• 孩子日后一定有出息。

    The child must be somebody in the future.


  • 孩子日后一定有出息。

    This child must be very promising in the future.


  • 孩子日后一定出息

    The child has good prospects.


  • 孩子日后水上运动生涯提供更强的防紫外光保护

    To prepare for a career on water your kids will need extra protection with the Raptor range.


  • 单侧失聪孩子日后自理能力发育过程什么样影响

    What is the effect of single sided hearing loss on my child's function and development?


  • 如果母亲在宝宝出生没多久就开始全职工作,对孩子日后影响尤为消极。

    A child's success was particularly affected if the mother's work was full-time, a 5-decade-long study concluded.


  • 今天公布一项研究显示,母亲在怀孕期间吸烟显著增加孩子日后出现行为问题风险

    Smoking during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of having a child with behavioural problems, according to research published today.


  • 研究显示家庭合影眉头紧锁孩子相比笑容灿烂的孩子日后婚姻成功的机率大三

    Children with the brightest smiles in family photographs are more than three times likely to have a successful marriage than those who frown, according to research.


  • 目前还不清楚父亲年龄有关微妙神经认知特征孩子日后教育心理健康会造成怎样的影响。

    How the subtle neurocognitive features associated with (older fathers) translate into later educational and mental health outcomes across the lifespan remains to be determined.


  • 最新研究显示,家庭拍照眉头紧锁的孩子相比笑容灿烂的孩子日后婚姻成功的机率大三

    Children with the brightest smiles in family photographs are more than three times likely to have a successful marriage than those who frown, according to research.


  • 此前的研究表明,接受母乳喂养孩子日后肥胖可能性较小而且患哮喘湿疹肺炎的几率也较小。

    Studies have shown that babies who are breast fed are less likely to be obese in later life and gain protection against conditions like asthma, eczema and chest infections.


  • 利尔称,孕期过多会增加生出超重婴儿风险。此外,研究表明这些孩子日后体重超标肥胖的可能性也较大。

    Hillier said gaining extra weight during pregnancy increases the risk for having heavy babies, and studies suggest these babies are programed to become overweight or obese later in life.


  • 报告引用了世界各国研究,研究表明亲子关系会对孩子日后生活产生影响,同龄人相比,那些缺乏安全感孩子可能辍学逃避就业

    And it cites international studies which suggest this continues late into life, with insecure children more likely to leave school early or duck out of employment or training.


  • 现在有些父母选择保存脐带血冷冻起来某个地方,以防日后孩子有用

    Some parents now are choosing to save the cord blood, have it frozen, locked away somewhere just in case it is useful to their child later in life.


  • 妇女生育孩子越多,哺乳时间越长日后乳腺癌的发生风险越小

    The more children a woman had and the longer she breastfed, the lower her risk was of later contracting breast cancer.


  • 这个实验指出46时候,孩子开始具备一系列重要的社会技能他们日后能否社会中应对自如至关重要。

    This experiment suggested that at about 4 to 6-years old a range of remarkable skills start to emerge in young children that are vital for their successful functioning in society.


  • 斯尼德哈佛大学医学院同事们婴儿期跟踪至大学时代,发现那些十分消极应对新人和物的婴儿日后成为害羞孩子

    Snidman and colleagues at Harvard Medical School have tracked infants to their college years, and know that babies who react very negatively to new people and objects tend to grow into shy children.


  • 越来越分析发现体重大的母亲增加孩子出生重量日后肥胖风险之间存在着令人信服的联系

    A growing number of analyses have found a convincing link among a heavier mother-to-be, increases in her baby's birth weight, and the child's later risk of obesity.


  • 错误原因:比方说,家里的孩子可以让菲非犬跳到床上去另一个孩子为此惩罚,那么,狗狗肯定会大感困惑日后难免会养成习惯

    Why this is a mistake: If one child lets Fifi on the bed and another punishes her for it, the animal will be confused. Bad behavior is inevitable.


  • 他们依靠理论就是如果想孩子日后生活中不易受到诸如骨质疏松症等疾病的影响,从小就要拥有强壮骨骼

    The theory is that if children build strong bones it will protect them better against problems such as osteoporosis in later life.


  • 孩子们的家长获悉可以免费就读高中消息后很欣喜,不过他们仍旧还是要存下他们不多收入相当大的一部分应付日后孩子就读大学或者购置房屋的费用。

    The parents I met were thrilled that high school was free but were still saving an enormous portion of their modest incomes to pay for college or a new home.


  • 如果孩子生活一个充满愚昧野蛮堕落自私自利家庭日后可能成为一个粗鲁毫无教养的甚至危害社会的人。

    If a child lives in a world of ignorance, barbarism, depravity and selfishness of the family, in the future he may be a danger to society even rude no upbringing.


  • [font=Verdana][/align][align=left][font=宋体]森德勒太太坚持孩子的个人信息记录在案日后帮助他们寻亲之用,这么,风险系数只会更高。

    [font=Verdana][/align][align=left][font=Verdana]To make matters even riskier, Mrs Sendler insisted on recording the children's details to help them trace their families later.


  • 有些家庭孩子压岁钱存着留待日后使用或者帮助孩子养成存钱习惯

    Some families also save the money for future use or use it to help cultivate in their children the habit of saving.


  • 这样石头留下来了孩子出生了,长大了,分开了。我的公公过世了,若干日后,我老公也了。

    So it stayed. My children were born, grew up and went away. My father-in-law died. Some time later, my husband died.


  • 为了孩子的未来一个机会日后享受伴侣退休生活。

    For a chance to give their kids opportunities that they would never know, and enjoy retirement with their spouses.


  • 事实上如果孩子生活一个充满仁慈、爱心责任感家庭日后成为健康正直乐观向上有所作为的

    In fact, if a child lives in a world of kindness, love and responsibility of the family, he would become a healthy, honest, optimistic, people who make a difference.


  • 梅洛普独自伦敦,肚子里怀着那个日后成为伏地魔的孩子

    Merope was left alone in London, expecting the baby who would one day become Lord Voldemort.


  • 梅洛普独自伦敦,肚子里怀着那个日后成为伏地魔的孩子

    Merope was left alone in London, expecting the baby who would one day become Lord Voldemort.


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