• 但是他们就是无法适应学院生活

    But they are just failing to adapt.


  • 然而发现学院生活的早先学校环境不同

    However, you will find college life is different from your previous school environment.


  • 筹集资金用于改善欧洲工商管理学院生活三个方面

    The funds raised will be used to improve three areas of Insead life.


  • 为了本科生带到学院生活中心科尔发起了一个将整个边高地改造成纽约城名副其实师生居住区计划

    In order to bring undergraduate life to the center of the University, Cole spearheaded a project to make Morningside Heights a "truly residential neighborhood in New York City."


  • 你的工作场所来个春季大改造吧!《生活》杂志为你提供了3个奖项,奖金从1万英镑到5万英镑不等,用于改善你每天花费大量时间学习或工作的学校、学院或办公室的环境。如果你中奖了,这些钱将由你随意使用,让生活更愉快。

    Give your workplace a spring facelift! Living magazine is offering three prizes of between £10, 000 and £50, 000 to be spent on improving the school, college or office where you spend so many hours each day! If you win, the money will be yours to spend as you wish to make life more pleasant.


  • 作为住宿学院成员学生体验小型学院生活状态的同时,可享用大型综合性大学广博文化资源

    As members of a residential college, students experience the living situation of a small school while still enjoying the cultural and scholarly resources of a large university.


  • 相信朋友们首先是哈利法克斯得出这样结论:必须三一学院沿循的生活拔出脚来,否则必定很快会导致精神健康衰落

    I believe that his friends, above all Halifax, came to the conclusion that he must be rooted out of the life he was leading at Trinity which must soon lead to decay of mind and health.


  • 学校高高的砖墙将之与苏丹日常生活几乎隔绝,有专车接送出入隐蔽牛津剑桥学院或者英文私立学校

    Its high brick walls shut out the dust of everyday Sudanese life, transporting the visitor into the shady courtyard of an Oxbridge college or English private school.


  • 大学功能在于引导学生创造多彩眩目的生活这个角度来看,科罗拉多学院这个时期并不比哥伦比亚大学康奈尔大学或其他长春藤联盟大学逊色。

    In terms of students who went on to interesting or prominent lives, Colorado College may have done just as well in this period as Columbia or Cornell or any other Gotta-Get-In destination.


  • 寄宿学校生活一个聪明女孩一直都梦想去马萨诸塞州史密斯学院

    Jane Addams at Boarding School: Jane was a smart young girl who dreamed of attending Smith College in Massachusetts.


  • 参与排名几个方面影响了生活学院生活

    Not cooperating with the rankings affects my life and the life of the college in several ways.


  • 热爱教书,喜欢观看野猪队的比赛或是开车转转;生活一个学院社区当中,我周围志趣相投,也让我感到惬意。

    I loved teaching, going to Razorbacks football games, driving around in the mountains, and living in a university community of people who cared about the things I did.


  • 这个马萨诸塞理工学院博士后学生想让这种线上生活真实的生活相连接,无论聚会时的交谈中,或是际间的转换中,都能直接运用的

    The postdoctoral student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wants online life to converge with real life, be it during a conversation at a party or a commute on the interstate.


  • 或可译为:生活中的福斯特毕业剑桥大学国王学院一直笔耕不辍,发表散文批评直至1970年过世。

    Forster would live on until 1970, a fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, publishing essays and criticism.


  • 律师自己的职业组织——美国律师业联盟已经大学生提出警告学院无法保证富裕生活

    The lawyers’ own professional organization, the American Bar Association, has warned college students considering law school that it’s no sure path to riches.


  • 律师自己的职业组织——美国律师业联盟已经大学生提出警告学院无法保证富裕生活

    The lawyers' own professional organization, the American Bar Association, has warned college students considering law school that it's no sure path to riches.


  • 早期生活,在三一学院牛顿就抛弃了正统的信仰

    Very early in life Newton abandoned orthodox belief in the Trinity.


  • 伦敦大学学院认知神经研究所尼尔利 拉唯教授这项研究带头人他说:“‘无意失聪’这种现象在日常生活中很常见。

    Study leader Professor Nilli Lavie, from the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London, said: " 'Inattentional deafness' is a common everyday experience.


  • 安东尼·t·珂容曼(Anthony t . Kronman),一位耶鲁大学法学教授,《教育终结为什么我们学院大学已然放弃生活意义》一书的作者,作了进一步的阐述。

    Anthony T. Kronman, a professor of law at Yale and the author of "Education's End: Why Our Colleges and Universities Have Given Up on the Meaning of Life," goes further.


  • 他州布里青年大学家庭生活学院研究一部分超过2000名已婚夫妇接受了问卷调查。

    More than 2, 000 married couples were questioned as part of a study by the Brigham Young University's School of Family Life in Utah.


  • 他州布里青年大学家庭生活学院研究一部分超过2000名已婚夫妇接受了问卷调查。

    More than 2,000 married couples were questioned as part of a study by the Brigham Young University's School of Family Life in Utah.


  • 正是三一学院这儿你们阐述如何在你们中间生活,如何在这些年中取得最伟大成就

    Here in Trinity it is right that I should give you an account of how he lived amongst you during these years of his greatest achievement.


  • 1978年,意识到她应该生活得到更多68那年,她在最近社区学院参加一个网球

    In 1978, she realises she wants more from life. Age 68, she signs up for a tennis class at the nearest community college.


  • 这个选区中,最大城市黑文——后来就是纽黑文的学院读书的。米尔福德在这个选区,那是我后来生活的地方。

    The biggest city in the district was New Haven, where I'd be going to law school, and the district included Milford, where I would be living.


  • 一位学院教授最近承认,“知道如果改变心理模式我的情感生活重新设立方向,我的心脏病将会有所改善。”

    A university professor admitted to me recently, "I know that if I change my mental pattern and redirect my emotional life, my heart condition will improve."


  • 他们这间位于洛杉矶小屋里面已经人是在加州艺术学院认识的,那时起,艺术设计就是他们生活中占据非常重要地位

    They've lived in this Los Angeles bungalow for five years, and since meeting in grad school at Cal Arts, the two have made art and design an important part of their relationship.


  • 哈佛公共健康学院沃尔特·威利特博士本质上说,久坐不动生活方式丰富食品,已经变成相当于圈里喂玉米的

    In essence, says Dr. Walter Willett ofthe Harvard School of Public Health, sedentary lifestyles and acornucopia of food have transformed people into the equivalent ofcorn-fed cattle confined in pens.


  • 哈佛公共健康学院沃尔特·威利特博士本质上说,久坐不动生活方式丰富食品,已经变成相当于圈里喂玉米的

    In essence, says Dr. Walter Willett ofthe Harvard School of Public Health, sedentary lifestyles and acornucopia of food have transformed people into the equivalent ofcorn-fed cattle confined in pens.


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