• 相比之下,火星有着剧烈倾斜混乱季节性金星缓慢地向后旋转几乎没有实质上的任何季节性

    Mars, in contrast, has a wildly oscillating tilt and chaotic seasonality, while Venus, rotating slowly backward, has virtually no seasonality at all.


  • 今年季节流感疫苗含有三种流感病毒——种甲型(H3N2病毒,一种与流感毒株无关常规季节性甲型(H1N1)病毒,以及乙型病毒。

    This year’s seasonal vaccine contains three influenza virusesone A (H3N2) virus, one regular seasonal A (H1N1) virus unrelated to the swine flu strain and one B virus.


  • 在线购物通常具有季节性即将到来假日季节在线购物的前景不错

    Online shopping has always been a seasonal market and there are promising signs for the upcoming holiday season.


  • 春季鸟的绝佳时候因为很多季节性候鸟飞回来了鸟儿营巢季节也开始了

    Spring is a fantastic time for birding as many seasonal migrants return and nesting season begins.


  • 目前赛诺菲正在生产最新季节性流感疫苗——针对科学家认为秋冬季节将会引起流感病毒的疫苗。

    For now, Sanofi is continuing to crank out the latest seasonal-flu vaccine, targeting the strains that scientists think are likely to pose the greatest risk during flu season next fall and winter.


  • 因此,今年我们面临一个正常年份可能槽糕流感季节——而且还没有考虑是否这种病毒会比正常季节性流感病毒更难对付。

    So we are heading for a flu season which is perhaps three times worse than usualnot allowing for whether this virus is more severe than normal seasonal flu viruses.


  • Tivoli公园最高执行官Lars Liebst我们过去季节性商业到今天几乎脱离了季节性成为全年可行的商业。”

    "We used to be a seasonal business and now we are more or less a full-year business," says Lars Liebst, the park's chief executive.


  • 充分认识到季节性景观我们生活中的作用以及我们设计出带有季节性主题景观时,看到我们生活带来实际的作用。

    In well knew seasonal landscape us live of function, and when we design the landscape that take the seasonal topic, seeing it bring our life the actual function.


  • 来自约翰霍普金斯布鲁伯格公共卫生学校研究显示母亲在孕期接受了季节性流感疫苗则新生儿可以获得对季节性流感的保护

    Newborns can be protected from seasonal flu when their mothers are vaccinated during pregnancy, according to a study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


  • 他们的报告显示流感这一季节性病毒可以使心脏疾病恶化流感季节心脏病发作心脏病的患者明显增多。

    Their report shows that the seasonal virus can worsen heart disease and that deaths from heart attacks and heart disease are far more common during flu season.


  • 结论SD大鼠脾脏指数、胸腺指数肺泡巨噬细胞吞噬功能存在季节节律可能秋季季节性呼吸系统多发病的病理生理学基础之一。

    Conclusion There are seasonal rhythms of the functions in the spleen, thymus and alveolar macrophage in SD rats, which are lower in autumn than that in spring.


  • 季节性冰川全球水循环中的重要成分监测季节性雪覆盖范围以及冰川堆积和消融地带,对于理解全球水循环是十分必要的。

    Seasonal snow cover and glacier are important components of global water cycling. Thus, it is necessary to monitor the seasonal snow cover, the depositing and melting of the glacier.


  • 大多数工作机会季节性的,主要旅游业农业季节性有关报酬一般很少不过大多数到国外工作是为了游历刺激

    Most of the chances are in seasonal work, mainly connected with tourism and agriculture the pay is usually poor, but most people work abroad for the excitement of travel.


  • 疫苗生产商完成季节性疫苗生产,这样北半球即将来临流感季节将有足够的季节性疫苗可用

    Vaccine makers will finish production of seasonal vaccine, and full capacity of seasonal vaccine will therefore be available for the coming flu season in the Northern Hemisphere.


  • 土壤含水量季节性变化,与降水量季节性变化密切相关。

    The seasonal change of soil moisture had closed correlation to seasonal change of precipitation.


  • 所以,不知道我们今后好看季节性产品供应能否充足一些(包括非季节性产品)?

    So we are asking you to consider supplying us with more of the seasonal products (non-seasonal products also included) that show a promising market potential?


  • 儿童肺炎发病率明显季节性规律不同地区不同年龄组儿童肺炎的季节性规律不尽相同。

    Results That there was an obvious seasonal characteristic of the incidence of pneumonia in children, which varied with the area and age of children individually.


  • 郑和航线经历的地区世界上季风现象最显著地区之一。盛行季节性变动,带来了洋流季节性变化,为郑和航海提供了优越的条件。

    The places Zheng passed by were where monsoon was very prominent, and the seasonal changes of prevalent wind would lend to seasonal changes of ocean current, thus greatly facilitating Zheng's voyage.


  • 郑和航线经历的地区世界上季风现象最显著地区之一。盛行季节性变动,带来了洋流季节性变化,为郑和航海提供了优越的条件。

    The places Zheng passed by were where monsoon was very prominent, and the seasonal changes of prevalent wind would lend to seasonal changes of ocean current, thus greatly facilitating Zheng's voyage.


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