• 中国完成12北斗导航卫星系统其中一些将会赤道运行。计划中的导航以及定位系统的卫星将超过30颗。

    China will develop 12 Beidou or North Dipper satellites, some destined for geostationary orbit. It plans a navigation and positioning system of more than 30 satellites, Sun said.


  • 孙来中国完成12颗北斗导航卫星系统,其中一些将会绕着赤道运行。计划中的导航以及定位系统的卫星将超过30颗。

    China will develop12beidou or north dipper satellites some destined for geostationary orbit. it plans a navigation and positioning system of more than30satellites sun said.


  • 不管怎样,先生还是对软银一个乐观长达300的长远计划(那个时候估计人们心灵感应术交流而且可以活到200岁)。

    Somewhat optimistically, Mr Son has a 300-year plan for Softbank (by the end of which time he expects people to communicate by telepathy and live to 200).


  • 大利拉使枕着睡觉一个头上七条。于是大利拉克制,他的力气离开他了。

    And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.


  • 芳,面试的。

    I am Sunfang coming for an interview.


  • 孟加拉德尔本斯地区(the Sundarbans regionof Bangladesh),人们后脑勺一个面具(如上图),防止背后袭击——是老虎喜欢攻击方式

    In the Sundarbans region of Bangladesh, people wear masks on the back of their heads (pictured above) to prevent an assault from behind - the tiger's preferred method of attack.


  • 禀告他父母说:"看见一个女子,是非利士人的女儿,愿你们。"

    When he returned, he said to his father and mother, "I have seen a Philistine woman in Timnah; now get her for me as my wife."


  • ,然后用液氮氢气降温到,然后可以使用这个氢气了,想要用氢气做焦耳-汤姆实验。

    Then you take hydrogen you cool it would liquid nitrogen to 77, then you can use your hydrogen gas.


  • 12月14日,伟铭判死刑。现在希望通过赔偿死者家属自己

    On July 24th he was sentenced to death, though he is now hoping a deal to compensate the families will be enough to save his life.


  • 早上史密斯先生。芳,面试的。

    Good moring, Mr. Smith. I am Sunfang coming for an interview.


  • 先生说:“我们只有一个儿子我们使孩子考试得到高分。”

    We've got only one son, we feel that our presence here can encourage him to get high marks in the exam.


  • 我们尽可能以最大的热情和真诚支持这个品牌和这个事业吧,从让我们子子都生活一个更加环保的地球上!

    Let's support business like this whenever possible, so there will be more clean land on the earth for the future generations.


  • 保护水平抗氧化剂开机-可以得到任何这个更好

    Sun protection and high levels of antioxidants to boot - could it get any better than that?


  • 知道榭家族史上还从未过子息繁盛的时候,于是数百家族姓氏连同家族的宅第均是由父及子子及一脉单传。

    I also knew that in the Usher family there had never been many children and so for hundreds of years the family name, together with the family home, had passed straight from father to son.


  • 本文意在通过祖、媳、黑人女性人生经历分析,探寻黑人女性构建自我身份、实现自我解放的途径策略。

    In this paper, through analyzing the life experience of black women from three generations, ways for their self-identity construction and self-liberation are achieved.


  • 禀告父母看见一个女子,是非利士人女儿,愿你们

    And he came up, and told his father and his mother, and said, I have seen a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines: now therefore get her for me to wife.


  • 鞭笞用的棕榈,放声痛哭

    I want the beating palms to cry out for Samson.


  • 他们进去究竟发现已经死上,他们那些鸟儿一定啄食的肉的。

    The neighbors came to see what was wrong. They saw Sun lying dead on his bed. They thought the birds must have come to peck the flesh off his bones.


  • 方家家陆续电汇上海的船票辛楣他们定好。

    The money the Fangs and Suns wired arrived in succession. Hsin-mei, reserved steamship tickets back to Shanghai for them.


  • 十一32此外,还要再说什么?要一一细说甸、巴拉耶弗他大卫撒母耳和众申言事,时间不够用了。

    Heb. 11:32 and what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets.


  • 主要表现人物形象诗化是将农村青年妇女当作美的极致化身表现

    This is mainly displayed as follows:First, the characters possess poetic images. In Sun Li's novels, the young women in the countryside are depicted as the embodiment of "the perfection of beauty".


  • 主要表现人物形象诗化是将农村青年妇女当作美的极致化身表现

    This is mainly displayed as follows:First, the characters possess poetic images. In Sun Li's novels, the young women in the countryside are depicted as the embodiment of "the perfection of beauty".


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