• 在项目区沃尔福参观项目资助建设医疗中心学校以及其它城市基础设施

    There Wolfowitz will visit health centers, schools and other urban infrastructure built with the support of the Bank’s community-based urban development project.


  • 地球中心充满热能-朱利斯·知道这一点

    Jules Verne knew it - the center of the Earth is packed with heat energy.


  • 来自德拉大学一体化电力研究中心的主任利•普顿认为,解决方法近海风电场串联一起。

    The answer might be to connect a chain of offshore wind farms. That’s according to Willett Kempton, director of the Center for Carbon-Free Power Integration at the University of Delaware.


  • 本周早些时候,加天体生物学中心研究员钱德拉·(ChandraWickramasinghe暗示非典病毒甚至可能来自太空但是这种观点并不科学家们所认同。

    Earlier this week, Chandra Wickramasinghe, of Cardiff's Centre for Astrobiology, suggested the Sars virus may even have fallen to Earth from space, but this is not a view widely shared by scientists.


  • 令人兴奋,”北卡罗来纳州森林大学浸信医学中心著名瘙痒专家GilYosipovitch教授,“这次综合性研究开辟领域。”

    "It's exciting," said well-known itch specialist Dr. Gil Yosipovitch of North Carolina's Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, who wasn't involved in the new research.


  • 明打群岛立法者HendriDoriSatoko告诉大家:“受灾中心最新数据显示已经有108死亡,502失踪。”

    Hendri Dori Satoko, a lawmaker in the Mentawai Islands, told MetroTV: "Our latest data from crisis centre showed that 108 people have been killed and 502 are still missing."


  • 坎布里亚郡格顿Knoxwood野生动物抢救中心鼬鼠中,有两只白化臭鼬生来没有它们一贯与众不同的黑白相间条纹外衣

    Two albino skunks who were born without their usual distinctive black and white striped coats, from a litter of four at Knoxwood Wildlife Rescue Centre in Wigton, Cumbria


  • 十月号,森林大学位于北卡罗来纳州的浸会医学中心的一位外科移植医生兼研究员RobertStratta如此说道。

    Thus spoke Robert Stratta, a transplant surgeon and researcher at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Centre, in North Carolina, on October 1st.


  • 今早8过,希欧四岁姐姐约兰德发现躺在位于中心两英里远的利区(WhalleyRange)的间公寓里,已不省人事了。

    Theo Molemohi, two, and his sister Yolande, four, were found unconscious at a flat in Whalley Range, two miles south of the city centre, just after 8am today.


  • 该国访问第二沃尔福银行集团办公室会见妇女团体参观了最大母亲早产儿健康护理中心——米尔医院

    During his second day in the country, Wolfowitz met with women's groups at the Bank group office and visited Saint Camille Hospital, the largest health center for maternal and early childhood health.


  • 美国驻扎陆军合同指挥部——斯巴登合同中心合同授予方。

    The Wiesbaden Contracting Center, which is part of the Army Contracting Command Europe, is the contracting activity.


  • 纽约大学朗格医学中心迈克尔-兹曼医生带领研究小组发现,有11%父亲患有抑郁症的儿童,出现行为偏差情感问题

    The team, led by Dr Michael Weitzman at NYU's Langone Medical Center, found that 11 per cent of children with depressed fathers had behavioural and emotional problems.


  • 仍然是暴发中心

    Uige remains the epicentre of the outbreak.


  • 澳大利亚蝙蝠救护站野生动物创伤中心主任崔西伯利和其它动物保育员们过去一周内在黄金海岸救助了130只蝙蝠孤儿

    Australian bat Clinic and Wildlife Trauma Centre director Trish Wimberley and her carers have helped save 130 orphaned bats on the Gold Coast in past weeks.


  • 运输部发言人,“赛格”“目前符合英国上路车辆最低安全标准”,可以私人地面上行驶,比如在机场购物中心

    A Department for Transport spokesman said the Segway "does not currently meet minimum safety standards for vehicles on UK roads" but could be used on private land such as airports or shopping centres.


  • 仍然此次暴发中心热省,截止4月28日报告了266其中246例已经死亡

    In Uige Province, which remains the epicentre of the outbreak, 266 cases, of which 246 have been fatal, were reported as of 28 April.


  • 热省仍然是此次暴发中心,约所有病例死亡的90%。

    Uige Province remains the epicentre of the outbreak, accounting for almost 90% of the cases and deaths.


  • 加拿大国际微生物学实验室建立一个流动实验室,并且美国疾病预防控制中心将在罗安达提供实验室支持

    The Canadian National Microbiology laboratory will be setting up a mobile laboratory in Uige and CDC will be providing laboratory support in Luanda.


  • 现在已经中心宿舍安顿下来,她困难的适应语言文化

    Now that she’s settled into her dorm room in Witte Hall, she said the hardest things to get used to are the language and culture.


  • 中心秘书长拉塔纳已经派遣一个调查小组赴柏省进行调查

    Hang Ratana, the CMAC secretary-general, says an investigation team has been sent to sa 'em commune, in Preah Vihear province.


  • 该病暴发中心热省报告了297其中266例死亡

    In Uige Province, which remains the epicentre of the outbreak, 297 cases, of which 266 have been fatal, were reported.


  • 教堂牧师办公室克·兰德中心,这一个1977 - 2002年本地区担任大主教的瑞姆波特·克·兰德的名字命名的中心

    The cathedral's pastoral office is the Weakland Centre, after Rembert Weakland, archbishop from 1977 to 2002.


  • 卫生部危机处理中心负责人Mudjiharto说明群岛的海波达到3波及岛屿600的范围,破坏力相当大。

    Health Ministry Crisis Centre head Mudjiharto said the Mentawai waves reached up to three metres high and waters swept as far as 600 meters (yards) inland on South Pagai island, the hardest hit.


  • 仍然是此次暴发中心热省,截至420日报告250其中228例已经死亡

    In Uige Province, which remains the epicentre of the outbreak, 250 cases, of which 228 were fatal, were reported as of 20 April.


  • 热省仍然是此次暴发中心,截至4月21日,该省报告了253其中233例已经死亡

    In Uige Province, which remains the epicentre of the outbreak, 253 cases, of which 233 have been fatal, were reported as of 21 April.


  • 例如,作为目前暴发中心有50万居民而已报告某些病例的罗安达人口接近300万。

    For example, Uige, which is presently the epicentre of the outbreak, has around 500,000 inhabitants, but Luanda, where some cases have been reported, has a population close to 3 million.


  • 不管怎么说,有的迹象显示米•利(Timmy Willie)就会有城市约翰尼(Johnny Town-Mouse)存在(译注:2):很多喜欢城市生活希望城市里,特别是住到中心去。

    In any event, other trends suggest that for every Timmy Willie, there is a Johnny Town-Mouse: many people like urban life and want to go on living in a city, particularly the centre.


  • 巴伯苏拉西岛的塔斯卡奇野生动物营救中心以及印度尼西亚非洲影响力这两个组织中做志愿者

    Barb has volunteered with Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Center in Sulawesi, Indonesia and African Impact.


  • 拉维达中心民意调查集团勒夫古德科普京头上魅力光环催生出一种类似于电视里拜占庭”的系统

    The "charismatic aura" for Mr Putin, says Lev Gudkov of the Levada Centre polling group, has produced a system like "Byzantium, only on television.


  • 拉维达中心民意调查集团勒夫古德科普京头上魅力光环催生出一种类似于电视里拜占庭”的系统

    The "charismatic aura" for Mr Putin, says Lev Gudkov of the Levada Centre polling group, has produced a system like "Byzantium, only on television.


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