• 堪萨斯传播研究助理教授杰弗霍尔称,无论酒吧里你是更喜欢挪陌生人身边,还是宁愿坐在那里等着有吸引力目标靠近,只要认清自己行为特征,就能帮助你渡过感情关系中的惊涛骇浪。

    the rocky seas of relationships, according to Jeffrey Hall, assistant professor of communication studies at the University of Kansas.


  • 丹·里的《怪诞行为一书很多方面的信息网站上相关研究

    The book Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely has great information on this, and there's a study linked to on his website.


  • 陈艾建筑专业刚刚开始在书店工作,他说:“如果人类这样的非专业我会。”

    "I'll rent a book if it's not in my major, like for an anthropology class," said Aerial Chen, an architecture student who just started working at the bookstore.


  • 他们许多他们感觉周围的同胞名义上父母有些不同,”科告诉精神新闻》。

    "Many of these people say that they always felt there was something different about them in comparison to their siblings and presumed parents," Krell told Psychiatric News.


  • 市场专家——一位是波士顿亨里克.哈格维,另一位是豪斯顿的范尼撒.克——的研究给了项目很大的启发。 当该项目进行时,他们乔治亚大

    The study was inspired by the work of marketing experts Henrik Hagtvedt of Boston College and Vanessa Patrick of University of Houston; both of whom were at the University of Georgia during the study.


  • 而两人并没有丧失信心,工程师使用无毒方法进行清洁实验广告赖安专注市场开发

    Undeterred, Lowry, the chemical engineer, experimented with nontoxic ways to clean, while Ryan, the AD guy, focused on marketing.


  • 国际货币基金组织首席经济芝加哥金融教授拉古·拉姆•就是其中杞人忧天的人。

    Raghuram Rajan, a former IMF chief economist and professor at Chicago's Booth School of Business, is one worrywart.


  • 沃尔·托莫里是尼日利亚迪美一位病毒教授他说绝大多数非洲国家都希望摧毁天花病毒

    Oyewale Tomori, a virology professor at Redeemer's University in Nigeria, said most African countries want smallpox destroyed.


  • 贾纳·卡一位自由摄影艺术家兼视觉人类作家互动设计工作室经理也从事人种研究

    Jana Carrey is a freelance photographic artist, visual anthropologist, writer, interaction design studio manager and ethnographic researcher.


  • 但是正如AuroraNedelcu那大Richard Michod分子生物进化”中所说,他们认为他们研究一过程。

    However, as they report in Molecular Biology and Evolution, Aurora Nedelcu of the University of New Brunswick and Richard Michod of the University of Arizona think they have worked out what happened.


  • 为什么总是有效行为经济领域权威·艾里,进行了探究什么东西能使人们找到工作意义的研究时,结果真的惊讶不已。

    Why it doesn't always work: When Dan Ariely, a leader in the field of behavioral economics, conducted a study to explore what makes people find meaning in their work, the outcome truly surprised him.


  • 经济吗?

    Jerry, are you taking economics this term?


  • 新书《怪诞行为》中实验揭示什么样结构导致拖沓

    Dan Ariely, in his new book, Predictably Irrational did some experiments with a group of students to find out how structure effects procrastination.


  • 近期行为经济领域的论著,尤其里的《怪诞行为》却提出证据表明人们作出选择其实一点理性

    Recent books on behavioral economics, notably Dan Ariely's Predictably Irrational have brought forth evidence that people do not make rational decisions at all.


  • 认知专业的博士生贝卡•茹茜澳大利亚阿德莱德市最高办公大楼开展关于电梯行为人类研究

    Rebekah Rousi, a Ph. D. student in cognitive science, conducted an ethnographic study of elevator behaviour in two of the tallest office buildings in Adelaide, Australia.


  • 2011年毕业现在工作一名助理。她说她发现戏剧专业工作机会很少

    Ritter said that she graduated college in 2011, and now works as an assistant. She said she found her job prospects with a theater degree to be lacking.


  • 完成后,格纳博士微生物领域做了博士后工作

    After completing her degree, Laura spent three years conducting post-doctoral work at the University of Iowa in Microbiology.


  • 现在六个,达斯汀·凯尔费利西亚周杰伦艾米最后一道菜考古期待毕业

    Now, six college students Kyle, Dustin, Felicia, Jay, Serena and Amy take their last course in archeology in anticipation for graduation.


  • 气动清洗机一款专用汽车内室的气动型清洗机,设备无需接入电源只需接入气管即可,操作简便,即即会。

    Oreezyme Pneumatic Air Cleaner is dedicated for car chamber refinement cleaning. It can be with no access to power, just access to the trachea, easy to operate, learn and use currently.


  • 方法病理确诊的73原发肿瘤患者术中采取骨髓标本,经氏-姬姆萨混合液染色后,进行细胞形态观察

    Methods Bone marrow samples from 73 patients with primary gastric cancer identified by pathologic diagnosis were collected and stained by Wright-Gimsa, and disseminated cancer cells were observed.


  • 著名美籍分子生物家吴教授DNA生物化分子生物领域做出过重大贡献

    Ray Wu, a prominent American Chinese molecular biologist and professor at Cornell University, has made outstanding contributions to several fields of DNA biochemistry and molecular biology.


  • 方法应用氏姬姆混合染色361例脑脊液细胞进行染色。

    Methods Wright-Giemsa stain method was used in centrifuged sediment of CSF of 361 samples.


  • 方法根据不同时期树突状细胞粘附性质不同,设计简便的树突状细胞的体外扩增纯化方法利用氏染色流式细胞仪(FACS鉴定生物特征

    Methods According to different adhesiveness of DC in vary period, a simple method was used to generate and purificate DC, and their biology character were identified by Wright staining and FACS.


  • 霍尔姆斯分析泰勒原理施瓦布实践4”、布卢姆目标分类以及布鲁纳的结构理论当中的结构性特征

    Cherryholmes analyzes the structural characters of Taylor principle, Schwab's "practice 4", Bloom's education target classification and Bruner's subject structure theory.


  • 詹姆斯·美国文化研究主要代表人物提出传播仪式”为美国传播研究开辟了新的路径

    James Carey is the most prominent representative of American cultural studies. His ritual view of communication led the American communication studies to a new approach.


  • 完了·第一第二册的英文读本我们就开始麦克库·劳奇的读本。

    After getting through Peary Sarkar's first and second English readers we entered upon McCulloch's Course of Reading.


  • 完了·第一第二册的英文读本我们就开始麦克库·劳奇的读本。

    After getting through Peary Sarkar's first and second English readers we entered upon McCulloch's Course of Reading.


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