• 死亡出生婴儿畸形

    The baby may be born dead or deformed.


  • 如果怀孕话别这个也许会让婴儿畸形

    If you are pregnant do not take this drug. It may deform your baby.


  • 然而过量饮酒已经证实可能增加流产死胎危险,同时也可能会出现婴儿畸形风险。

    Drinking heavily has been shown to increase the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth and babies are more likely to be born with deformities.


  • 孕妇吸入大量甲苯可以会造成婴儿畸形中枢神经系统功能障碍生长发育迟缓缺陷

    Inhalation of toluene can cause pregnant women infants with malformations, fetal central nervous system dysfunction and growth retardation and other defects.


  • 伊拉克费卢杰医疗人员称,费卢杰婴儿畸形欧洲高出13。伊拉克战争美军地区使用非常规武器可能是致畸原因。

    Doctors in the Iraqi city of Fallujah are blaming a high birth defect rate, 13 times higher than that in Europe, on the non-conventional weapons us troops have used in the city during the war.


  • 妊娠期服用的药物可能引起婴儿身体畸形

    Drugs taken during pregnancy may cause physical deformity in babies.


  • 有的婴儿具有先天性阻止这种液体肺部流出阻塞他们时常畸形肺部的。

    Babies with congenital blockages that prevent this fluid from escaping from their lungs are sometimes born with deformed lungs.


  • 英国医学研究委员会拒绝资助他们工作认为他们的工作可能会导致严重畸形婴儿并且媒体指责他们做事过于高调M.H.Johnson et al. Hum.

    The UK Medical Research Council refused to fund their work, believing it could lead to babies with severe abnormalities, and disapproving of the pair's high profile in the media ( M. H. Johnson


  • 伯恩斯坦博士这项研究之所以强大,不仅是因为规模因为考虑到除畸形以外同样影响婴儿健康因素出生体重

    Still, Dr. Bernstein said the study was strong not just because of its size but because it weighed factors other than malformations, such as birth weight, that also affect the health of the baby.


  • 多种标记物三重检验常规血液检查项目,用来测量婴儿特定先天畸形风险因素

    The multiple marker of triple screen is a routine blood test that measures your baby’s risk factor for certain birth defects.


  • 先天性心脏病婴儿出生之前发生心脏出现畸形的时候,几乎所有先天缺陷共同特点。

    Congenital heart disease occurs when the heart is malformed before birth, and is the most common of all birth defects.


  • 认为两个腿残了的婴儿一个畸形婴儿

    I guess she thought she was better off with two crippled babies than one monstrous one.


  • 检测不能发现婴儿实际上不会生来畸形

    This is not a test to find out if your baby actually will be born with birth defects.


  • 多种标记物三重检验常规血液检查项目,用来测量婴儿特定先天畸形风险因素

    The multiple marker of triple screen is a routine blood test that measures your baby's risk factor for certain birth defects.


  • 哺乳动物有关它们繁殖生理学胚胎之间存在太多差异,因而不能保证不会生出畸形胎儿婴儿

    There are too many differences between mammals and their reproductive physiology and embryology to be sure that no deformed foetus or infant would be born.


  • 孕期内感染导致婴儿患上小头畸形其他脑部缺陷

    Infection during pregnancy is believed to result in babies with small heads - a condition called microcephaly - and other brain defects.


  • 一些地方伴随病毒而来,是新生畸形小头婴儿激增。

    Arrival of the virus in some places has been associated with a steep increase in the birth of babies with abnormally small heads.


  • 目的探讨婴儿消化道畸形X线诊断价值

    Purpose: To study the value of X-ray in diagnosis of infant digestive tract malformation.


  • 家人朋友这个畸形婴儿不屑一顾他们评论说我看起来多么一个蓬头垢面足球运动员

    Family members and friends wrinkled their noses at the disfigured baby I was. They all commented on how much I looked like a beat-up football player.


  • 目的单侧唇裂畸形婴儿整复提供解剖学基础

    Objective: to provide anatomic basis for the repair of the unilateral cleft lip and deformity of nose at the time of infant.


  • 一些地方伴随病毒而来,是新生畸形小头婴儿以及吉兰—巴雷综合征病例激增。

    Arrival of the virus in some places has been associated with a steep increase in the birth of babies with abnormally small heads and in cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome.


  • 说明婴儿HDCMV感染关系密切,CMV感染可能包括HD在内一些先天性畸形重要致畸因素

    These indicate that HD is closely related to CMV infection. CMV infection may be an important teratological factor of some congenital malformations including HD.


  • 这些婴儿患上了所谓小头畸形症,它会导致严重损伤

    The babies have a condition called microcephaly. Microcephaly causes severe brain damage.


  • 造成婴儿死亡5位病因主要是出生窒息窘迫先天性肺炎新生儿吸入性肺炎以及先天性心脏畸形

    The former 5 death reasons were birth asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome, congenital pneumonia, neonatal aspiration syndrome and congenital malformation of heart.


  • 但是如果第一克隆婴儿不健康畸形或者只是千百个克隆胎儿中的唯一幸存者世界绝不会接受他。

    But the world will never embrace the first cloned baby if it is unhealthy or deformed or the sole survivor of hundreds of pregnancies.


  • 心室-肺动脉RVPA分流可以提高冠脉血流但是需要行心室切开术我们比较两种分流左心发育不良综合症相关畸形婴儿中的应用。

    The right ventriclepulmonary artery (RVPA) shunt may improve coronary flow but requires a ventriculotomy. We compared the two shunts in infants with hypoplastic heart syndrome or related anomalies.


  • 心室-肺动脉RVPA分流可以提高冠脉血流但是需要行心室切开术我们比较两种分流左心发育不良综合症相关畸形婴儿中的应用。

    The right ventriclepulmonary artery (RVPA) shunt may improve coronary flow but requires a ventriculotomy. We compared the two shunts in infants with hypoplastic heart syndrome or related anomalies.


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