• 另外这些分类器非常智能化可以通过不断学习动态创建调优

    In addition, these classifiers are highly intelligent in the way they are created dynamically and tuned, with either training or incremental learning.


  • 有些攀岩学习动态相当自然、容易,而有些人来说却相当的有挑战性

    While some rock climbers take to dynamic climbing relatively naturally, for other climbers, learning to climb dynamically proves challenging.


  • 学习记忆一个动态过程我们大脑会投入精力保持过程的灵活性。

    Learning and remembering is a dynamic process and our brain devotes resources to keep the process flexible.


  • 学习自定义标记如何促进表示业务逻辑之间分离同时可以动态数据合并表示

    Tune in then to learn how custom tags can facilitate the separation between presentation and business logic, while also letting you incorporate dynamic data into the presentation layer.


  • 学习门槛很多它为学前脚本语言,它另外个让人嘲笑东西是动态语言的概念是偏偏使用了高标准的静态数据类型

    The low barrier of entry leads some people to call it a script kiddie language, others scoff at the concept of a dynamic language while riding their statically typed high horse.


  • 学习毅力形成深层动态机制

    That is the deep dynamic system where "no will power" of study is formed.


  • 本文中,将会学习基于Web应用程序中的动态数据处理

    In this article, learn about dynamic data handling in a Web-based application.


  • 本文中,学习如何创建执行动态语言翻译服务Sametimebot

    In this article, you learned how to create a Sametime bot that performs language translation services on-the-fly.


  • 4月23日英国文化协会英语考试部全球总监柴世杰先生做客中国日报网,雅思考试最新动态及英语学习等方面问题与广大英语爱好者对话

    Bhaskar Chakravarti, the British Council's Director of English and examinations, will visit the China Daily website April 23 for an online talk about IELTS and English study.


  • 4月23日上午,英国文化协会英语考试部全球总监柴世杰先生做客中国日报网站,就雅思考试最新动态及英语学习等方面的问题与广大英语爱好者对话

    Bhaskar Chakravarti, the British Council's Director of English and examinations, will visit the China Daily website on April 23 for an online talk about IELTS and English study.


  • 本文中,学习如何构建一个更新面板控件,该控件可以根据用户活动动态服务器异步检索内容

    Within this article, learn how to build an update panel control that dynamically retrieves content asynchronously from the server, based on user events.


  • 组织动态环境中运营,它们需要学习适应

    Organizations operate in dynamic environments with the need to learn and adapt.


  • 多媒体一个动态艺术课程提供自由学术支持探索想法设计自己学习方法

    Interactive arts is a dynamic arts course giving you freedom and academic support to explore ideas, and design your own approach to learning.


  • 危机管理包括危机管理准备运作、危机解决危机解决的更兴等不断学习适应动态过程

    Crisis management is the dynamic process of constant learning and adaptation, which involves preparation, operation, solution to crisis, and restoration after crisis solution.


  • 本文中,我们学习如何创建一个用于动态调用Web服务Dispatch客户端

    In this article, you've learned how to create a Dispatch client that can be used to dynamically invoke a Web service.


  • 提出波塞尔8权力工作作为学习如何构成位置数字模拟创建动态发型包括道具,人物动画渲染场景等等等等。

    You'll put the power of Poser 8 to work as you learn how to pose and position figures, simulate cloth, create dynamic hair styles, incorporate props, animate figures, render scenes, and so much more.


  • 这个分两部分文章中学习如何通过Identi . caAPI创建访问搜索这些消息以及如何PHP结合使用来创建动态Web应用程序

    Learn to create, access, and search these messages through the Identi.ca API and how to combine it with PHP to create dynamic Web apps in this two-part article.


  • 这种深入运动图形教程中学习如何使用矢量图形3d动态图像

    In this in-depth motion graphics tutorial you will learn how to use vector shapes for 3d motion graphics.


  • 战略学习决定战略领导能力着眼动态竞争优势

    Strategic learning can be decisive to strategic leadership, and it focuses on dynamic competitive advantages.


  • 不用重新更换页面,因为页面东西一直变化;,在学期即将结束我们学习如何实现这些动态的东西,还有Ajax对于浏览器兼容性贡献。

    Things are moving and changing ; without the whole page reloading; when we looked towards the end of the semester Ajax enabled websites much like the ones we all use today.


  • 不论是音乐欣赏过程还是音乐欣赏学习的过程,一个包括了多种心理功能综合动态过程。

    No matter the process of music criticism or the study of music criticism, it is a complex active process which contains varieties of psychological functions.


  • 本文论述快速变化市场中作为企业核心竞争力组织学习动态

    This paper recognises the dynamics of organizational learning as firm's core competence in the swift changing marketplace.


  • 作为更新自身能力能力,企业动态能力具有知识性学习特征形成和组织学习密切相关

    As competence can renew itself, the dynamic capabilities are of knowledge and learning characteristic, so it relates to organizational learning closely.


  • 挑战在于学习配合异质以及学习根据动态变化的准则调用资源

    The challenges therefore include learning to cope with heterogeneity and how to use resources on a dynamically changing basis.


  • 提出基于归纳推理动态学习高效入侵检测模型

    A dynamic self-learning efficient intrusion detection model was proposed based on inductive reasoning.


  • 本文阐述了远程教育进行面向深层学习动态在线讨论一个框架

    A framework for deep learning for dynamic online discussion in distance education is illustrated in this paper.


  • 算法能够删除掉余的连接甚至节点通过网络学习步长的动态调整避免了算法收敛速度过慢和反复震荡问题。

    The algorithm can remove redundant link even nodes on the network, through the network learning step dynamic adjustment to avoid convergence speed of.


  • 运用控制理论研究生产性企业组织学习活动动态最优决策问题

    This paper attempted to apply the optimal control theory to dynamic optimal solutions of organizational learning in manufacturing firms.


  • MNN网络用于在线学习对象动态特性,从而提供能提高整个控制系统性能适应控制实现策略

    The MNN can be used for on -line learning of the plant's dynamic characteristics and provide a kind of adaptive control strategy which can improve the whole control system's performance.


  • MNN网络用于在线学习对象动态特性,从而提供能提高整个控制系统性能适应控制实现策略

    The MNN can be used for on -line learning of the plant's dynamic characteristics and provide a kind of adaptive control strategy which can improve the whole control system's performance.


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