参数及其合理施工顺序

    We research the digging of blasting in the Chu-Ning expressway high slope cutting of Anhui Province, factors of influence the parameter of blasting result and choose rational working procedure.


  • 机敏训练有素,态度温和行动谨慎炉火纯青的技巧往来于华盛顿上层社会。

    Subtle and disciplIned, warm In his demeanor while wary In his conduct, DobrynIn moved through the upper echelons of WashIngton with consummate skill.


  • 南中地区,州之设为标志,前期基本沿袭蜀汉南抚夷越政策后期强化对南中的直接统治

    On Nanzhong, marking with the institutions, the former they continued the policy of Shuhan, the later they strengthened the control on Nanzhong.


  • 传统中医药理论为指导运用现代科学技术,复方胃炎颗粒制备工艺进行了研究。

    Guided by the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the preparative procedure of Compound Weiyanning Granules was conducted by means of modern technologies.


  • 浸渍效果软化葡萄酒(酸度)更加果味(有时引述例如肉桂)性格

    The effect of carbonic maceration is to give a softer wine (less acidity and tannin), with a more fruity (and sometimes quoted spicy, e. G. Cinnamon) character.


  • 其中代森锰锌防效最好粉锈次之。

    The effects of mancozeb were best and triadimefon inferior.


  • 2号材料采用田间小区试验方法研究了单季粳稻施用镁肥后吸收分配影响

    A plot experiment was conducted to study the effects of Mg fertilization on Mg uptake and partition in single-cropping japonica rice with 'Ningjing 2' as the material.


  • 城里头号杂货店,是个名叫开的,他是白兰德忠实信徒,且得跟参议员结识光荣的。

    The chief grocery of the city was conducted by one Manning , a stanch adherent of Brander, and one who felt honoured by the Senator's acquaintance.


  • 结果血消痔均有效果剂量存在显著差异

    Results: Ningxue Decrease Piles Suppository showed very good effect. The effect at low dose is marked different.


  • 本文爱黎-海斯·均衡补偿假设模式为基础,利用模板编制了滇西北均衡重力异常图。

    In this paper, the map of isostatic gravity anomaly in the northwest of Yunnan province and its adjacent region are compiled by mechanism assumed Ainy-Heiskanen, using the circular model.


  • 本文爱黎-海斯·均衡补偿假设模式为基础,利用模板编制了滇西北均衡重力异常图。

    In this paper, the map of isostatic gravity anomaly in the northwest of Yunnan province and its adjacent region are compiled by mechanism assumed Ainy-Heiskanen, using the circular model.


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