• 其他一些概念产生问题如翻译

    There are other notions that come similarly into question: translation.


  • 这份报告将与新闻活动有关人都计算在内,记者支持员工翻译司机办公室人事职员

    The report counted anyone involved in news gathering, from journalists to support employees like interpreters, drivers and office personnel.


  • 第二部分,主要分析制约两种翻译策略因素翻译目的、文本类型、作者意图以及读者接受能力等

    Several factors affect the choice of these two strategies such as the translator, text type and the reader's acceptance.


  • 篇文章(2003年1月)网站部分路段在建根本不执行翻译论坛三个语言版本七个

    At the time of this writing (January 2003) the site had some sections under construction or simply non-operative, such as the Translators' Forum and three out of seven language versions.


  • 些热门词汇“内卷”、“凡尔赛”和“武德”很难翻译成英语。

    It's difficult to translate some hot words such as neijuan, fanersai and wude into English.


  • 总会一些事情公司口号只能人类翻译补充说

    There would always be some things, like company slogans, that could only be translated by humans, he added.


  • 计算机辅助翻译(CAT)工具通常拥有常见格式过滤程序,HTMLRTFXML文本等。

    Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tools usually have filters for the most common formats: HTML, RTF, XML, and plain text.


  • 意大利一位马西莫的演员朗读这个故事翻译版,伴随着雄浑有力训练有素嗓音——人们纷纷中弹搬倒下,嘉年华的射击游乐项目的靶子一样

    In Italy, with an actor named Massimo, reading the translated story in his booming, trained voice - people dropped as if shot. So many that the could've been targets in a carnival shooting gallery.


  • 著名作家王蒙铁凝莫言执笔中国文学作品经过翻译谨慎行销已经世界各地许多国家出版

    Chinese literature, penned by famous authors such as Wang Meng, Tie Ning and mo Yan, has reached out to many countries around the world through translations and careful marketing.


  • 源代码方便地改编处理其他类型转化语言翻译特定于公司库存编码缩写

    The source code could be easily adapted to handle other sorts of transformations, such as language translation, company-specific acronyms for inventory codes, and so on.


  • 只由出版商负责翻译,出版商通常拥有版权

    If the publisher alone is responsible for the translation, the publisher will normally hold copyright.


  • 绝大多数翻译——国家艺术基金会——将奖颁那些作品出版作家

    Most translation prizes, including grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, are awarded to established writers whose works have already been published.


  • 是因为机器翻译技术依赖分析同一文本语言版本统计特性西班牙语——英语字典等。

    That's because machine translation techniques rely on analysing the statistical properties of the same text written in two different languages - a Spanish-English dictionary, for example.


  • 脸谱添加了包括拉丁海盗语在内的一些语言,海盗语是将脸谱上的语言,分享翻译成“blabbert'yer mates !”

    Facebook also added some new languages, including Latin and "Pirate," which translates the Facebooky word "share" as "blabber t 'yer mates!"


  • 翻译技术改善使得学习第二语言不再那么重要,但并不导致任何改变尽管存在nicholasOstler最后的通用语言》(The Last LinguaFranca)中所声称的。

    Improvements in translation technology will not change this by making it less important to learn second languages at all, despite claims such as Nicholas Ostler's in The Last Lingua Franca.


  • 模式翻译xml片段并且直接用于sip . xml部署描述符(jsr116中指定的)中的简单结构

    The pattern is a simple tree structure that translates into an XML fragment and is used directly in the sip.xml deployment descriptor (as specified by JSR116).


  • 本文开头我们目标创建执行动态语言翻译Sametimebot

    As mentioned at the beginning, our goal is to create a Sametime bot that performs language translations on-the-fly.


  • 翻译完成可能需要原始utf - 8字符串转换为ascii字符串,\ufeff \u4e2d \ u 6587。

    After the translation, you may need to convert the original UTF-8 strings into ASCII strings, such as \ ufeff \ u4e2d \ u6587.


  • Lisp编译器解释器能够特定形式翻译迭代从而允许以一种更为简单明快方式使用数据结构结构)。

    The Lisp compiler or interpreter can translate certain forms of recursion to iteration, allowing a simpler, cleaner way to work with recursive data structures, such as trees.


  • 经典的片段,、钱、钱”完全汉语演唱(除了“钱”这个词的英文,貌似这个也不用翻译)。

    Classics such as "money, money, money" are sung entirely in Chinese (apart from the word "money", which apparently needs no translation).


  • 基辛格,他喜欢中国人翻译是因为他们不会美国记者说三道四。

    Mr Kissinger, for example, preferred to use Chinese interpreters because they could be trusted not to talk to the American press.


  • 首先需要收集显示用户界面中的所有翻译字符串门户网页电子邮件等等

    First, you need to collect all the translatable strings that will be shown in user interface pages, such as portal Web pages, E-mail, and so on.


  • 简要介绍用于恢复遗留翻译校准过程示范了使用其他相关标准xliff帮助解决常见问题

    I also presented a brief explanation of an alignment process used to recover legacy translations, illustrating how you can use other related standards like XLIFF to help solve a common problem.


  • 此举意味着,使用相对较少网页内容网络用户阿拉伯语用户,访问的是互联网机器翻译

    The move means that web users who speak languages where there is comparatively little web content, such as Arabic, will have access to a machine-translated version of the entire Internet.


  • JADT可以包含翻译其他语言(西班牙语)的Dictionary对象

    JADT can obtain Dictionary objects that execute translations to other languages (for example, Spanish).


  • 表示实际存在物体单词(牛奶书桌)意思简单明了,但是要是碰上一些抽象的概念就很难翻译了。

    While getting the word for physical objects, like milk or desk, might be straightforward, translating concepts can be a lot harder.


  • 我们现在通过一些网站看看几种不同方法:老的网站亚马逊(Amazon),新兴网站Pandora(译者注:音乐推荐网站)del.icio.us(译者注:书签网站,有翻译为美味书签)。

    We will now explore these different approaches by looking at old-timers like Amazon and newbies like Pandora and del.icio.us.


  • 我们现在通过一些网站看看几种不同方法:老的网站亚马逊(Amazon),新兴网站Pandora(译者注:音乐推荐网站)del.icio.us(译者注:书签网站,有翻译为美味书签)。

    We will now explore these different approaches by looking at old-timers like Amazon and newbies like Pandora and del.icio.us.


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