• 英格兰北部恩-威尔郡最先将古典音乐研制成武器的地区之一

    Tyne and Wear in the north of England was one of the first parts of the UK to weaponize classical music.


  • 10多年恩-威尔郡地铁站配备扩音器播放古典音乐

    Over ten years ago stations on the Tyne and Wear Metro were equipped with speakers that blasted out classical music.


  • 这些恩-威尔郡地铁管理人员说,这些年轻人“倒干什么违法活动”,但是他们车站骂骂咧咧抽烟骚扰乘客。”

    The young people were "not getting up to criminal activities," admitted Tyne and Wear Metro, but they were "swearing, smoking at stations and harassing passengers."


  • 承认也是这些故事的爱好者之一,我只会威尔郡旅行时才会对此如此热衷因为当地许多民间传说航空广告上都会涉及馅饼的问题。

    I count myself a fan, but I only indulge on my visits to Cornwall: as such folksy tales and WCP's AD line imply provenance matters.


  • 来自英国威尔郡华盛顿市的戴维森小姐患有原发性心肌症,这种疾病由破坏心肌的过滤性毒菌引起如果不心脏移植手术,死去

    Miss Davidson, from Washington, Tyne and Wear, had cardiomyopathy, a viral condition which destroys the heart muscle. She would have died without the transplant.


  • 称作“少男杀手”的56岁英国妇人帕特·希金斯于当地时间5月28英国泰恩威尔郡再次披上婚纱举行了自己第九次婚礼,新郎32的安德森。

    Britain woman, Pat Higgins, 56 - who has been branded "man-eater" held her ninth wedding ceremony in Shields, Tyne and Wear, on 28th, May. The groom is 32 years her junior, Mark Sanderson.


  • 称作“少男杀手”的56岁英国妇人帕特·希金斯于当地时间5月28英国泰恩威尔郡再次披上婚纱举行了自己第九次婚礼,新郎32的安德森。

    A Britain woman, Pat Higgins, 56 - who has been branded "man-eater" held her ninth wedding ceremony in Shields, Tyne and Wear, on 28th, May. The groom is 32 years her junior, Mark Sanderson.


  • 然而英国地景艺术家通常愿意远离城镇,到那些传统意义上被认为是美景的地域去,例如湖区或者威尔丘陵区域。

    Generally however British land artists preferred to get away from towns, gravitating towards landscapes that are traditionally considered beautiful such as the Lake District or the Wiltshire Downs.


  • 卡那封位于威尔

    Caernarvon is in wales.


  • 曾离过婚五个成年孩子他们一起威尔的克卢伊达,已经变性同性恋的身份生活

    The pair, who are both divorced and have five grown-up children between them, lived together in Clwyd, Wales, for six years as transgender lesbians.


  • 大约之前这位来自英国威尔退休的老师音乐家诊断出患上结肠癌

    Nearly two years ago, the retired teacher and musician from Wiltshire, England, was diagnosed with colon cancer.


  • 来自英国南部威尔图说美国联邦调查局报了案,因为网站主机设在美国。

    Tew, from Wiltshire, a county in southern England, said he informed the FBI because his site is hosted in the United States.


  • 但是英国威尔只叫“弗林特可卡犬却表现有悖天性的事情,就是一只不幸从鸟窝掉下来麻雀成为好朋友。

    But Flint the cocker spaniel went against all his natural instincts to befriend a tiny sparrow which had tumbled out of its nest and crash-landed in the garden in Wiltshire, UK.


  • 如果一切顺利的话,在接下来几十年里,乘坐飞机穿梭伦敦威尔美国的住所

    All being well, he will spend the next few decades jetting between houses in London, Wiltshire and America.


  • 今年四月威尔费德警方透露过去已经发生了14起飞碟目击事件,同时还有26起鬼魂事件,11女巫事件,僵尸事件两起吸血鬼事件。

    In April, police in the Welsh town of Dyfed-Powys revealed that 14 UFO sightings had been reported in the past five years - as well as 26 ghosts, 11 witches, two zombies and two vampires.


  • 皮尔斯突然想起车厢里还有几个威尔回来苹果建议说:“我们何不尝尝苹果呢?”

    "Why don't we have a tasting?" Piers suggests, remembering that he has some apples, brought back from Wiltshire, in his van.


  • 随着死亡人数增加,神情黯然人群聚集市内街道上,迎接运抵皇家空军林汉姆基地覆盖着英国国旗灵柩威尔顿巴出现辛酸情景

    As the death toll grew, there were poignant scenes at Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire as five coffins draped with the union flag arrived at RAF Lyneham and were met by sombre crowds on the town's streets.


  • 利物浦利物浦方言19世纪后期爱尔兰苏格兰威尔兰开夏口音混合出现低沉,粗声粗气的发音使得语言学家们情有独钟。

    Liverpool's "Scouse" dialect has long fascinated linguists, with its throaty, guttural utterances that emerged from a mixture of Irish, Scots, Welsh and Lancashire accents in the late 19th century.


  • 著名布奇圣丹斯只塔姆·沃思猪,1998年威尔屠宰场成功逃离,他们河流继续逃亡。

    But the most famous porcine escapers were Butch and Sundance 'the' Tamworth Two ' 'who escaped from an abattoir in Wiltshire in 1998, swam a river and went on the run.


  • 威尔工厂成了研发中心戴森在这雇用了多人从事高技术含量工作

    The Wiltshire factory has become a research and design centre; Dyson employs more people than before, and in more highly skilled jobs.


  • 威尔警方拒绝就此事件发表评论警官介入个人事件”。

    Wiltshire Police has refused to comment on the incident, saying it is a "personal matter" for the officer involved.


  • 警官回到威尔马尔·伯勒的家中超自然现象专家取得联系告诉他们自己刚刚发现了一个U FO

    The officer returned to his home in Marlborough, Wiltshire, and contacted paranormal experts and told them he had spotted a UFO.


  • 基于世界最美数学定理”的离奇怪圈出现威尔架风车旁边田里

    An extraordinary crop circle based on the 'world's most beautiful maths theorem' has appeared in a field next to a windmill in Wiltshire.


  • 现在英格兰威尔分为53分为369个区

    Now, England and Wales are divided into 53 counties which are sub-divided into 369 districts.


  • 盖·里奇尽快离开他们伦敦在英格兰南部威尔的私家豪宅里。

    It is believed that Guy Ritchie will leave the family home in London and relocate to his Wiltshire property in south west England as soon as possible.


  • 英仙座流星英格兰南部威尔尔兹伯市巨石阵新石器时代纪念碑上面的越过明星上形成条纹

    Photo and caption by kieran dohertyA Perseid meteor streaks past stars over the neolithic monument of Stonehenge in Salisbury, wiltshire, southern England.


  • ·琼斯金斯大学伦敦圣乔治大学社会工作教授威尔社会服务部负责人

    Ray Jones is professor of social work at Kingston University and st George's, University of London and was formerly director of social services in Wiltshire.


  • ·琼斯金斯大学伦敦圣乔治大学社会工作教授威尔社会服务部负责人

    Ray Jones is professor of social work at Kingston University and st George's, University of London and was formerly director of social services in Wiltshire.


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