• 你的工作场所来个春季大改造吧!《生活》杂志为你提供了3个奖项,奖金从1万英镑5万英镑不等,用于改善你每天花费大量时间学习或工作的学校、学院或办公室的环境。如果你中奖了,这些钱将由你随意使用,让生活更愉快。

    Give your workplace a spring facelift! Living magazine is offering three prizes of between £10, 000 and £50, 000 to be spent on improving the school, college or office where you spend so many hours each day! If you win, the money will be yours to spend as you wish to make life more pleasant.


  • 如果忙于获得外界认可或者其他人一样生活怎么学习经验呢?

    How can you learn to experience your life if you are so busy trying to either get outside approval or be like everyone else?


  • 人们加入社区组织为了能够结识朋友学习新的技能追逐一个兴趣他们生活提高更高的层次。

    People join community groups to meet people, to have fun, to learn new skills, to pursue an interest, and to link their lives to some higher purpose.


  • 如果事儿听起来像是某人仅仅学习如何成功地技术集成生活重要的,那可能(当然,只是猜测而已)。

    If this sounds more like someone who may have bigger issues than just learning how to integrate technology successfully into their lives, you'd probably be right (but of course, I'm just speculating).


  • 以后日子里,我们诺亚生活学习如何上帝高兴。

    Over the next few days, we will learn from Noah's life the five ACTS of worship that make God smile. Here is the first one.


  • 俺将这个整理的方式与过程分享出来,希望让更多迷徒能够借鉴这种方式达破局的目的).而第一东西实际上本身就是空谈,只有把反馈生活学习工作中,其价值意义才会显现。

    The stuff in the whole first chapter is just windchase. It is meaningful and valuable only when you reflect it to your life, study and work.


  • google已经成为一个不可或缺搜索工具每天数百万使用,并渗透生活所有层面。 无论是工作或学习、研究、寻找电影以及名人的八卦新闻。

    For millions of people Google is an indispensable search tool that they use every day, in all facets of their lives.


  • 生活,人们总是需要面临各种各样的挑战但是大海学习到怎样才能平静面对挑战。

    Facing challenges will always be a part of life, but I have learned from the sea how to face them with calm.


  • 这些中的一部分只能经历学习到但是还有一些通过观察的,只能通过长期艰苦的学徒生活才能掌握。

    Some of these things can only learned by experience, but some are learned by observation, and the only way to learn them is a long and painful apprenticeship.


  • 他们一起计划人生享受生活时,他们能体验对方一起学习成长感觉

    When they plan things and enjoy themselves together, they can experience a feeling of learning and growing with this other person.


  • 不过正如这个意识的,在保持生活平衡方面,我很多学习

    But I still have plenty to learn about keeping my life on an even keel, as I realized this month.


  • 学会如何学习一种才能,它能帮轻松周旋生活的方方面面,烹饪艺术天体物理,你可以获得任何领域的知识!

    And learning to learn is a quality that helps you move in all directions. You can learn in all areas, from culinary arts to astrophysics!


  • 克·埃夫作别《歌舞青春》即将投入加利福尼亚大学学习生活中去。

    Actor Zac Efron is leaving his High School Musical days behind him to hit the books at a California university.


  • 透过团契生活我们学习到三个重要真理

    Through fellowship we learn three important truths.


  • 你们自由接受或者拒绝他们的教导只有学习平和生活那些通过灵性进化更高领域

    You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.


  • 日常生活中的冥想许多从冥想中学习到技巧都能日常生活中应用可以在以下时刻冥想。

    Bring meditation Into your daily life: Many of the skills learned in meditation can be applied during your daily life. Meditate when.


  • 这个城市性格日后的学习生活中不时领略更加具体、鲜活的形式为展现一个完整英国

    I knew more about its characters in my study and life afterwards, which helps me have a complete and vivid picture of the whole country.


  • 学习过程了解高科技产品是如何影响生活

    In the learning process, I know how to high-tech products in affect the person's life.


  • 他们可以用来解释生活很大部分的现象,情绪感染社交同步婴儿如何学习

    And they explain a huge swath of life, from emotional contagion and social synchrony to how infants learn.


  • 开始意识自己知道东西太少生活经验的可怜。所以,现在开始我不断的学习充实自己。

    I realized that I know too little things and have little experience in life. So from now on, I will learn hard and enlarge my mind.


  • 校园生活多姿多彩,获益良多,领悟学习乐趣

    Campus life is colorful make I benefit from awakening to the joy of learning.


  • 校园生活多姿多彩,获益良多,领悟学习乐趣

    Campuss life is colorful, make I benefit from, awakening to the joy of learning.


  • 很明显,能异国他乡生活612个月外语学习非常有利,怎么也不过读完4学位积累的语言优势。

    Obviously, the language learning opportunity presented by a six to 12 month stay in a foreign country is excellent, but very limited when compared to a full four-year degree program.


  • 相反学习工作磨炼后以后的生活春风得意。

    Instead, after four to six short years of studying, working, and sacrificing, the rest of your life will be a breeze.


  • 表示款法语数字厨房语言学习过程融入现实生活经历中。

    He says the French Digital Kitchen turns the process of learning language into a real-life experience.


  • 表示款法语数字厨房语言学习过程融入现实生活经历中。

    He says the French Digital Kitchen turns the process of learning language into a real-life experience.


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