• 学生时期为了安全着想学校极少安排课外活动

    Primary period, for the sake of safety, the school rarely arrange extracurricular activities.


  • 弗莱明生于苏格兰西南部艾尔郡的洛克·菲德,学生时期移居伦敦学习医学

    Fleming was born in Lochfield, nr Darvel in Ayrshire and moved to London to study medicine.


  • 1985年李安学生时期作品获奖接下来时间研究电影剧本

    After winning awards in 1985 for his student work, Ang Lee spent the next six years working on screenplays.


  • 牛津大学学生时期根据WilliamShawcross所作的传记表明,Murdoch将列宁半身雕像放在壁炉台的最显著位置

    As a student at Oxford, a bust of Lenin took pride of place on his mantelpiece, according to a biography by William Shawcross.


  • 经济困难时期学生主要目标“经济上富裕”,并不奇怪

    Not surprising in these hard times, the student's major objective "is to be financially well off".


  • 经济困难时期学生主要目标“经济上富裕”,并不令人惊讶

    Not surprising in these hard times, the student's major objective "is to be financially well off."


  • 大学时光应该学生自主性得到重要成长以及逐渐变成熟时期

    The college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy and the development of adult identity.


  • 仅仅是小学年里有一优秀的老师,就会让学生青少年时期成为母亲可能性降低一些,而上大学28岁时更多的可能性增加一些。

    Just having a strong teacher for one elementary year left pupils a bit less likely to become mothers as teenagers, a bit more likely to go to college and earning more money at age 28.


  • 大学功能在于引导学生创造多彩眩目的生活这个角度来看,科罗拉多学院这个时期并不比哥伦比亚大学康奈尔大学或其他长春藤联盟大学逊色。

    In terms of students who went on to interesting or prominent lives, Colorado College may have done just as well in this period as Columbia or Cornell or any other Gotta-Get-In destination.


  • 春秋时期孔子告诉学生如果讨好灶神,他就会向上告你状。

    In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius once told his students that the God of Kitchen would say ill of people in the Heaven if it were not well pleased.


  • 假如发生越战时期嬉皮士学生身上的话,那么总有一天,这也绝对会见鬼地发生在的身上。

    Hey, if it can happen to a bunch of Vietnam-era hippie college students, it sure as hell could happen to you.


  • 曾经住瑞典大学城学生宿舍里,马德里一间殖民时期房子里的一张豪华沙发,以及波兰罗茨瓦夫郊外的一幢公共高层住宅。

    I stayed in student dorms in Swedish university towns and plush colonial-era houses in Madrid via communist-built tower blocks on the outskirts of Wroclaw in Poland.


  • 大约10年前我们265名学生回想一部他们孩童时期真正地被惊吓到过的电影。

    "About 10 years ago we asked 265 college students to think about a movie they saw as a child or a teen that really scared them," he said.


  • 忙碌时期求职面试毕业设计享受最后日子

    This is a very busy time, with job interviews and final projects and enjoying the last days of college.


  • 苏联时期农村地区人口密集,当时所学校容纳了200学生

    During the Soviet era rural areas were heavily populated and the school catered for 200 pupils.


  • 居住具有殖民时期风格的1992年旅馆中,在这里房间他们孤岛,室内放着凌乱衣物残羹剩余

    That left Li and Lin in the Tollgate’s newest building, a 1992 colonial, where their room has become an island of college life, littered with clothes and the remnants of old meals.


  • 居住具有殖民时期风格1992年旅馆中,在这里房间他们孤岛,室内放着凌乱衣物残羹剩余

    That left li and Lin in the Tollgate's newest building, a 1992 colonial, where their room has become an island of college life, littered with clothes and the remnants of old meals.


  • 学生不是可得这次时期意志他们自己的安置上面替代选择时间

    Students not available for this time period will set up their own placements at an alternative time.


  • illustration现在正值国家成千上万学生刚刚毕业寻找自己理想工作时期

    IllustrationThis is a time of year when thousands of students are graduating from colleges around the country and hoping to land the job of their dreams.


  • 与此同时黑人学生陷入困境,他们面对的更差公立学校种族隔离时期,在那里,他们唯一的使命就是学会如何个好仆人

    Blacks, meanwhile, were dumped into inferior public schools whose mission during apartheid was to teach them to be servants.


  • 少年时期几乎每天都在下东区度过,她认为那里自己的家园那时纽约大学哥伦比亚大学的学生nyet(不——俄语),为了追赶时尚,她离开了家园。

    Spent nearly every teen-age day on the Lower East Side, thought it would always be home, but then N.Y.U. and Columbia both said nyet, and she ended up even farther from the city than before.


  • 总计排名十位中的七个国家去年向美国派遣更多学生这正好也是经济低迷更为严重的时期

    In all, seven of the ten top countries sent more students last year, just as the economic downturn was worsening.


  • 大学阶段学生社会化关键时期

    The college period is the key process of students's socialization.


  • 一般,通过学习类课程学生能够更好地了解中世纪文艺复兴时期文化从而进行进一步研究写作学科教学

    Typically, a student USES this program to gain a better understanding of medieval and Renaissance culture to undertake further research, writing, or teaching of the subject.


  • 学生正处在品德形成重要时期,同时也是心理上充满矛盾冲突的时期,心理复杂多变

    As the article points out, it is important and changeable even complex period of Contemporary College Students to form their psychology.


  • 学生正处在品德形成重要时期,同时也是心理上充满矛盾冲突的时期,心理复杂多变

    As the article points out, it is important and changeable even complex period of Contemporary College Students to form their psychology.


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