• 第四部分以李贺李白通过形象思维激发学生想象力启发他们的思路。

    Taken Li He and Li Po as examples, Part four attempts to inspire students and fire their imagination through thinking in images.


  • 虽然用的是非常规方法其他人更多地启发学生

    Despite his unconventional methods, he has inspired students more than anyone else.


  • 认为,两者间最大差别,我们坚信课堂教学过程学生不但要向教授学习更需要互相启发分享见解,所以互动式教学是有积极意义的,也是一种美国式约定俗成

    But in the States I think students come to class to learn as much from each other as from the teacher, and so participation is viewed positively and seen as part of the unwritten contract.


  • 罗伯教授同事迈克尔•斯摩伦斯克教授说,一项针对马萨诸塞公立中学3100学生开展的睡眠研究得出结果很有启发

    A sleep study involving more than 3, 100 students at four Massachusetts public high schools produced some eye-opening results, according to Roberts' colleague, Professor Michael Smolensk.


  • 罗伯教授同事迈克尔•斯摩伦斯克教授针对马萨诸塞公立中学3100学生开展的睡眠研究得出结果很有启发

    A sleep study involving more than 3,100 students at four Massachusetts public high schools produced some eye-opening results, according to Roberts' colleague, Professor Michael Smolensk.


  • 研究听觉障碍中小学生教育心理研究有重要启发应用价值

    This study was of great value and enlightenment to the educational psychology of hearing impaired students.


  • 安全舒适支持个人沉思IT学习实验室启发学生获得新的知识

    Safe and confortable window niches support individual contemplation and the IT learning labs inspire students to acquire new knowledge.


  • 21世纪英文报》:很多学生都受启发尝试自己创业

    21st: You inspire many college students and they want to have a go at their own business.


  • 每个初一学生都要进行一次严格军训。军训,来说意义重大从中启发

    Students at each of who started a rigorous military training. Military training, for me, is of great significance, from which has also been inspired by.


  • 相信很多满腔热情学生受到讲座启发

    I am sure that numerous enthusiastic students will be enlightened by your lecture.


  • 概率统计课程教学探索兴趣启发教学,培养学生方面能力,取得了良好的效。

    We probe teaching in interest and heuristic method in probability statistics course, and culture students ability in every aspect.


  • 牛津大学针对“启发数学课程做了具体研究教学课程新加坡上海得到广泛施行,其中上海学生在课程学习中表现超群

    The research looked specifically at the Inspire Maths program, which is widely used in Singapore and through which Shanghai pupils have been shown to excel.


  • 国内外许多数学教育家数学教师都十分重视数学教学运用数学史生动事例启发和培养学生思维能力

    Mathematics educators and teachers at home and abroad attach great importance to using lifesome examples in the mathematics history to enlighten and cultivate the thinking ability of the students.


  • 还说钱宽广眼界经常其他学生很多启发灵感

    She said Tsien's broad vision has always enlightened and inspired her and other students.


  • 互动教学学生积极参与下,相互呼应、相互启发教学方法

    Mutual-motivation teaching is a kind of teaching method in which students participate in actively, teaching and studying echo, inspire mutually.


  • 尊重处理冲突方面,通常学生启发力的方法简单角色扮演练习

    Simple role-play exercises on respect and handling conflict usually prove to be most enlightening for students.


  • 医生阿尔贝托·布里在二战期间创作作品启发学生根据个性化记忆梦想进行设计

    Inspired by work that Doctor Alberto Burri created during WW2, students designed compositions based on a personal memory or dream.


  • 四是启发学生课堂进行自我反思,制定改正措施,并公之于众

    Fourthly, students should be inspired to introspect, draw up correcting measures, announce publicly in the classroom.


  • 如果用理论解读学生的“问题行为”,那么它学生“问题行为”心理转化也会具有一定的借鉴启发意义。

    This theory also helps understand the students' "problem action", and has some implications for helping the change of students 'psychology.


  • 莎士比亚在这里见到游客学生学者他们讲述奇奇怪怪故事启发想象力

    Here Shakespeare met travellers, students and scholars, and his imagination was stirred by the strange stories they told.


  • 本文正是思想启发开始学生行为进行研究的。

    This article commencing on studying the behaviors of college students is just enlightened by the thought.


  • 曾小兵则讲述自己大学时代亲身经历节约用水爱惜水资源真实故事启发青年学生养成好的节水习惯

    Zeng Xiaobing told true stories of saving water and treasuring water resources experienced during his university age, inspiring young students to develop good water-saving habits.


  • 希望学生通过一事实高等数学提高学习兴趣,有所启发

    To introduce the relationship of intersecting and permeating each other between various subjects of primary and advanced mathematics, and to arouse interest of students.


  • 老师将学单词方法总结每一项都进行了细致的讲解,并举了很多幽默生动例子启发培养学生扩散性思维

    Mr Shen categorized the methods of memorizing words into 10 items and elaborated them in every particular with vivid examples which conduced to students' divergent thinking.


  • 本文小学5~6年级语文课,采用启发教学法传统教学法教学,学生大脑工作能力进行了对比实验。

    An examination on teaching methods was made about the influence on function of the cerebrum with elicitation method and tradition method for chinese course in grade 5-6 primary school pupils.


  • 作为古代典籍《道德经》不仅包含了符合这一需求心理学思想而且其中关于人格的论述学生健康人格的培养具有一定的启发意义。

    Ancient "Tao te Ching" not only contains psychological thought that meets the requirement but also enlightens on the cultivation of healthy personality to undergraduate.


  • 散文学常师生头痛,运用多媒体进行散文教学可以创设意境再现形象启发想像归纳知识,促进学生对文章的学习理解。

    With the help of multimedia, the prose teaching can be carried out by creating artistic conception, imitating images, motivating visualization and summarizing knowledge.


  • 散文学常师生头痛,运用多媒体进行散文教学可以创设意境再现形象启发想像归纳知识,促进学生对文章的学习理解。

    With the help of multimedia, the prose teaching can be carried out by creating artistic conception, imitating images, motivating visualization and summarizing knowledge.


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