• 孩子更多玩具时,似乎就会分心因素当孩子们分心不能很好地学习玩耍

    When the children have a larger number of toys there seems to be a distraction element, and when children are distracted they do not learn or play well.


  • 有些父母购买任何高科技玩具如果他们认为孩子帮助研究人员表示拼图有助于孩子学习数学相关技能

    Some parents will buy any high tech toy if they think it will help their child, but researchers said puzzles help children with math related skills.


  • 每次孩子接触新的玩具词语声音质地味道气味地方都在学习

    Every time your baby is exposed to new toys, words, sounds, textures, tastes, smells, faces and places, she's learning.


  • 为了实现一部电影里看到特效镜头,我曾经一个玩具宇宙飞船塑料恐龙复制那个镜头,觉得也许我可以学习这方面的知识坚持下去

    To have a visual reminder of an effects shot I’d seen in a movie, I’d use a toy spaceship or plastic dinosaur and try copying the shot, which gave me a print that I could study and hold.


  • 实验动物饲养装满有趣玩具笼子或者给予它们一些学习任务这样可以促进新生神经元的存活

    In animals, placing them in cages full of interesting toys or giving them learning tasks promotes the survival of these newborn cells.


  • 很多家长会选择双语读物玩具CD辅助孩子学习基础语言。

    Lots of parents are also supplementing this elementary knowledge with bilingual books, toys, and CDs.


  • 为了控制操纵各种各样玩具孩子可能学习使用特殊的计算机——那些解决问题算术题速度一下眼都快的机器。

    To control or run all kinds of toys, boys and girls may learn to use special computers-machines that answer questions and do arithmetic faster than you can blink.


  • 利每天教学习45小时,皮利先会给只狗展示物品比如一只玩具然后不断地重复玩具名字直到察塞明白关联

    Pilley worked with Chaser four or five hours a day.He'd show her an object, a soft toy, for example, give it a name, and repeat it until Chaser understood the association.


  • 每天学习45小时,皮利先会只狗展示物品比如一只玩具然后不断地重复玩具名字直到察塞明白关联

    Pilley worked with Chaser four or five hours a day. He'd show her an object, a soft toy, for example, give it a name, and repeat it until Chaser understood the association.


  • 玩具清理一下以便学习

    Please clear your toys off so that I can study.


  • 直到现在,那些成为玩具设计者英国年轻人他们学习产品设计专业初期之看作是一个专业领域。

    Up until recently, young people in the UK wanting to become toy designers were only able to look at it as a specialism in the early stages of a product design course.


  • 儿童分配学习如何操纵机器以便获取玩具任务

    The children were given the task of learning to operate a machine so as to get a toy.


  • 我发现同学课有玩东西(玩具学习用具)现象。

    Many of the students are playing with toys or school supplies in class.


  • 如果的,只是玩具回来孩子停止哭泣-真的破坏孩子学习交流机会

    If you give in and just give the toy back so the child stops crying - you are really ruining your child's chance to learn sharing!


  • 最后想说孩子们玩具为了娱乐而不是为了学习

    My final point is that children buy toys to have fun with, not to learn from.


  • 我们所有玩具旨在帮助孩子探索自己想象力创造力界限使学习乐趣帮助孩子做到他们极致

    All our toys are designed to help children explore the boundaries of their imaginations and creativity, to make learning fun and help children be all they can be.


  • 为了实现一部电影里看到特效镜头,我曾经用一个玩具宇宙飞船塑料恐龙复制那个镜头,觉得也许我可以学习这方面的知识坚持下去

    To have a visual reminder of an effects shot I'd seen in a movie, I'd use a toy spaceship or plastic dinosaur and try copying the shot, which gave me a print that I could study and hold.


  • 我们准备响片训练使用玩具时,狗儿必须已经通过学习拔河游戏过程

    When we are going to use toys in marker training the dog must first go through the training process in which it learns the game of tug.


  • 学习左边粉色的,床上兔子玩具娃娃……床右边一个阳台,接着是摆满了书架还有

    Learning table on the left there is a pink bed, bed, a small rabbit toy, doll... the right side of the bed is a balcony, then filled book shelves, and my piano.


  • 玩具是指14以下儿童学习玩耍时使用产品

    "Toy" means a product that is intended for use by a child under 14 years of age in learning or play.


  • 理解宝宝如何进行学习的?”了解何种玩具适合宝宝关键

    Understanding how babies learn is the key to knowing what toys to provide.


  • 实用新型——秋千网板是关于儿童娱乐学习玩具

    A five purpose swing with a board belongs to a toy for children's entertainment and study.


  • 可以这部分钱喜欢的玩具学习用品富婆的感觉真好! !

    Can I use the money to buy my favorite toys, school supplies, when the woman feels good!


  • 的左边写字台,写字台上着一仙人掌还有六个抽屉抽屉放着玩具,还有几个放着学习用品书本

    The left side of the bed is a desk, placed a pot of cactus on the desk, there are six small drawers, two drawers are placed toys, there are a few school supplies and books placed.


  • 的左边写字台,写字台上着一仙人掌还有六个抽屉抽屉放着玩具,还有几个放着学习用品书本

    The left side of the bed is a desk, placed a pot of cactus on the desk, there are six small drawers, two drawers are placed toys, there are a few school supplies and books placed.


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