• 确确实实有助于促进广告媒体广告公司交流,是一个很好的平台

    It's definitely a good platform to promote the communication among marketers, media owners and advertising companies.


  • 户外媒体自身媒体位置特性传播渠道的“定位”,擅长配套的创意方式为何?

    For outdoor media owners, what are their locations, characteristics, positioning of communication channels, strengths and supporting creative methods?


  • 为了样式进行分类管理我们将css样式放在单独的文件屏幕媒体样式表文件包含它们

    To categorize and manage the style, we chose to break the CSS styling into separate files and include them into the main screen media style sheet file.


  • 环顾四周(特别是关注媒体的时候—并不推荐),你可能总是会,“啊,都发生了些什么啊。”

    When you look around in the world (especially if you pay attention to the media, which I do not recommend), you're probably already thinking, "Oh, Lord." Look what's happening here.


  • 媒体周四看到备忘录敏感内容被涂掉了。周末期间,博客EmptywheelMarcy Wheeler发现了一份关键细节被遮盖的拷贝。

    Sensitive details were blacked out in the memos seen by most of the media on Thursday but over the weekend Marcy Wheeler, of the Emptywheel blog, found a copy in which crucial details were not masked.


  • 内部媒体播放器应该直接启动MythT v屏幕(或者选择的任意应用程序)。

    A household media player should boot directly to the MythTV main screen (or whatever application you choose).


  • 不是由于那个站点报纸所有的,也不是由于博传统媒体联络的,只要他们的是有意义的事情

    Not because the site is owned by a paper or because the founder has connections to the old media. No, because they're doing work that matters.


  • 因为网页转为一种媒体体验媒体最终用户变得习惯视频了。

    As the web shifts to a rich media experience, bloggers, media and end users are becoming more accustomed to video.


  • 透明度对于传统媒体来说最难的,虽然那里已经比较平常

    Transparency is the most difficult principle for traditional media organizations, even though it's relatively common among bloggers.


  • 另外使用图片能够媒体产生更多吸引力——新闻记者喜欢图片,因为图片有助于他们讲述自己故事

    Additionally, using images creates more traction in media - journalists and bloggers both love images as it helps them tell their story.


  • 今天苹果公司推出最新产品媒体科技博客们都为之倾倒

    Today, Apple announces its newest device, and the press and tech bloggers swoon.


  • 清单1显示screen . css文件内容我们使用这个文件定义屏幕媒体相关样式

    Listing 1 shows the contents of the screen.css file we used to define our main screen media-specific styles.


  • Quora社会精英技术爱好者,企业家,互联网的先行者营销人士,和社交媒体行业的专家等。

    Q: Elite. Tech pundits, entrepreneurs, early adopters, bloggers, marketers, social media mavens.


  • 也是四点——大多数广告发现触动传媒带给他们的广告认知度回忆销售反馈度要高出其它媒体很多也是他们最终想要的。

    And that is the fourth difference - most advertisers find awareness, recall and sales response Numbers are many times higher with Touchmedia - which ultimately is what they want.


  • 周日中国媒体监督勒令某位中国某些含有“咒骂或者侮辱性语言视频下架。

    China's media watchdog said it has ordered a Chinese female video blogger to take her videos offline on Sunday for her use of "swear words and insulting language" in the show.


  • 东道德国队在揭幕战中被哥斯达黎加打进球,媒体质问球队为什么不设立清道夫

    The hosts conceded twice against Costa Rica, and the absence of a sweeper was questioned in the press.


  • 有针对性消息广播印刷媒体互联网广告目标到底看见他们广告什么情况下

    Targeted messages: Unlike broadcast and print media, the Internet allows advertisers to target exactly who will see their ads, and in what context.


  • 辨识你自己社会媒体专家或者科技博客区分大米品牌

    Mashable world. Identifying yourself as the social media expert or the tech geek blogger is about as differentiated as brands of rice.


  • 广告信息运动过程本质上广告、广告服务商、媒体广告信息接受者的不对等的互动过程。

    The essence of motion precess of advertisement information is the vary mutual functions of the advertiser, advertisement company and media department.


  • 广告广告预算大幅削减首先砍掉电视报纸占大头传统媒体广告。

    When advertisement advocate when AD budget is cut down considerably, it can chop TV, newspaper to wait above all take AD of macrocephalic tradition media.


  • 新闻节目广播新闻报导已然是媒体名人他们背后还有很多幕后工作者。

    News anchors and broadcast news reporters become media celebrities, but many other people work behind the scenes.


  • 东方体育中心综合性体育场包括一座会馆游泳池室外跳水池一个媒体中心。

    The Oriental Sports center is a comprehensive stadium including a main gymnasium, swimming pool, an outdoor diving pool and a media center.


  • 媒体包括两个居住区——绿色家园汇园,距离新闻中心和国际传播中心只有15分钟的车程。

    The village consists of two residential compounds - GREen Homeland and Huiyuan, and is just 15 minutes away by bus to the Main Press Center and International Broadcast Center.


  • 媒体包括两个居住区——绿色家园汇园,距离新闻中心和国际传播中心只有15分钟的车程。

    The village consists of two residential compounds - Green Homeland and Huiyuan, and is just 15 minutes away by bus to the Main Press Center and International Broadcast Center.


  • 华中科技大学数字校园校区查询系统就是基于分布式媒体数据库实例系统。

    HUST Digital Campus main section Query system is the instance system based on the distributing multimedia database.


  • 于是几年开始广告广告商,开始将愈来愈多的资源传统电视媒体中,转户外媒体

    We see that advertisers and advertising agencies have begun to divert more and more resources from traditional TV media to outdoor media since a few years before.


  • 于是几年开始广告广告商,开始将愈来愈多的资源传统电视媒体中,转户外媒体

    We see that advertisers and advertising agencies have begun to divert more and more resources from traditional TV media to outdoor media since a few years before.


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