• 认为学院学会如何管理人错误

    It is a big fault to think that you can learn how to manage people in business school.


  • 快他学会了盲文,继续在伍斯特盲人学院接受教育。

    He learned braille quickly and continued his education at Worcester College for the Blind.


  • 有时三一学院一位东方语言波斯教授来到我们学会跟我们讲东方魔术师的故事。

    Sometimes a professor of Oriental Languages at Trinity College, a Persian, came to our Society and talked of the magicians of the East.


  • 现年29兰德亨先生本周伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院举行皇家经济学会会上提交研究报告。

    Mr Van Landeghem, who is 29, will present his research at the Royal Economic Society annual conference at Royal Holloway, the University of London, this week.


  • 英国皇家学会形同虚设无形学院”的基础上成立起来的。

    The Royal Society was formed out of the Invisible Collegeafter they put it down somewhere and couldn’t find it again.


  • 已经习惯了总是全身弄得脏兮兮的,克服了蜘蛛的恐惧学会ramen(身为一个学院学生,原本我以为这不可能)。

    I had grown accustomed to being perpetually dirty, overcame my fear of spiders, and learned to love Ramen even more (being a college student, I thought this wasn't possible).


  • 皇家学会正在收集教学设备并且皇家工程学院合作打算调查这个问题撰写篇报告

    The RS is getting together with teaching outfits and the Royal Academy of Engineering. They intend to investigate the problem and produce a report.


  • 英国皇家学会国立学院,一份重要研究结论

    That is the conclusion of a major new study by the Royal Society, the UK's national science academy.


  • 维诺科医生任教马里兰大学学院担任美国急诊医学学会发言人

    Doctor Vinocur teaches at the University of Maryland medical school and speaks for the American College of Emergency Medicine.


  • 让我们再次回到伦敦国王议厅,“大学生创业挑战赛”冠军马上就要揭晓。来自英国理工学院小组夺取冠军。

    Back in the lecture hall at King's College, the winner of the London Apprentice Challenge has just been announced.


  • 知道怎样语言教学有效使用影像各种方式。我是在学院助教学会这些诀窍的。

    I know effective ways of using videos in language teaching. I learned these tricks when I worked as a TA in college.


  • 甘恩表示皇家学会5年前开始接洽帝国理工学院讨论开设项目,以作为推动研究员更多接触世界运行方式”这项运动一部分。

    The Royal Society approached Imperial five years ago about running the programme as part of a campaign to get research fellows to "engage more with the way the world works", says Prof Gann.


  • 丹佛丹尼尔斯学院教务主任DanCon nolly则表示商科专业的学会低估他们学习时间

    Business majors also may be underestimating their study time, suggests Dan Connolly, an associate dean at the University of Denver's Daniels College of Business.


  • 格林隶属国家设计学院(National Academy of Design)美国粉笔画学会(Pastel Society)。他写的《粉笔画的艺术翻译8种语言

    Greene belongs to National Academy of Design and to the Pastel Society of America, and wrote the Art of Pastel a book that has been translated into eight languages.


  • 英国皇家学会形同虚设无形学院”的基础上成立起来的。

    The Royal Society was formed out of the Invisible College - after they put it down somewhere and couldn't find it again.


  • 而且我们听说有些学院医院提出这种政策不过都不及学会这次涉及范围广。

    And we've heard of a few med schools and hospitals coming up with this kind of policy, but never a group as big as this.


  • 来自佛罗里达大学口腔学院研究人员5月25日圣地亚哥举办的美国微生物学会第110届大会公布他们研究结果

    Researchers from the University of Florida College of Dentistry report their findings May 25 at the 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in San Diego.


  • 结果发表举行美国学院过敏哮喘免疫学学会年度会议上AAAAI ) 。

    The findings were presented here at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI).


  • 学院的时候就学会滑雪。我至少敢保证一个乔迪人是滑雪的。

    I learnt to ski while I was studying medicine so we can safely say there is one Geordie who can ski.


  • 大一下学期参加学院举办首届主持人大赛获得二等奖学会如何从容面对观众

    Great look semester, I took part in the inaugural College of host contest and received second prize, let me learn how to calmly face the audience.


  • 学院助教学会这些诀窍的。

    I learned these tricks when I worked as a TA in college.


  • 金融学院学术社团五星级社团金融科学学会学术中心的负责人负责部门建设日常管理

    The finance university academic organization, University" Five Star Club" Financial Science Institute of the academic center for people, responsible for the construction and daily management.


  • 伦敦大学帝国学院小组华盛顿特区举行第91内分泌学会提交了这一报告。

    A team from Imperial College London presented the news at the Endocrine Society's 91st annual meeting in Washington, D. c.


  • 几种发展趋势的分析最近世界资源学会布鲁金斯学会圣达学院共同承担“ 2050计划

    Scenarios were used in the recent 2050 project un de rtaken by the world resources institute, the brookings institution, and the santa fe institute.


  • 上海市工艺美术职业学院副教授高级工艺美术师、中国工艺美术学会会员

    Now, he is the vice professor of the vocational school of Shanghai art and Crafts College, senior industrial artist, and member of Chinese Arts and Crafts Institute.


  • 来自马萨诸塞州波士顿夫茨大学学院的彼得·林德瑙尔主导了这项研究,研究结果发表美国学会杂志上。

    Peter Lindenauer from Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts, led the study. The findings are in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


  • 上哈佛大一样,上学院更是完全不一样,认真起来了。

    Well, Harvard is gonna be different. Law school is a completely different world and I need to be serious.


  • 露丝•帕德尔,英国著名诗人皇家学院伦敦动物学会成员。

    Ruth Padel is a leading British poet, a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and of the Zoological Society of London.


  • 多数曾经麻省理工学院修习的科目有效训练学会解决只有唯一解答明确定义的问题之方法。

    Most of the professional subjects you have taken at MIT effectively coach you in methods for solving relatively well-defined problems that have only one correct answer.


  • 多数曾经麻省理工学院修习的科目有效训练学会解决只有唯一解答明确定义的问题之方法。

    Most of the professional subjects you have taken at MIT effectively coach you in methods for solving relatively well-defined problems that have only one correct answer.


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