• 当然这个项目推销政客的捷径包装成为研究单一的项目,格斯玻色

    Yet the easiest way to sell it to politicians was to frame it as a search for a single particle, the Higgs boson.


  • 在CERN以及美国费米实验室对撞机寻求格斯数十年后LHC研究者们相信他们也许会最终抓住这位通缉犯。

    After decades searching for the Higgs in particle collisions at CERN, and at Fermilab in the us, researchers at the LHC believe they may finally have the elusive particle within their grasp.


  • 这样碰撞产生格斯粒意味着随着玻色的产生,复杂产生其他

    If a Higgs were to be made in such a collision, the complexity of hadrons means that other particles would be created along with the boson.


  • 格斯搜寻进度于预期大型对撞机(LHC)的研究员

    The hunt for the Higgs particle is well ahead of schedule, say researchers at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).


  • 勒家,是底巴利撒迦利亚。何萨弟兄共十三人

    Hilkiah the second, Tebaliah the third, Zechariah the fourth: all the sons and brethren of Hosah were thirteen.


  • 众议长·洛西措施及时有针对性临时的”—也是经济刺激一揽政策的三个目标

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the measures are "timely, targeted and temporary" — the three goals for an economic stimulus package.


  • 欧洲核研究委员会(CERN)大型对撞机(LHC)工作的物理学家们现在很自信他们觉得他们能够在2012年底机器暂时停止运行之前找到格斯粒

    Physicists at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are confident that they can find the Higgs boson by the end of 2012, when the machine will be shut down temporarily.


  • 直到最近大型对撞机加速过质,让它们微粒加速器碰撞主要是为了寻找广为人知又缺乏实证格斯玻色其他的异

    Until recently, the LHC only accelerated protons and collided them inside the particle accelerator mainly to search for the infamous Higgs boson and other exotic particles.


  • 许多物理博客炒得如火如荼,由于博主喋喋不休探讨出现格斯波色迹象可能性——或者也许完全出乎预料的粒——日内瓦瑞士附近大型对撞机数据表明。

    Physics blogs are alive with chatter about a possible sign of the Higgs boson - or perhaps an entirely unexpected particle - in data from the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland.


  • 不会)大型对撞机(LHC),人类有史以来建造最大加速器将会细查微观世界中事物生变,探寻理论上假定存在的格斯玻色

    The LHC, the largest particle accelerator ever built, will examine what goes on at the tiniest level, seeking the theorised Higgs Boson.


  • 建造大型强对撞机目的寻找格斯,以解释物理学家解释质量存在探索物理学一个分支,即所谓的超对称性

    It is designed to find the Higgs boson, which is needed by physicists to explain the existence of mass, and to explore a branch of physics called supersymmetry. See article.


  • 如果对撞机保持几个那样出色的进展我们也就能够发现格斯波色最重要。”Radio4sToday节目组透露道。

    "If the (LHC) continues to make such beautiful progress as is happening in the last few months we will be able to find the Higgs boson, which will be major," he told Radio 4's Today programme.


  • 一日,亚多尼雅隐罗结旁,磐石那里宰了弟兄,就是所有作王臣仆犹大

    Adonijah then sacrificed sheep, cattle and fattened calves at the Stone of Zoheleth near en Rogel. He invited all his brothers, the king's sons, and all the men of Judah who were royal officials.


  • 约翰关押死海附近卡鲁斯城堡里。

    King Herod had imprisoned him at the fortress of Machaerus near the Dead Sea.


  • 小野指控偷窃信件有些凸显蓝侬生前曾披头四另一名团员保罗·卡尼激烈争执。

    Among the letters that Yoko Ono alleged Seaman had stolen, some highlighted the furious disagreements between lennon and another member of Beatle, Paul McCartney.


  • 小野指控偷窃信件有些凸显蓝侬生前曾披头四另一名团员保罗·卡尼激烈争执。

    Among the letters that Yoko Ono alleged Seaman had stolen, some highlighted the furious disagreements between lennon and another member of Beatle, Paul McCartney.


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