• ·尔逊小组委员会主席,负责报告持续性实施。她对最终版本没有包含吃肉购买本地食品两条措施感到失望

    Miriam Nelson chaired the subcommittee in charge of sustainability for the report, and is disappointed that eating less meat and buying local food aren't in the final product.


  • 鉴于艾伦.拉杰克.威尔谢尔潜力,温格考虑萨米尔.离开阿森

    The potential of Aaron Ramsey and Jack Wilshere gave Arsène Wenger the confidence to let Samir Nasri leave Arsenal.


  • 伦敦中心30泰晤士河南岸皇家鸟类保护协会划作保护区的雷沼泽

    Rainham marsh lies on the north bank of the Thames, 30km east of central London, and is maintained by the RSPB as a reserve.


  • 最近参加一个电台采访嘉宾肯葛宾逊博士主持人雷拉雷勒

    I recently participated in a radio interview with guest Dr. Ken Gibson and host, Regina Rei Lamourelle.


  • 墨菲2002年推出自传体电影《8》中,饰演了说唱歌手艾米女朋友

    Murphy played rapper Eminem's girlfriend in the autobiographical "8 Mile, " which came out in 2002.


  • 卡斯特雷萨科罗办公室发现了,只见他瘦削手腕脖子衣服了出来

    Castresana found Colom in his office, his bony wrists and neck poking out of his suit.


  • 爱德华摩根福斯特著作已经莫钱特•艾弗的豪华电影制片技术广泛地联系起来了,就像海伦娜•伯卡特和其紧身胸衣般紧密。

    THE works of Edward Morgan Forster have become popularly associated with the lush cinematography of Merchant Ivory—and Helena Bonham Carter in a corset.


  • 1913年,枪手搬迁之前西北伦敦伍尔维奇的落脚点,距离白鹿的主场仅仅只有3的距离,两家俱乐部主场只有一是导致阿森和托特之间的矛盾主要原因。

    The bad blood between Tottenham and Arsenal arose from the latter club's relocation from Woolwich in southeast London, to just three miles from Spurs' homeland across the river, in 1913.


  • 传统涅茨人11月穿越冰冻鄂毕河ob Rivernadym周围南部森林扎营。

    Traditionally the Nenets travel across the frozen Ob River in November and set up camp in the southern forests around Nadym.


  • 博格,他降温怀疑论环境主义者全球指南》(CoolItThe Skeptical Environmentalist ' s Guideto Global Warming)一书作者,认定弗兰纳里其他一些人青睐总量管制与排放交易(cap - and - trade)方法注定要失败的。

    Lomborg, author of the book "Cool It: the Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming," believes the cap-and-trade approach favored by Flannery and others is doomed to failure.


  • 2003年8月几名窃贼假扮游客进入苏格兰德拉,盗走了李奥多的名作《纺车圣母》后乘一辆白色的大众高尔夫逃之夭夭。

    In August 2003, thieves disguised as tourists visiting Drumlanrig Castle in Scotland ran off in a white Volkswagon Golf with Leonardo's "Madonna of the Yarnwinder."


  • 从店面橱窗倒映出摄影师德·欧文·威廉自己影子

    Reflection of photographer Maynard Owen Williams in a storefront window.


  • 所知道最好一本有关预测全球气候变化带来的改变的·弗兰纳里写的《气候制造者如何改变气候,以及改变对地球生命的影响theWeather Makers: How Manis Changing theClimateandWhatIt Meansfor Lifeon Earth .》。

    The best book I know on shifts in weather we can expect from global climate change is Tim Flannery's "the weather Makers: How Man is Changing the climate and What It Means for Life on Earth."


  • 唯一办法在尼之间674英的道路上组织起接力队

    The only way would be a relay of dog teams over the674miles between nenana and nome.


  • 大卫·提交了张充满生机的照片,照片年轻人正在列火车厢玩耍

    David Nam submitted this lively shot of youngsters having fun on the roof of two trains.


  • 为了扮演好队长皮尔,马特·达蒙特地来到登氏橄榄球俱乐部接受切斯特·威廉的高强度训练。1995年,威廉斯曾南非橄榄球联赛名运动员

    To prepare for his role as Francois Pienaar, Matt Damon took intensive coaching at the Gardens Rugby Club under Chester Williams, who himself was a player in the South African rugby team of 1995.


  • 印度举重选手卡尔-马勒斯并未参加比赛离开了雅典可能印度奥委会禁赛。

    The Indian lifter Karnam Malleswari who left Athens without participating in her event has been probably suspended by the Indian Olympic Assogciation.


  • 印度海啸幸存者走过一个格伯蒂讷,350(219马德拉斯,2005年16日印度南部城市渔业篝火

    Indian tsunami survivors walk past a bonfire at a fishing hamlet in Nagapattinam, 350 km (219 miles) south of the Indian city of Madras, January 6, 2005.


  • 电影中重要角色得特写,有哈利罗恩赫敏卢娜不利多、教授金妮德拉克卢修斯·马尔福父子。

    Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Umbridge, Ginny, Draco and Lucius Malfoy will each be featured on their very own stamp.


  • ·史莱一次在比赛中蜜蜂斗争的经历。其中只蜜蜂在对手凯西·尔蒂的胳膊上了一下,史莱弗十分有风度的走了过去凯西拔掉刺。

    Pam Shriver once had to contend with a swarm of bees. One stung her opponent, Kathy Rinaldi, on the arm and Shriver gallantly went over to remove the sting.


  • 但是周六我们法布雷加斯西埃布埃这样中场球员

    But on Saturday we had a midfield of Nasri, Fabregas, Ramsey, Song, Eboue.


  • John Holinger前的预测报告一点关于的:“甚至字内线占有优势时,他会选择球传出去。因此他需要学会变得有侵略性。”

    In John Hollinger's pre-season scouting report, he wrote this about Bynum: "& he'll pass out of the post even when he has an advantage, and needs to learn to get more aggressive."


  • 会议中心只有9

    Anaheim Convention Center is just 9 miles away.


  • 土耳其交通部长·耶尔德勒中国驻土耳其大使宫小生等300人出席开幕仪式

    Turkish Transport and Communication Minister Binali Yildirim and Chinese Ambassador Gong Xiaosheng attended the opening ceremony along with about 300 participants from the two countries.


  • 萨米尔·承认如果阿森继续保持争夺联赛冠军的希望必须击败托特热刺

    Samir Nasri has admitted that Arsenal must beat Tottenham if they are to keep their title hopes alive.


  • 萨米尔·承认如果阿森继续保持争夺联赛冠军的希望必须击败托特热刺

    Samir Nasri has admitted that Arsenal must beat Tottenham if they are to keep their title hopes alive.


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