• 华尔街邮报周一报道苹果公司可能三月发售备受期待的媒体平板电脑。

    Apple may ship its much awaited multimedia tablet device in March, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal on Monday.


  • 苹果当然谣言中心:有谣言称苹果可能考虑一个加强版的iPodtouch媒体平板电脑

    Apple, of course, is the centre of rumours about what one might consider an overgrown iPod touch or a media tablet.


  • 史蒂夫·乔布斯周三世界销售自从回归苹果公司15年内最大赌注之一一款媒体平板计算机iPad

    Steve Jobs took the stage Wednesday to sell the world on one of his biggest gambles since returning to Apple Inc. nearly 15 years ago: a multimedia tablet-style computer called the iPad.


  • Archos5媒体平板虽然价格昂贵而且一点点笨重绝对一个互联网平板应该有的样子:能播放音乐视频上网收发电子邮件。

    The Archos 5 media tablet: While pricey, and a tiny bit bulky it's absolutely what an Internet tablet should be: able to play music and video and surf the net and get email.


  • Needham查理•沃尔夫: 在iPad问世之后,各厂商争相推出媒体平板电脑,然而iPad2一出,这些产品马上淘汰。

    Needham's Charlie Wolf: Pad 2 immediately obsoletes a flood of media tablets that are finally beginning to appear a year after the iPad's introduction.


  • 智能手机嵌入平板电脑插槽时,就立刻可以将智能手机上功能传输平板电脑当中,包括媒体所有手机能。

    Docking the smart phone into the tablet instantly transfers the phone's functions to the tablet, including media and all phone functions.


  • 被问及苹果公司的ipad平板电脑如何改变在线媒体平衡

    He was also asked about how Apple Inc. 's iPad tablet computer could change the online media equation.


  • 设备没有键盘中等大小的,而且媒体中心的观点TechCrunch,商业周刊MacNewDaily提供他们各自有着广为流传的可靠平板电脑传言

    That the device has no keyboard, is moderately sized, and that it's media-centric are all ideas Shared by those who've separately floated sourced tablet rumors (TechCrunch, BusinessWeek, MacNewDaily).


  • 媒体革新者致力于使电视机iPad平板电脑)那样容易导航

    New-media innovators are bent on making the television set as easy to navigate as an iPad.


  • 据国外媒体报道,关于黑莓平板电脑上市传言已经持续数月上周五罗德曼&伦肖公司(Rodman &Renshaw)分析师肖克·库马尔(Ashok Kumar)发布了声明透露出的更为准确的消息让该传言又一次死灰复燃

    Rumors of a BlackBerry tablet have been circulating for months, and statements from Rodman &Renshaw analyst Ashok Kumar on Friday have rekindled the discussion with a little bit more accuracy.


  • 据国外媒体报道,关于黑莓平板电脑上市传言已经持续数月,上周五罗德曼&伦肖公司(Rodman&Renshaw分析师肖克·库马尔(Ashok Kumar)发布了声明透露出的更为准确的消息让该传言又一次死灰复燃

    Rumors of a BlackBerry tablet have been circulating for months, and statements from Rodman & Renshaw analyst Ashok Kumar on Friday have rekindled the discussion with a little bit more accuracy.


  • 大型媒体分支财富可能不会苹果平板电脑拉升至少一开始是这样就是电视业务

    One branch of big media whose fortunes may not be lifted by an Apple tablet, at least initially, is the TV business.


  • 这种新的平板电脑媒体公司可能也屈服类似的定价限制牺牲它们顾客直接关系苹果

    With the new tablet, media companies could be submitting themselves to similar pricing restrictions and sacrificing their direct relationship with customers to Apple.


  • 媒体产业平板电脑期待部分来源于这种设备简要报告分析师及其他人描述

    Part of the media industry's high hope for the tablet comes from descriptions of the device from analysts and others who have been briefed on it.


  • 最终产品便是平板电脑组多媒体幻灯片这样患者通过在电脑屏幕上几下,便能更深入发掘探究某些图像重点部分

    The final product is a multimedia slide show on a tablet computer that allows the patient to dig deeper into highlighted parts of some images by tapping on the screen.


  • 平板电脑可以承担更为复杂任务文档写作网络浏览以及媒体观看展示

    Tablets could take over the more complex tasks, such as composing documents, browsing the web, and viewing or presenting multimedia.


  • 最终产品便是平板电脑媒体幻灯片,这样,患者通过电脑屏幕上轻按几下,便能更深入地发掘探究某些图像重点部分

    The finalproduct is a multimedia slide show on a tablet computer that allows thepatient to dig deeper into highlighted parts of some images by tappingon the screen.


  • 图书出版商因为平板电脑有机会使各种媒体结合一起而兴奋不已。

    They are also excited by the opportunities that tablets offer to combine various media.


  • 特点:来自巴黎Archos开发平板电脑的时候,我们就觉得它们移动媒体中心更好,这里列出款 Archos产品iPad 发布之前就已经售了。

    What else: Paris-based Archos has been making tablets since we were supposed to call them portable media centers, and the three Archos products in this list all shipped well before the iPad did.


  • 知道内情的业内人士表示,“电子报摊”需包含一个来自数字媒体公司平板android设备提供应用程序

    The e-newsstand would include apps from media companies offering versions of their publications for smartphones or tablets running Android, say people familiar with the matter.


  • 平板电脑不仅仅改变一个行业而是三个行业:电脑电信媒体

    And tablet computing promises to transform not just one industry, but three-computing, telecoms and media.


  • BodyGuardz公司2002年以来就各种手持设备智能手机媒体播放器平板电脑笔记本设计保护膜,产品全部美国制造

    Since 2002 BodyGuardz has designed cases for handhelds, smart phones, media players, tablets and notebooks. All are made in the United States.


  • 媒体有助于e平板pc一样高速连接互联网,便于下载储存电脑里的文件

    Remote media streaming 'facilitates remote access of PCs on the' eee SLATE 'using only a high-speed Internet connection, so that documents need not be stored on the tablet itself.


  • KindleFire50美元的Nook平板并未提供内置视频音乐服务不过作为款集成大量媒体功能的阅读设备来说,它也有着自己独特的魅力

    Meanwhile, the Nook Tablet costs $50 more than the Kindle Fire and doesn't offer in-house video and music services, but has its own charms as a reading-focused device with a dollop of multimedia.


  • KindleFire50美元的Nook平板并未提供内置视频音乐服务不过作为款集成大量媒体功能的阅读设备来说,它也有着自己独特的魅力

    Meanwhile, the Nook Tablet costs $50 more than the Kindle Fire and doesn't offer in-house video and music services, but has its own charms as a reading-focused device with a dollop of multimedia.


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