• 经历高考感到开心,”,“我觉得高考是个非常好的锻炼,不仅仅学习能力测试更是为韧性的锻炼。

    "After going through it I feel quite happy now, " she said. "I think Gaokao is a very good training -- not as a test of my academic studies, but of my mental toughness.


  • 我们公司目标之一帮助员工学习技能如果他们很开心满意这里管理制度,就家庭一样,没人愿意离开这里

    Our company's goal is to help ensure that staff develop new skills. If they are happy and they agree with management, we will be like in a family and no-one will want to leave.


  • 简·托内罗表示织布工作确实生活带来平衡,让能够医学学习中暂时解脱出来,“我很开心能够在科学和创造之外一个平衡点。

    Tonella says her work hours do bring balance to life. She finds the weaving to be a welcome distraction from her medical studies.


  • 不断学习也让很开心

    Keeping learning makes me happy, too.


  • 我们教室宽敞明亮里面学习开心

    Our classroom is large and bright. We are happy to study in it.


  • 每次假期来临的时候,我会开心因为不用学习可以一直玩耍

    Everytime when vacation comes, I will be very happy, because I don't have to study and can play all the time.


  • 开心非常感谢朋友!你好样的我们一起学习每日英语共同进步

    I am very happy, Thank you very much my friend! You are good, let us learn English daily and common progress bar!


  • 大家好!国际部的段黎,认识大家开心期待与大家一起学习,一起生活分享快乐

    Hello, I'm Duanli from bashu international, I'm happy to meet you. I hope we can study each other, live together and share happiness together.


  • 开心这里度过我高中。我珍惜查尔斯·贝斯特使我有了学习不同文化机会

    I am very happy to be here. Sino Bright School gave me a chance to learn the culture of different countries, and I will cherish this opportunity.


  • 每次假期来临的时候,我会开心因为不用学习可以一直玩耍

    Everytime when vacation 1 comes, I will be very happy, because I don't have to study and can play all the time.


  • 而且开心英语学习路上上星期的优秀

    And I am really very happy to be the star of excellent English words prize winner for last week under insisted on my study English way.


  • 这个学期我们基本上已经到尾声了,开心孩子已经学习许多知识,一下就是我们学习的知识。

    The semester is almost ending and the pace of the class is getting faster and faster. I'm happy that the kids are learning more stuff. Here is what we have discussed this week.


  • 庆幸自己来到思达,在这里上班感到开心舒服同事工作学习都会帮助成长

    I'm lucky I come to work here. I feel very happy and comfortable, my colleagues always give me a lot of help at the work and study, help me to develop.


  • 看上去开心马上销售经理名片递给告诉如果能送学习太极告诉名字然后获得折扣

    He looks so happy, give me the sales manager's business card of ITAICHI and his name soon. And told me if I got many people wanna learn Taichi, just tell the manager his name then can get a discount.


  • 兴趣爱好,我喜欢画画,我喜欢动物兔子可爱,我也喜欢唱歌,我经常在下课后去唱歌,我喜欢学习,我每天学习学习的时候令感觉开心

    I have many hobbies, I like drawing, I like drawing animals, rabbits are cute. I like singing, I often singing after class, I also like studying, I study every day, I am very happy when I was study.


  • 兴趣爱好,我喜欢画画,我喜欢动物兔子可爱,我也喜欢唱歌,我经常在下课后去唱歌,我喜欢学习,我每天学习学习的时候令感觉开心

    I have many hobbies, I like drawing, I like drawing animals, rabbits are cute. I like singing, I often singing after class, I also like studying, I study every day, I am very happy when I was study.


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