• 重点介绍了现代景观分类,便于学习与研究

    The author introduced classification of modern landscape for study.


  • 目前图形图像作为不同学科来学习研究

    Now the research of graphs and images are divided into different subjects.


  • 语言学习研究中,形容词和名词搭配具有重要的应用价值。

    In language study and research, adjective-noun collocation plays an important part.


  • 准确掌握语气词语义用法对满语文学习与研究具有重要意义。

    Grasping the meaning and usage of mood words from Manchu is of great significance to Manchu studies.


  • 一方面西方传统写实绘画纵向深化的、技艺语言上的学习与研究

    The other was to deepen lengthways towards western traditional realistic painting, studying in the feat and language.


  • 2001年后客走他乡异地求学,致力于建筑设计及其城市规划专业学习研究

    He studied elsewhere from 2001 and was committed to building design and urban planning of professional study.


  • 通过最新健美操竞赛规则、健美操竞赛规则裁判法学习研究结合训练经验提出一己之见

    Through the research on the new rules of aerobic competition, combined the experience of training, the writer points out the development of aerobics in colleges and universities.


  • 一方面丰富信息可供分析利用。一方面,如此丰富的数据带来学习研究庞大数据成本

    On one hand, they have a wealth of information at their analytic disposal; on the other, that wealth incurs the cost of learning to cope with the sheer volume.


  • 这个问题上,曾景祥先生的认识深刻的,在诗文词曲认真学习研究具有相当功力

    In this issue, Ceng Jingxiang's knowledge is profound, in poetic lyrics had made a serious study and research, and has considerable skill.


  • 除此之外一份刊登学习记忆日报上的研究发现睡觉临时抱佛脚更可能得到好结果

    On top of all that, a new study published in the journal Learning and Memory finds you are probably better off sleeping than making last-minute preparations for a test.


  • 我们研究表明独自一人相比青少年在有同伴在场时候学习更快高效。”斯坦伯格

    "What our study suggests is that teenagers learn more quickly and more effectively when their peers are present than when they're on their own," Steinberg says.


  • 其中一些重要研究帮助科学家更好了解人类学习记忆

    Some of this important research will help scientists understand more about human learning and memory.


  • 由于没有视觉经验个体仍然具有学习模仿别人的能力,这种研究有助于解释盲人如何使用自己其他感官外界互动

    Since individuals with no visual experience still learn from and imitate others, studies such as this help explain how they can use their other sensory modalities to interact with the world.


  • 案例研究技术中,评估人员使用课程调查构建系统类似例子进行启发式学习

    In case studies techniques, estimators apply lessons and heuristics learned from examining specific examples that resemble the system that is being built.


  • 之前的研究表明SHANK3基因突变语言能力发育迟缓、学习障碍泛自闭障碍症有关

    Previous research has shown that gene mutation in SHANK3 is associated with delayed language abilities, learning disability, and ASDs.


  • 研究中,科学家他们已经认定多动症儿童其他儿童区别,尾状核大脑学习记忆有关的一个区域。

    In a separate study, other scientists said they had determined that ADHD children have differences in the caudate nucleus, which is involved in learning and memory, compared to other children.


  • 本可以安然处身于浓烈的学习氛围中,兴趣盎然不停地吸着自己可爱烟斗,终日深奥书本为伴,而他也因专注于对中世纪欧洲游民研究而享誉美名。

    Safe in his enclosing study, with the lovingly filled and refilled pipe and the esoteric books, his fame would have centred round investigations of vagabonds in medieval Europe.


  • 例如研究Geronimo学习DI困难,因为Geronimo中包含许多移动部分,但DI毫无关系。

    For example, studying Geronimo to learn about di is difficult, because Geronimo contains a lot of moving parts that have nothing to do with di.


  • 另外去年发表于《阿兹海默氏痴呆症》(Alzheimer’s and Dementia)杂志一项研究发现,使用Omega-3DHA补充品可以让大脑年轻提高记忆力学习能力

    Plus, a study published last year in the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia found that taking Omega-3 DHA supplements took three years off the brain, improving memory and learning skills.


  • 目前加利福尼亚大学学习记忆神经生物学研究中心神经学专家正在对布拉德脑部扫描进行研究

    Brad's brain scans are now being studied by neuroscientists at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the Univeristy of California.


  • 研究人员接着另外两种方法测试一次测量学习视觉刺激听觉刺激之间联系能力

    The researchers then went on to test the participants by two other methods, this time to measure the capacity to learn associations between visual and auditory stimuli.


  • 这个理论观点中可以得出一种研究方法如果人类动物并无差别,就能通过研究人类动物的学习过程,来研究人类的学习过程。

    From that standpoint, from that theoretical standpoint, comes a methodological approach which is, if they're all the same then you could study human learning by studying nonhuman animals.


  • 儿童青少年神经病理学学习班中,学生会被送到学校的儿童研究中心观察医生如何儿童进行评估,然后他们详细写下自己看法

    The class on child and adolescent psychopathology sends them to the university's child study center to observe a clinician evaluating a child, after which they write up their own assessments.


  • 学习这些专门面向学生社交网络其中提供专门针对学生学习区域位置相关查询一些高级研究机会

    Study Circles: These are social networks dedicated for students where they can have areas dedicated to student study topics, placement related queries and advanced research opportunity gathering.


  • 富兰克林马歇尔学院学习致力于研究几内亚罗布·里恩群岛本土文化

    Her academic focus at Franklin and Marshall College was the native culture of the Trobriand Islands off New Guinea.


  • 颞叶皮层左耳上方由于区域语言学习关键作用,因此长期以来,研究人员都怀疑该组织失调症有某种关联。

    That area, just above the left ear, has long been suspected of playing a part in the developmental disorder because of its critical role in learning language.


  • 研究结果显示孤独症儿童学习动作的方式正常儿童不同。

    The findings suggest that children with autism appear to learn new actions differently than do typically developing children.


  • 研究学习佛教人员习惯于仅仅盯某细小部分认为自己掌握了整个全貌。

    Students of Buddhism have tended to fasten onto a small part of the tradition and assume their conclusions held true about the whole.


  • 研究学习佛教人员习惯于仅仅盯某细小部分认为自己掌握了整个全貌。

    Students of Buddhism have tended to fasten onto a small part of the tradition and assume their conclusions held true about the whole.


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