• 幸运是,年轻妇女乳腺癌的情况常见。

    Fortunately, cancer of the breast in young women is uncommon.


  • 许多乳腺癌妇女服用药物抑制雌激素的产生

    Many women with breast cancer are given drugs to stop oestrogen production.


  • 2007年,墨西哥通过一项公共保险计划担保获得赛丁的生产授权,所有乳腺癌妇女使用。

    In 2007, Mexico guaranteed access to Herceptin for all women with breast cancer through a public insurance program.


  • 尽管摘除卵巢降低妇女卵巢癌乳腺癌风险,但是她们心脏病中风风险却增加了一而且总的死亡风险也增加了40%。

    Though the risk of ovarian and breast cancer declined after ovary removal, women's risk of heart disease and stroke nearly doubled and risk of death overall rose by 40%.


  • 误区七年轻妇女不会乳腺癌

    Myth: Young women don't get breast cancer.


  • 结果显示绝经妇女吸烟使乳腺癌风险增加16%,曾经吸烟的妇女乳腺癌的风险增加9%,风险最高的是那些吸烟超过50年以上的妇女,如果妇女从青少年时代开始吸烟那么病的风险会很高,即使停止吸烟20年后乳腺癌的风险也会持续下去。

    The results show that smokers have a 16% increased risk of developing breast cancer after the menopause. The increased risk for former smokers is 9%.


  • 研究过程中,法格林研究小组356名妇女中的175人估计女性乳腺癌平均比率,然后又告知所有的人,正确答案应该13%。

    During the study, Fagerlin and her team asked 175 out of 356 women to estimate the average risk of breast cancer, then told all the women that the actual risk was 13 percent.


  • 妇女一直知道葡萄酒会她们健康构成巨大风险调查显示,喝酒太多提高妇女乳腺癌的机率。

    Women do not know about one of the biggest health risks linked to drinking too much - a raised chance of breast cancer, says a survey.


  • 事实虽然绝经妇女容易乳腺癌,但任何年龄段妇女癌的可能性。

    Fact: While it's true the disease is more common in postmenopausal women, breast cancer can affect people of any age.


  • 项由3万5千绝经妇女参与研究发现服用鱼油妇女服用鱼油的妇女乳腺癌几率似乎少了一半。

    A study of more than 35, 000 post-menopausal women found that those who took fish oil seemed half as likely to develop breast cancer as those who didn't.


  • 项由3万5千绝经妇女参与研究发现服用鱼油妇女服用鱼油的妇女乳腺癌几率似乎少了一半。

    A study of more than 35,000 post-menopausal women found that those who took fish oil seemed half as likely to develop breast cancer as those who didn't.


  • 早产妈妈们带来很多危险,由另一些研究发现表明妇女32婴会使她们乳腺癌风险加倍

    There are risks to the mother with preterm birth as well, as other studies have found that women who give birth at less than 32 weeks double their lifetime risk of breast cancer.4.


  • 1981年,洛杉矶一项研究发现33以前堕过第一胎的妇女乳腺癌几率明显2 -4

    1981 - a Los Angeles study found a significant 2-4 times higher incidence of breast cancer among women under 33 years of age who aborted their first baby. (2).


  • 研究者发现,在被观察的五个人群美籍日本妇女雌激素水平相对较高乳腺癌风险位居第二

    The researchers also found that Japanese-American women have comparatively high estrogen levels and the second highest breast cancer risk of the five groups.


  • 研究表明食番茄食物妇女乳腺癌风险降低30%50%。

    Research shows that feed more tomatoes food of women in breast cancer risk can be reduced by 30% to 50%.


  • 研究人员每天红酒的老年妇女可能会增高乳腺癌风险

    The researchers say that older women who drink as little as half a glass of wine a day may increase their breast cancer risk.


  • 为何雌激素(E)孕激素(P)的激素替代疗法(HRT)可增加妇女乳腺癌危险呢?

    Why does hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with estrogens (e) plus progestins (p) increase the risk of breast cancer?


  • 乳腺癌妇女接受有名紫杉烷类药物标准化疗实质性降低复发死亡危险

    Women with breast cancer who receive drugs known as taxanes after standard chemotherapy have a substantially reduced risk of recurrence and of death.


  • 几年前,对那些早期乳腺癌妇女特别癌细胞还扩散的,医生们已经采用这种基因测试的技术指导治疗方法

    Doctors have used it for several years to guide treatment for certain women with early breast cancers, especially those that not spread.


  • 美国研究人员表示孩提时期大量食用大豆亚裔美国妇女乳腺癌风险降低58%。

    American researchers say childhood, eating plenty of soybean Asian American women will reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by 58%.


  • 但有研究表明围产期状况影响妇女一生乳腺癌几率,从来开辟了新的研究思路。

    A new line of research opened when it was suggested that perinatal events and conditions may influence a woman's breast cancer risk throughout her life.


  • 大约70%乳腺癌妇女拥有一个偶发系史

    About 70% of all women with breast cancer have a sporadic family pedigree.


  • 这些肿块良性相关增加妇女乳腺癌危险

    These lumps are benign and are not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.


  • 国立心脏病血液研究所继续反对使用激素阻止妇女心脏病,这是由于害怕妇女会增加凝块中风乳腺癌风险。

    The National heart, Lung and blood Institute continues to counsel against using hormones to prevent heart disease women for fear of increased risk of blood clots, strokes and breast cancer.


  • 未婚已婚未育妇女乳腺癌的比例

    The unmarried or married women who haven' t bear children may have a higher chance of suffering from breast cancer.


  • 未婚已婚未育妇女乳腺癌的比例

    The unmarried or married women who haven' t bear children may have a higher chance of suffering from breast cancer.


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