• 我们学校拥有一个庭院18教室楼房。

    The new site of our school is three stories tall, with a courtyard, and 18 classrooms.


  • 几天之后,带着摄像机的救援满怀好奇地姗姗来迟,一起来到的还有悲痛欲绝的孩子家长。而这时,座四楼高的学校已经只剩下一片断瓦残

    Days later, as curiosity seekers came with video cameras and as parents came to grieve, the four-story school was no more than rubble.


  • Buddha Kasetna学校一家有机农场附带寄宿学校(这为了那些家庭贫困上不了学的农村孩子设立的)孤儿院(这是为了那些无家可归的孩子设立的)。

    Buddha Kasetna school is an organic farm cum combination boarding school (for rural children whose families are too poor to support them) and orphanage (for homeless children).


  • 然而一些学校管理认为很难分辨哪些是无知玩笑过失,哪些是严重威胁,因此制度一定严苛才能保护学生

    Still, some school administrators argue that it is difficult to distinguish innocent pranks and mistakes from more serious threats, and that the policies must be strict to protect students.


  • 英语学校年龄人士提供众多英语课程

    Ai Hua English School provides a wide range of English language courses for all ages.


  • “小首尔”预计建成后有2000英尺,分133;楼中设有公寓豪华旅馆办公场所购物中心音乐厅学校健康护理设施其它相关设施,集多种功能一体

    Seoul Lite will be 2, 000 feet tall, with 133 floors; it will hold condos, a luxury hotel, office space, malls, concert halls, schools, health-care facilities and other services, all in one building.


  • 上世纪90年代中国开始为1800多所高等院校中的大约100所学校注入科研资金希望在大学中培育一个精英

    In the 1990s, China began pouring money into research at around 100 of its 1,800-odd higher-education stitutions, hoping to create an elite tier of universities.


  • 加利福尼亚理工大一个地下室里工作。20年前屋顶的工人这栋房顶了下去,从此,楼就闹鬼,那个工人的上半身总在这楼里游荡。

    I worked in the basement of a Caltech campus building that had been periodically haunted by the specter of the upper half of a roofer who had fallen from the six story roof twenty years earlier.


  • 虽然不少家庭通常都有比较温和版本,但是商店学校博物馆场所玩偶红色讲台上又一显示出来

    Though usually more modest versions are put up in homes, in such places as stores, schools and museums, dolls are displayed on a large tiered, red dais.


  • 本人所在的学校——马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校管理已经通知了全体教职员工做好跌入谷底心理准备(知道我们怎么办……去买悬挂滑翔机吗?)

    The administration at my own university, the university of Massachusetts Amherst, has told faculty to get ready to fall off a cliff (I'm not sure what we're supposed to do... buy hang gliders?)


  • 楼的建筑教室学校办公处之用,有一座楼建筑作为图书馆另一实验室

    There are a three-story building for classrooms and school offices, a two-story building for a library and another for laboratory.


  • 我们学校分为3第一科学教室美术教室老师办公室

    We the school divides into 3, first is the scientific classroom, the art room and teacher the office.


  • 因此探讨学校管理取向人本管理取向有关问题,是既有理论意义,又有实践意义的课题。

    So, exploring the problems of the school management on the bureaucratic orientation and the humanistic orientation has both theoretical and practical significance.


  • 我们现在看到非洲领导开始他们国家,这些跟西方领导人一样同样学校接受教育。

    We're seeing a new leadership of Africans coming at the helms of their countries, people who have been educated in the same schools as leaders in the West.


  • 然而第一天去上学时,发现自己的面前只有幢破破烂烂的小楼,看着这所让人失望的私立学校我的眼里泪水

    However, when school finally started, I stood in front of a dilapidated three-story private school with tears in my eyes.


  • 在那之后学校考虑大厅已经不再能够安全使用了,便大厅的过道上铺上了一木板

    The school boarded up the old hallway after that, deciding that it couldn't be made safe.


  • 操场显得比较小因为许多学生学校生活变得丰富多彩我们精力充沛因此,我们在新的年里用功、上一楼。

    The playground seems smaller because lots of students are playing on it. The school life has become colorful and we are energetic. As a result we study harder and better.


  • 我曾一名小学老师举证学校管理几乎完全无能——师范学校各州指定教材

    As a former primary teacher, I can attest to the almost total incompetence of the school bureaucracy - from the teacher colleges to the state mandated textbooks.


  • 项目基地位于湾头古镇入口位置,原址4学校

    The project sits at the entrance of the old village, previous occupation was a 4-story high elementary school.


  • 学校中央大堂也是入口一个楼高的大规模室内公园欢迎着来访者

    The center lobby of the school is also the main entrance area. It houses a three-floor-high large-scale indoor garden to welcome visitors.


  • 夏天月份里学校电费过高,这已经引起管理注意

    It has come to the attention of the management team that the school's electricity bills are high during the summer months.


  • 学校覆盖停车场(其中学校留下55车位,居民留有60个车位),不同朝向有不同的立面

    The school, overlaid with two levels of parking (55 Spaces reserved for school and 60 for the residence), offers facades that affirm their identity on different orientations.


  • 为了免得还得附近停车场走到学校来,学校管理教师愿意机动车停在孩子们玩耍和休息的操场。

    To avoid walking from nearby parking lots, the school's management and principal teachers prefer to park and maneuver where the children play and rest.


  • 只是我们威胁媒体干预与PTA学校管理紧张会议学校同意禁止机动车上课时间停在学校操场上。

    It is only after a tense meeting between the PTA and the school management and under threat of media intervention that they agreed to ban cars from the playground during school times.


  • 礼堂学校教学主楼之间个矩形的广场分开,使礼堂特立独行形象与不够突出的四教学楼形成了强烈的对比

    The auditorium is separated from the school by a square yard. The school is an unobtrusive four-storey block, to which the expressive form of the auditorium forms a strong contrast.


  • 学校高三

    This school has three floors.


  • 学校转变学习型学校,本质学校文化整体变迁

    The transformation of the hierarchical school into the learning school in nature is the whole change of schools culture.


  • 学校转变学习型学校,本质学校文化整体变迁

    The transformation of the hierarchical school into the learning school in nature is the whole change of schools culture.


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