• 一些多克这样的人完全放弃了自由报纸网站想法

    Some, such as Rupert Murdoch, are abandoning entirely the idea of free newspaper websites.


  • 舞蹈演员包括这样著名的人,爱尔兰舞蹈冠军之一帕特里夏·一流的芭蕾舞演员克莱尔·豪丁。

    The dancers include such famous names as Patricia Murray, one of the Irish dancing champions, and first-rate ballerina Claire Holding.


  • 伽达所说启蒙运动时期标志性观点:,偏见有偏见,我们应该客观但是偏见是不对,我们知道偏见是不对的。

    As Gadamer says, this is the characteristic idea of the Enlightenment: its prejudice against prejudice, that we can be objective, Okay, fine. But prejudice is bad, we know prejudice is bad.


  • 这项研究那些遗传疾病受害者阿尔兹·海帕金森病患者带来希望的话,“认为传递出了很强的信号,”

    If the research could yield hope for victims of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, "I think that sends a powerful message," he said.


  • 医疗科学能力阿尔茨海伤寒,小儿麻痹症以前难以治愈疾病

    Medical science has the capacity to relegate Alzheimer's to the list of formerly intractable diseases like typhoid, polio and many childhood cancers.


  • 你在互联网上搜索一下,搜索我名字,你就可以看到关于多克先生诸多栩栩生、尖酸刻薄批判

    A cursory search of the Internet will throw up some rather vigorous and vitriolic criticism of this curious character called Rupert Murdoch.


  • 果你想看到希望看到美国大牌艺术家温斯洛•、托马斯•哈特本顿罗伯特劳森伯格等人的作品,来到这里不虚此行。

    Those who wish to see works by major American artists such as Winslow Homer, Thomas Hart Benton and Robert Rauschenberg will not be disappointed.


  • 选择高管时理由也很奇怪现任华尔街日报》执行主编的罗伯特·汤姆森突然迷恋上”此人的。

    In turn, Mr Murdoch's choices of executives are made on curious grounds, such as the "crush" he is said to have developed for Robert Thomson, who now edits the Wall Street Journal.


  • 新闻集团首席执行官多克为代表的媒体高层主管一直推动网络付费阅读模式的实现,用户需要过去网上免费阅读的内容,新闻等付费。

    News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch has been leading the charge among media executives to get customers to pay for things they are used to getting for free online, like news stories.


  • 然而一切的一切,看上去完美把所有的事情都交给信任属下盖特纳尔之流去做,却使自己的同盟国会里迷茫。

    Yet all in all, he seemed perfectly willing to leavethings to his trusted lieutenants, Geithner and Summers, puzzling someDemocratic allies on the Hill.


  • 阿尔茨海的人来说不同的。

    Like those with Alzheimer's disease, it's different.


  • 患有阿尔茨海症的美国人估计有540万—一个有望新生代进入老年一样飙升数字

    An estimated 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease - a figure expected to rise sharply as baby boomers enter their older years.


  • 开发者正在利用这些数据创造一系列有趣的应用程序马修·维尔(Matthew Somerville)就伦敦地铁系统开发了一套实时铁路地图

    Developers are using those figures to create interesting apps, such as Matthew Somerville's live train map for the London Underground.


  • 每天5英里今我命,艾尔·莱昂纳多、詹姆斯··伯克乔治·P.派勒坎诺斯的冷血犯罪小说,我读得津津有味。

    I walk five miles a day, and lately I’ve been binge-reading, wolfing down hard-boiled crime novels by writers like Elmore Leonard, James Lee Burke and George P. Pelecanos.


  • 公司亏损严重,股东们失去信心时候依然抱有希望,一伯特·多克【注1】那常常令华尔街分析师所不解的对油印墨迹的狂热。

    He tolerated its losses, although the company's shareholders have been less patient. Rupert Murdoch's fondness for printer's ink has sometimes baffled Wall Street analysts.


  • 就是干细胞将来有一天有希望能够治疗疾病糖尿病帕金森阿尔茨海基础

    It is the basis for the hope that stem cells will one day help fight illnesses like diabetes, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease.


  • 可能会减少使人患上衰弱疾病阿尔茨海风险

    This might reduce the risk of debilitating illnesses and diseases such as Alzheimer's.


  • 众多客户均跨国企业,花旗银行摩托罗拉索尼西门子惠普康柏克化工英国航空公司等

    His many clients include multinationals such as Citibank, Motorola, Sony, Siemens, Hewlett Packard, Compaq, Merck and British Airways.


  • 团队正在确立蛋白质结构功能的关系有助于更好地了解治疗其他疾病阿尔茨海病。

    The team are working on establishing structure-activity relationships which will further our understanding and treatment of other diseases, such as Alzheimer's.


  • 杰克逊跳进的卡迪拉克车子,向西边他那个圣所般的开去。在那里还有静脉注射

    Jackson got into the Escalade and headed west toward his home sanctum, where Murray and the IV stand would be waiting.


  • 忧郁症可能严重疾病前兆胰脏脑瘤帕金森症、阿兹·海

    Depression may also be serious diseases, such as the precursor of pancreatic cancer, brain tumor, Parkinson's, alzheimer's disease, etc.


  • 我们正在揭示心血管疾病神经系统疾病阿尔茨海以及多种形式癌症细胞背后分子机制

    We are unraveling the cellular and molecular mechanisms behind cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease, and many forms of cancer.


  • 重大发现有望研发出新的治疗阿尔茨海之类退行性脑病、以及多发性硬化症之类的自身免疫疾病的方法。

    This groundbreaking discovery has the potential to lead to future treatments of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis.


  • 动物实验显示蓝莓可以预防大脑氧化而且减少老化疾病,阿尔茨海痴呆

    Research in animals shows that blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia.


  • 新军囊括了许多其他力量:转变立场的新保守主义者(弗朗西斯•福山),法学学者道格拉斯•克密科)以及保守派脱口秀主持人(迈克尔•史克里什)。

    But the army has many other brigades, too: repentant neocons such as Francis Fukuyama, legal scholars such as Douglas Kmiec, and conservative talk-show hosts such as Michael Smerconish.


  • 暴涨不能归因于少数世人瞩目药物问题2004年的公司止痛药万络退市辉瑞公司类似止痛药Bextra暂停上市。

    The jump wasn't driven by a few high-profile drug problems, such as Merck's withdrawal of painkiller Vioxx in 2004 and Pfizer's suspension of rival painkiller Bextra in 2005.


  • 拍摄手法新颖交叉剪辑的技巧、特写悄悄告诉》穿插缩小情人》。

    His shooting methods are innovative, such as cross-cutting, close-up, and the mime film the Shrink Lover inserted in Talk to Her.


  • 根据公司发布新闻稿,灼热每周发作两次以上视为频繁发作

    According to a press release by Merck, the occurrence of heartburn is considered frequent if it occurs more often than twice weekly.


  • 根据公司发布新闻稿,灼热每周发作两次以上视为频繁发作

    According to a press release by Merck, the occurrence of heartburn is considered frequent if it occurs more often than twice weekly.


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