• 本文主要讨论网页排序应当考虑的因素网页更新时间等。

    This paper mainly discussed the factors such as page age that affect page ranking.


  • 网站使用标签显示数据网页每次访问所浏览平均时间现场退回

    The Site Usage tab shows metrics such as the number of pages viewed per visit, the average time on site, and the bounce rate.


  • 适用于一个在线业务提供服务自由职业者网页设计,自由写作等等

    This only applies if you have an online business or provide a freelance service such as web design, freelance writing and so on.


  • 为了打击这些用户,运营商正在考虑授予某些数据包网页访问流量)相对其它数据包(文件共享)的优先通过权。

    To throttle them, operators are thinking of giving some data packets (such as web traffic) priority over others (such as file-sharing).


  • 每个手机包括典型应用网页浏览短信电子邮件电话彩信键盘技术提供全面完整经验黑莓。

    Each phone includes the typical BlackBerry applications such as web browser, SMS, email, phone, MMS and full qwerty keyboard technologies to deliver a full and complete BlackBerry experience.


  • 首先需要收集显示用户界面中的所有可翻译字符串门户网页电子邮件等等

    First, you need to collect all the translatable strings that will be shown in user interface pages, such as portal Web pages, E-mail, and so on.


  • 此举意味着,使用相对较少网页内容网络用户阿拉伯语用户,访问的是互联网机器翻译

    The move means that web users who speak languages where there is comparatively little web content, such as Arabic, will have access to a machine-translated version of the entire Internet.


  • 不过检察长发现对于录音资料(包括电话)电子文档(电邮网页),积压现象比较严重。

    But the inspector general found that there were backlogs in reviewing audio recordings, including telephone calls, and electronic files, like E-mail messages and Web pages.


  • 10000小时Photoshop使用经验不会成为网页设计专家,及充其量仅仅让你成为一个Photoshop高手

    000 hours of Photoshop experience, for example, would not make you an expert in Web design. At most, you would be a Photoshop expert.


  • 对于游戏开发者来说一个好消息,Rovio公司,公司制作了《愤怒的小鸟》(Angry Birds)网页版,构架Chrome浏览器将会使它运行起来更快

    This is good news for game developers such as Rovio, who are able to build Angry Birds for the web, and on new builds of the Chrome browser it will run faster.


  • 多数RSS阅读器显示一个标题文字或是图像Prldr网页因此能让阅读出版物一样舒适。

    Most RSS readers display a headline, text and maybe an image, but Prldr preloads Web pages so you see items as the publisher meant them to be seen.


  • 我们优选直接用于下载的文本pdf文件下载这些文件网页建立链接

    Our preference is that links should not be made direct to files that are available for download, for example PDF files, but to the web page from where you are able to download the files.


  • 还有些出版商,金融时报》(Financial Times),则干脆撤出了苹果应用商店,推出了自己的网页应用。

    Some, like the Financial Times, pulled out of the App Store and went with a Web app instead.


  • 作为网页设计师有责任客户解释过多的信息(公司口号、使命陈述)既浪费空间又浪费注意力——尽管可能经理会在意它们,但事实上用户压根就不在乎。

    You owe it to your client to explain why no one cares about their mission statement on the homepage.


  • 多模式应用构架类似于普通网页系统的构架浏览器服务器提交请求,服务器返回页面1所示。

    The architecture of multimodal applications is similar to Web applications, where the browser sends a request to the server, and the server responds with pages (see Figure 1).


  • 因此这些洪水般的数据不会减慢浏览器网页的载入速度?

    So won’t all these gushing floods of data slow down pageloads on the browser?


  • 网页上(其他平台手机)使用简明扼要文字容易误读

    For the Web (and for other platforms, such as cell phones), use words that are short, common, and unlikely to be misread.


  • 可以做到能够搜索所有用户不必即时登陆到那个网站只要访问类似网页a page likethis把搜索添加的搜索栏里可以了。

    The ability to search across all users isn't immediately exposed on the site but you can visit a page like this and add that search box to your search bar.


  • 国际帐户和国内帐户佣金完全一样我们每位客户提供一流服务了解更多有关佣金的资讯参看交易费用网页

    No. Our commissions are the same for international accounts. We provide each of our clients with first-rate service. Please go to our commissions page for more information.


  • 所以对于次要行为减少视觉冲击力——可能产生真正灾难性行动'放弃所有数据,进入链接网页表格

    So I'd reduce the visual impact of secondary actions – and probably make really disastrous actions, like 'Throw away all my data', into links on web forms.


  • 既往这个服务一个浏览器插件(Flock中试用),剪辑保存网页上的文字或是保存网页url本身

    As before, the service has a plug-in (I tried it in Flock) that lets you clip and save text from Web pages, or just page URLs themselves.


  • 一些出名的网格系统960 .gsBlueprint可以作为设计网页起点参考

    There are some well-known grid systems like the 960.gs and Blueprint which you can use as a starting point and reference when creating your design.


  • 缓存适当数据相对静态网页明确的输出数据的条目存储过程参数查询结果集等。

    Cache appropriate data such as relatively static Web pages, specific items of output data, stored procedure parameters, and query results.


  • 开发监管合资企业的网页数字媒体信息的输出电子快讯博客等

    To contribute to the development and supervise the Joint venture web presence and digital output (e-newsletters, blogs).


  • 学习资源分享讨论和分享学习资源电子书,网页等。

    Discussions for learning resources sharing in e - books , web sites and more.


  • 系统准确地锁定网页浏览器微软浏览器火狐谷歌浏览器苹果浏览器,欧朋浏览器,谷歌地图活动

    The system will also accurately target web browser activity on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera, Google Maps, etc.


  • 数字艺术馆主要展示多媒体作品建筑网页设计,平面设计等。

    The digital art gallery displays multimedia works such as architecture renderings, logo and web designs.


  • 数字艺术馆主要展示多媒体作品建筑网页设计,平面设计等。

    The digital art gallery displays multimedia works such as architecture renderings, logo and web designs.


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