• 接着跨入40岁后,婚姻建筑职业终结了。

    Then in my early 40s, both my marriage and career as a builder ended.


  • 需要重新找到这个平衡把自己放到制衡点上,这样才能留住对于来说重要东西婚姻的孩子。

    I need to regain my balance and be centered so I can save the things that are most important to me: my marriage and my children.


  • 相关一点自己设定个人成长节奏照顾们自己婚姻

    A related point concerns the personal growth rhythm we set for ourselves, to take care of ourselves and our marriages.


  • 也是关于婚姻生活的故事虽然共同生活三十,但首先应该承认关于婚姻任何人知道都远超过

    It is also the story of my marriage, but despite the thirty years that Jane and I have spent together, I suppose I should begin by admitting that others know far more about marriage than I.


  • 此外祖父叙利亚祖母阿丽亚的婚姻短暂的。

    In addition, my grandfather's marriage to my father's Syrian mother, Grandmother Allia, was brief.


  • 对于婚姻持续性成功可持续性的生活来说都公平的。

    It's not fair to my marriage, my ongoing success, and the sustainability of how I live.


  • 丈夫婚姻结束一起走出婚姻围城剩下结婚就有的家具一些唱片了”。

    When (my husband) and I split up the only thing I came out of marriage with was what I had when I went in — my furniture, books, record albums.


  • 婚姻核心里,的丈夫一种双赢关系是因为尊重彼此

    My husband and I have a win-win relationship at the core of our marriage, and this is because we respect each other.


  • 新罕布什尔州民意调查中的支持率开始下降希拉里决定接受邀请参加哥伦比亚广播公司的“60分钟”栏目,就这些指控婚姻状况回答问题

    I was dropping in the New Hampshire polls, and Hillary and I decided we should accept an invitation from the CBS program 60 Minutes to answer questions about the charges and the state of our marriage.


  • 丈夫遇到一些困难,不过只是婚姻上的经常反复问题并无大碍

    My husband and I had been having our difficulties, nothing major, but the little riffs that happen during a marriage.


  • 朋友们自己不仅自己的婚姻设立的角色做斗争,也在父辈或祖父辈设立模板作斗争,更在与围绕着影响们的文化做斗争。

    My girlfriends and I are fighting patterns not only set from our marriages but from the templates of our parents and our grandparents and the culture that surrounded and influenced us.


  • 丈夫整个婚姻生活中出现几次不同财政上的问题

    My husband and I have been in several different financial situations throughout our marriage.


  • 那么婚姻生活这个阶段超越生活中的缺点,瑕疵不足,来赞颂自己丈夫一同创造生活之间的

    So, in the next phase of our lives, I will look beyond the flaws and the imperfections and the inadequacies we all feel and celebrate the life my husband and I have created and the love we enjon.


  • 什么时候才能心爱步入婚姻殿堂呢!

    When am I gonna walk down the aisle and marry the man of my dream.


  • 年后随着场不成功的婚姻的结束商业上的奋斗,发现自己事业终于有些起色。

    Years later, after weathering a divorce and the constant struggletrying to build some momentum with my business, I find myself onceagain beginning to finally pick up some speed.


  • 最近一位看来已经拥有幸福婚姻女性朋友吃饭聊天。

    Recently, I was having dinner with a girlfriend who has the best marriage I’ve ever seen.


  • 妻子开玩笑为了旅游频繁分离这就是保持30婚姻新鲜度的法宝,真是“小别胜新婚”( 译者好羡慕,译者好烦自己的老婆 )。

    My wife and I often say, only half in jest, that our frequent travel separations are one key to our marriage’s continuing freshness after 30 years.


  • 婚姻无趣可能是因为没有看到生活一些细节价值而不是因为太太不再相爱了。

    I won't divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn't value the details of life, not because we didn't love each other any more.


  • 老公觉得婚姻头等大事

    My husband and I have made the choice that our marriage is the most important thing to us.


  • 基斯一个非常坦诚深厚婚姻每天使之更坦诚、更深厚。

    "Keith and I have a very honest, profound marriage, which we both contribute to every day," she says. "we."


  • Merry准备结婚的时候,进行了婚姻咨询并且得到很多好的建议

    When Merry and I were preparing to be married, we went through counseling and got a lot of good advice.


  • 尽管如此虽然没有受婚姻制度约束,Jeff仍然开始讨论举行某种仪式来庆祝们的关系

    Nonetheless, however unengaged I am to the institution of marriage, Jeff and I began to talk through the possibility of holding some sort of celebration of our relationship.


  • 婚姻破裂以后在学校内不再机会交谈,10月初,他邀请一起出去喝酒

    After her marriage broke up, she went out of her way to find opportunities to talk to me in school and, one day early in October, she suggested that we should go out for a drink together.


  • 包括诗歌美丽婚姻的坚强,们公众辩论中的智慧和我官员正直

    It does not include the beauty of our poetry orthe strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our publicdebate or the integrity of our public officials.


  • 男孩女孩给出了他们婚姻的看法父母那一带不同的。

    The boys and the girls give their own opinion of their views about the marriage, which are very different from our parents'.


  • 特别特别要好的朋友摆脱段糟糕婚姻

    I've been sleeping with a really, really good friend of mine who recently got out of a terrible marriage.


  • 安吉拉第一次婚姻结束了,原因一样

    Angela's first marriage ended for the same reason as mine.


  • 安吉拉第一次婚姻结束了,原因一样

    Angela's first marriage ended for the same reason as mine.


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