• 已经知道爱情已经不存在深深地捉对方不放开,一些小小的,朋友间的关怀当作天大的希望

    We already know the inexistence of love, but we still cling to his or her hands tightly and see some drops of friendly care as a great hope to redeem the lost love.


  • 诗人一种理想主义的方式寻求自然社会上帝和谐关系表现了人类存在关怀

    He intends to seek a harmonious relationship between man and nature, society and God in an idealistic way, which represents his great concern about the human existence.


  • 多重存在使道德关怀动机具有多层次性。

    The morals concern is multiplayer because of human multiple existence.


  • 艺术作为一种人学,应对存在进行关怀也就是说艺术文化力的方向应该人的存在一致。那么,今天的人如何的一种存在呢。

    Art and culture should concern about the existence of human being, that is to say, cultural force should be in harmony with human existence.


  • 本周展望预示宇宙画面中存在关怀同情

    This week's outlook suggests there's kindness and compassion in the cosmic picture.


  • 道德信仰道德终极关怀,是理性非理性存在方式,是精神支柱。

    Moral belief is a kind of ultimate concern for morality, an irrational existing form of rationality, and the spiritual support for mankind.


  • 终极关怀体现的是对存在本质关注,现实关怀则体现是对人的具体存在方式的关注。

    The ultimate concern cares for the essence of human existence while the actual concern cares for the manner of human existence.


  • 恰恰那些需要关注、被关怀人们,使我们认清存在意义

    It is those who need our attention and care that helps us realize the significance of our existence.


  • 这种终极存在终极解释关怀始终指向一个终极目标——确定宇宙中的地位寻找人生意义的根基

    The concern on the ultimate being and explanation aims at an ultimate object -ensuring human's status in the world, seeking the groundwork of human life.


  • 目的在于教导人们保护生命存在提升生命境界,追求生命意义,所以生命关怀应当成为高校道德教育价值选择。

    Its purpose is to teach people to protect the existence of life, to enhance the state of life, and to pursuit of the meaning of life.


  • 张载天地万物作为道德关怀对象体现自然秩序的维护和其他生命物种的尊重以及非生命存在关爱

    Zhang regarded the world as the object of moral concern, which showed his defense of natural order, his respect for other loving things, and his concern for nonliving existences.


  • 英语教学教育价值课堂教学、教材教学方法教学评价方面存在人文关怀缺失

    We have absence of human solicitude in educational value, classroom teaching, textbooks, teach - ing methods and teaching evaluation in English teaching.


  • 古典文学研究领域存在严重边缘化焦虑价值怀疑学科困惑,其核心乃是现实关怀的缺失。

    In classical literature research, there exists serious marginalized anxiety, doubt on value and confusion about subjects.


  • 已经知道爱情已经不存在深深地捉对方不放开,一些小小的,朋友间的关怀当作天大的希望

    We already know theinexistenceof love, but we still cling to his or her hands tightly and see some drops of friendly care as a great hope toredeemthe lost love.


  • 通过调查研究总结出当前的高校人力资源管理制度内容、制度执行、管理行为方面存在人文关怀的不足。

    Also we discussed the main problems existed in human resources development in universities, and proposed countermeasures in system content, system implementation, management behavior, and so on.


  • 医学存在自然人文双重属性医疗服务必须体现人文关怀

    Medicine possess both character of nature and humanistic character . The humanistic care is necessary in medical service.


  • 研究试图中学道德教育中的生命关怀现状为切入点,发现其中所存在的问题,分析成因,进而尝试提出怎样实现我国中学道德教育生命关怀策略建议。

    This paper tries to find, analyze the related factors in life concerning in morals education of middle school, and finally put forward the strategies of solving the problems.


  • 结果中美临终关怀计划在计划种类受益人纳入标准服务控制机制、出入案相关规定资金来源等相关政策等方面存在异同点。

    Results There were similarities and differences between the plan categories, beneficiary inclusion criteria, service control mechanism, related regulations, and fund resources between the two systems.


  • 再次批判改造之间可沟通规则”,中国式问题中国式关系本土关怀中,存在某种有效的“信任范围”。

    Third, the" communicable rules" between criticism and reformation have an effective" trust bound" in the localized caring for Chinese problems and Chinese relations.


  • 文章我国公共图书馆无障碍环境建设中存在无障碍意识不强、人文关怀缺失、盲人有声读物图书室普及率低、无障碍设施不完善、人性化服务不到位现状进行了分析

    This article analyzes the current situation of barrier free environment of public library in China, for example, the weak consciousness of barrier free, deficiency of human solicitude and so on.


  • 为此探讨我国临终关怀服务存在主要问题对策

    To discuss the main problems and strategy of hospice care in our country.


  • 日本建筑设计体现了更多的对于细节关注人文关怀;(4)设计创作生成方式存在差异

    Japanese architectural design reflects more attention in detail and more humanistic care. (4) There is difference exits in the formation mode of design creative.


  • 世纪80年代以后国际教育思想发生重大变化,人们开始关注本身,提出对存在的终极关怀

    Since the 1980s of the 20th century, there have been significant changes in the educational ideology throughout the world. The human being and his ultimate existence have been people's concern.


  • 而《文子生命哲学要旨正是表现了三个生命存在层面的真诚呵护,呈现了人类生存终极关怀

    Life Philosophy of Wenzi takes good care of the three aspects exactly. Wenzi's thought takes on the ultimate solicitude about the subsistence of human being.


  • 而《文子生命哲学要旨正是表现了三个生命存在层面的真诚呵护,呈现了人类生存终极关怀

    Life Philosophy of Wenzi takes good care of the three aspects exactly. Wenzi's thought takes on the ultimate solicitude about the subsistence of human being.


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