• 为此笔者分析社会背景学校背景,并结合个人背景经验基础上,满舟现象的出现进行了广泛调查研究

    Therefore, After I have analyzed the setting of the society and the school Man Zhou was in, I am doing lots of research on Man Zhou, when taking advantage of some of my own personal experience.


  • 论文五个部分:第一部分时代背景教育背景地域背景学校背景几个方面阐述了当前开发研究型课程必要性

    The thesis consists of five parts: Part one expounds the necessity on developing the research course at present from the backgrounds of the times, the education, the region and the school;


  • 大约学校其他机构开始很有兴趣确保所有孩子无论他们的背景如何,能得到公平对待时候智力测试变得不受欢迎了

    About the time that schools and others quite reasonably became interested in seeing to it that all children, whatever their background, were fairly treated, intelligence testing became unpopular.


  • 他们家庭背景使他们很难有机会学校学有所成

    Their background gives them little chance of achieving at school.


  • 许多学校有助学金奖学金,这些东西总是值得研究一番——特别是如果有着非典型MBA背景

    Bursaries and scholarships are available from many schools and are always worth investigating - especially if you come from an a typical MBA background.


  • 论文以学校学生管理系统背景论述信息系统开发基本原理结构方法过程

    Papers school student management system for background information on the basic tenets of systems development, structure, methods and processes.


  • 许多学校有助学金奖学金,这些东西总是值得研究一番——特别是如果有着非典型的MBA背景

    Bursaries and scholarships are available from many schools and are always worth investigating - especially if you come from an atypical MBA background.


  • Hymowitz女士认为即使种族家庭背景智商等因素完全一样,单身妈妈孩子学校的成绩也不如已婚双亲家庭的孩子。

    Even after controlling for race, family background and IQ, children of single mothers do worse in school than children of married parents, says Ms Hymowitz.


  • 这位经理出生在富裕家庭又上了第一流学校这样背景可能造就一个高高在上的人,但是尽管如此,却能体谅下属的工作,而且热情友好平易近人,所以说她确实是个脚踏实地的

    3:She comes from a wealthy family and went to a top school but I'm glad to say despite that she's really down-to-earth: she understands what we do, is warm and friendly and treats us all like equals.


  • 学校指南指导下,这次调查关注每个2005到2007年间参加GCSEs考试女孩的“背景附加值分数

    The research, conducted on behalf of the Good Schools Guide, looked at the "contextually value added" scores for every girl who took GCSEs in the state sector between 2005 and 2007.


  • 如果愿意的话添加教育背景(学校教育程度研究领域)。

    Add your education background (schools, degrees, fields of study), if you like.


  • 德克·斯一家学校,所有着准备年级节日派对父母首先必须接受一个背景调查

    A Texas school required parents wanting to help with the second-grade holiday party to have a background check first.


  • 例如无论比毕业于哪个学校即便教育背景没有多大说服力优秀的英语技能都能让脱颖而出。

    Great English skills, for example, will clearly give you a really big advantage no matter where you are, even if your education is not so persuasive.


  • 简要讨论家庭学校社区背景如何影响教育目标愿望

    Briefly discuss how your family, school, neighborhood, and background have impacted your educational goals and aspirations.


  • 分析割裂的背景原因对于今天确立我国学校德育价值取向无疑有着重要意义

    To analyse its background and reason is very important for us to establish the value trend of out school moral education.


  • 学习型组织知识管理能力学校效能知觉程度低。背景变项关系来得密切。

    It has higher correlation among senior high school formation of learning organization, knowledge management, and school effectiveness than among teachers with different background.


  • 不同家庭出身,不同学校,不同背景的人被区别对待

    People from different families, different schools, different background are treated differently.


  • 同样作为学校教学科研主力军广东工业大学很多老师既有中国教育背景国外的留学背景

    Similarly, the School teaching and research as the main force, Guangdong University of Teacher both have a lot of Chinese education background, and background to study abroad.


  • 来到这些学校自己传统自由背景,有纪律纪律,服从犹豫或服从反抗顺应

    You come to these schools with your own background - be it traditional or free - with discipline or without discipline, obeying or reluctant and disobeying, in revolt or conforming.


  • 背景苏南地区特殊教育学校体育课教学现状进行系统的研究具有重要理论实践意义

    In the context of this broad area of southern Jiangsu School physical education teaching special education status of systematic research has important theoretical and practical significance.


  • 本文就是在这样背景,对高等学校教学建筑交往空间设计方法展开研究力求得出相关设计方法设计原则。

    Under the background, this thesis sets to research on the communication space of college teaching building, and intents to educe the design method and the design principle.


  • 本项研究尝试通过个案考察中国学校组织背景,一个如何促进组织变革

    This study, choosing a primary school as a case, aims to investigate how a principal facilitate the change of school organization under the framework of educational culture in China.


  • 教育背景一栏通常应该毕业学校或者即将毕业学校,已获得学位以及即将获得学位,以及毕业的年月。

    In the education section you usually list the education institution you graduated or will graduate from. Degree or degree is earned, and the month and year of graduation.


  • 学校接受专业教育非常,在工作中,我的专业背景知识同事们要扎实

    The technical education I received at Mines was quite good, and I had a more solid background compared to many of my peers at work.


  • 课程实施与课程文化之间密切联系,学校的课程实施应该关注研究文化背景问题。

    The curriculum implementation in schools should pay more attention to the cultural backgrounds.


  • 首先现代学校精神气质理论背景做了介绍进而界定了何谓现代学校的精神气质,粗略概括学校现代性精神气质的特征及其表现

    First it has made the introduction to the theory background, then has defined what is modern ethos of schools, and sketchily summarized its characteristic and the representation.


  • 第二部分介绍英语培训市场行业背景提出TOP外语专业学校产品结构所出现的问题

    The second section gives the background of English training market and presents the product-mix problem of TOP school.


  • 因此不能离开具体历史文化传统现实背景谈论学校制度

    Therefore, the school institution can't be discussed without concrete historical and cultural tradition and current social background.


  • 因此不能离开具体历史文化传统现实背景谈论学校制度

    Therefore, the school institution can't be discussed without concrete historical and cultural tradition and current social background.


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