• 现代计算机存储器利用电流,内有数以千计电路致密压缩成为微型芯片”。

    They use tiny electric currents, and have thousands of circuits inside them, put tightly into tiny"chips".


  • 辅助硬盘驱动器存储尽管硬盘驱动器存储XI50一个选项,但XI50 B包含扩展功能,支持利用机壳存储器

    Auxiliary hard drive storage: Whereas hard drive storage is an option on the XI50, it's included and expanded in the XI50B, which has the ability to leverage the chassis storage.


  • 使用SQLiteAPI可以存储复杂数据利用内部外部存储器,您可以存储应用程序私有或者其他应用程序公共可用文件

    Using the SQLite API, you can store more complex data, and with the internal and external storage, you can store files that are private to the application or publicly available to other applications.


  • 计算最大缓冲区大小DB 2操作系统以及其它任何应用程序必须考虑其它所有存储器利用

    To calculate the maximum buffer size, DB2 considers all other storage utilization, the operating system, and any other applications.


  • 可以利用诸如硬盘之类的非易存储器

    Nonvolatile memory may also be utilized such as a hard disk.


  • 利用存储计算机存储器中的事先准备好的段落编写复信。

    She composes an answer, using prepared paragraphs that are in the computer's memory .


  • 利用存储器检索必需数据可以使用SDO编程模型断开连接特性

    With the necessary data retrieved in your in-memory graph, you can exploit the disconnected nature of SDO's programming model. You have chosen to release the active database connection at this point.


  • 方法能够有效地利用存储器访问局部性特征,实施快速的完整性检验过程

    This approach efficiently utilizes the locality pattern of memory accessing to quicken the checking processes of integrity.


  • 文章介绍利用时钟产生存储器接口控制信号方法建立软核仿真平台提供了一个新的途径

    This paper presents a way to generate control signals of the interface of memory using many clocks, and offers a new way for setting up the soft-core simulation platform.


  • 方法利用容量易失性可电擦除的存储器存储生理信号数字信息

    Methods: Making use of large capacity and non - volatile memory store digital information about physiologic signal.


  • 利用存储计算机存储器中的事先准备好的段落编写复信。

    She composes an answer, using prepared paragraphs that are in the computer's memory.


  • 测试仪器安装水力活塞芯尾部取样器内,随泵芯投入井下进行测试,可实时检测地层含水率情况,利用数据存储器实时保存历史曲线,提供了全天候观测生产过程的手段。

    Testing instrument was installed in sampler at heel of hydraulic pump, put into down-hole with pump, and it can examine water cut of formation fluid, save history curves in real time by data memory.


  • 本文介绍利用ALTERA公司FLEX10 K器件数据存储器系统实现数据存储控制接口方法

    This paper will introduce the method of implementing the interface of data storage controller in the data storage system by using of the FLEX10K devices manufactured by ALTERA Corporation.


  • 利用FPGA硬件上实现了算法,内部采用流水线技术校正系数存储在FPGA片内存储器中并实现补偿

    In the FPGA design, the pipelined technique is applied and the correction coefficient is stored in the interior memory of FPGA, meanwhile, blind pixel compensation is implemented.


  • 结构利用现有存储增加时钟频率情况下,提高存储器系统容量速度同时降低成本

    The capacity and speed of the memory subsystem in this architecture can be improved using the existed memory devices while the cost can be downgraded without enhancement of the clock frequency.


  • 系统ARM处理器FIFO存储器核心利用可编程逻辑器件实现对整个底层数据采集系统逻辑控制给出了时序控制部分仿真波形

    The system controls the logic of the data acquisition board by programmable logic device (PLD) with the center of the ARM microcontroller and FIFO memory and provides the simulate waveforms.


  • 这里提出结构解决了这个问题,它利用标准CMOS晶体管来实现非易失性存储器这样需要额外掩膜工艺步骤

    The proposed structure circumvents this problem by creating non-volatile memory cells from standard CMOS transistors. Thus, no additional masking or processing steps are necessary.


  • 提高词典访问速度同时,也兼顾了提高存储器的空间利用,而且本算法实现起来比较容易。

    It improves the speed of segmentation and utilization ratio of main memory. Furthermore, its implement is very easy.


  • 端口0也是低位地址利用外部程序数据存储器的数据总线

    Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during access to external program and data memory.


  • 为了提高嵌入式多媒体应用运行速度降低功耗本文提出一种高效利用片上存储器方法

    To improve embedded multimedia application performance and reduce power consumption, an efficient method of exploiting scratchpad memory is proposed.


  • 蠕虫利用微软操作系统存储器缺陷造成全世界几十亿美元损失

    The worm exploited a memory flaw in Microsoft operating systems to cause billions of dollars of damage worldwide.


  • 研究表明电子环形存储器单元电路利用量子环状电路结构形式,外接输入电压控制各岛上电荷能够得到存储器01状态

    It is shown that the two states('0' and '1') of single-electron ring memory, which has a cyclic array of quantum dots, can be implemented by input voltage controlling the charges on the islands.


  • 主要介绍一种利用FLASH存储器实现TMS320 VC 5402系列DSP存储器扩展,并结合实例8并行加载全过程详细的介绍。

    Mainly introduces TMS320VC5402 series DSP storage spreading realized by applying FLASH storage and the complete process of 8 bits parallel loading combined with living examples in detail.


  • 一方面利用嵌入式微控制器中FLASH存储器动态编程技术多路公用电话计费系统实现在线实时更新程序功能

    On the one hand, to realize the on-line real-time update program function in multi-channel public telephone fee system using the FLASH memory dynamic programming technology of micro-controller.


  • 揭示了利用本地存储器记录介质中再现出数据方法装置

    A method and apparatus for reproducing data from a recording medium using a local storage is disclosed.


  • 系统发挥两种微机优势利用总线周期分散型共享存储器技术,实现耦合方式高速通信

    The system takes advantage of both, computers and can realize high rate communication in tight coupling style, by using bus period stealing and distributional memory sharing.


  • 系统发挥两种微机优势利用总线周期分散型共享存储器技术,实现耦合方式高速通信

    The system takes advantage of both, computers and can realize high rate communication in tight coupling style, by using bus period stealing and distributional memory sharing.


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