• 学生跆拳表演赛打斗

    Students fight in a Taekwondo exhibition match.


  • 然后一个男孩:“年级的,年级最差学生。”

    Then a boy shouted, "She is from Grade Four, the worst student in her grade."


  • 2002年,《世界新闻报》窃听了失踪学生米莉·语音信箱,之后发现已被杀害

    In 2002, News of the World had apparently hacked into the voice-mail of a missing schoolgirl, Milly Dowler, who was later found murdered.


  • 谁把这个箱子放在路中间的?”这个学生自言自语,但他并没有尝试把箱子移开。

    "Who put this box in the middle of the road?" the student said to himself, but he did not try to move the box away.


  • 在,安装了智能人行横后,学生们比以前感到更安全了。

    Now the students feel safer than before after the installation of the smart crosswalk.


  • 了证明他们是对的,他们给两组学生出了一题,让他们去解决。

    To show that they were right, they gave two groups of students a problem to work out.


  • 学生走到门口时,老师喊:“等一下,孩子,你叫什么名字?”

    When the student reached the door, the teacher called out, "One moment, boy, what's your name?"


  • 有些家长为孩子包办一切,”这所小学的一名官员闫梅说,她还补充,许多学生缺乏日常生活所需的基本技能。

    "Some parents do everything for their children," says Yan Mei, an official with the primary school, adding that many students are short of the basic skills needed in their daily lives.


  • 开始,学生们都挥舞着手臂自言自语:“这是多么容易和有趣啊!”

    At first, the students all swung their arms and said to themselves, "How easy and funny it is!"


  • 璧山中学门口一条繁忙的马路上,为了保证学生放学后过马路时的安全,设置了人行横

    At a busy road in front of a gate of Bishan Middle School, the crosswalk is installed to keep the students safe when they cross the road after school.


  • 为丹佛尔小学的一名新教师,凯尔·施瓦兹想到了一个简单的方法来了解她的三年级学生,他们大多来自贫困家庭。

    As a new teacher at Doull Primary School in Denver, Kyle Schwartz thought of a simple way to get to know her third graders, most of whom came from poor families.


  • 别看工作时间英国导师们坚持世上既有脑子灵快的,也有慢勤奋的,关键学生到了什么

    Forget hours of work, English dons insist: the world holds both quick learners and plodders. What matters is what a student has learned.


  • 那次演说之后布莱·考顿小学校长戴夫·斯特拉德威克决定设法学生一个有独创性研究项目孩子们可以完全控制项目。

    After the talk, Lotto and Dave Strudwick, Blackawton Primary School's head teacher, decided to try to do an original research project with the students where the kids would have full control.


  • 作为教学团队成员我们重要的职责就是教授所有哈佛的学生你们努力

    There is no more important responsibility for any of us as members of the faculty than teaching and working with you, the students of Harvard College... I.


  • 但是相信这个缺点学生获得经验相比就微不足了,并且一点被我收到的反馈实际取得的效果证实

    But I believe that this disadvantage is far outweighed by the experience gained by the students, and this is borne out by the feedback I receive and the results.


  • 学生地方学校任教录制课堂教学,然后录像带带回来其他学生评估

    Students teach lessons at local schools, videotape the classes and then bring the tapes back for evaluation with other students.


  • 很出色学生回答:‘没错但是得一定不如亲身经历事的那个讲得那么说服力感染力,’”舒克教授继续,“这一条我必须承认。

    One of my best students responded, ‘Yes, but you wouldn’t say it with the same conviction or affect as one who had experienced it personally, ’ ” Professor Schuck continued, still reading.


  • 弗格森实验学生中看到了行为改变,但现实世界中彼此刀枪相见的这些短暂微不足的。

    Compared to people in the real world who shoot and stab one another, Ferguson said the changes in behavior he's seen among students are transient and trivial.


  • 想像每天同样三个出去玩,”珀拉德补充,他是洛杉矶加州态学进化生物学学院名研究人员

    "Imagine if you hung out with the same three people every day," added Pollard, a researcher in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Los Angeles.


  • 著名高等学府的课堂上,教授学生提出一挑战性问题:“世上的万事万物都由上帝创造的吗?”

    A University professor at a well known institution of higher learning challenged his students with this question: "Did God create everything that exists?"


  • 突然全班学生一起喊:“九十八,九十九,一百。”

    Suddenly the whole class shouted: "Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, a hundred."


  • 冬夜里,冻得瑟瑟发抖学生正在操场上练习跆拳

    One cold winter night, a group of shivering college students practiced tae kwon do in the university playground.


  • 第二,对孩子的期望很重要通过延迟择优高分国家所有学生传递他们能够达到高标准

    Second, expectations matter: in delaying selection, top-performing countries suggest to all pupils that they can achieve high standards.


  • 新的证据显示被谋杀学生·勒(MillieDowler) 2002年失踪期间手机曾被侵入

    But new evidence may show that the phone of a murdered schoolgirl, Millie Dowler, was hacked while she was declared missing in two thousand two.


  • 空手积极欢迎来自所有性别取向年龄经济状况背景学生体育健身水平

    Empty Cup Karate actively welcomes students from all genders, orientations, ages, financial statuses, backgrounds, and physical physical fitness levels.


  • 因为在1959年,一个学生,这笔钱对于分钟工作来说不是完全微不足的。

    Because it's 1959 and you're a student this is not completely insignificant for only a few minutes work.


  • 请专家列出题目进行审核然后这些混合,随机排列构成具有43题目的学生自我完美主义问卷

    Specialists were invited to verify the listed questions, and then the items were mixed and arranged randomly to form the 43-item self-perfection questionnaire for undergraduates.


  • 父母大学使用标准考试分数衡量学生大学理事会建议在家上学学生保留详细记录文件

    Parents choose to use standardized test scores to aid colleges in evaluating students. The college Board suggests that homeschooled students keep detailed records and portfolios.


  • 父母大学使用标准考试分数衡量学生大学理事会建议在家上学学生保留详细记录文件

    Parents choose to use standardized test scores to aid colleges in evaluating students. The college Board suggests that homeschooled students keep detailed records and portfolios.


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