• 设计部分存在于架构之上

    Design elements sit atop the architecture, as shown in red boxes.


  • 彩色彩色绿紫色等

    The "color" of a colored point, as red, green, yellow, violet.


  • 适合搭配多种佳肴肉、沙拉各种奶酪

    Serve with a large number of dishes: red meat, cold meats, salad and many types of cheese.


  • 每个人都需要维生素d,就食物大马哈三文鱼、蛋类牛奶能够找到

    Everybody needs vitamin d, which can be found in foods like sockeye salmon, eggs, and milk.


  • 本文通过比较中英文颜色黄白象征意义分析两种语言环境下颜色词用法不同

    This article try to analyze the difference in the usage of colors in English and Chinese language by comparing the symbolism of colors such as red, black, yellow and white.


  • 款菜搭配。可与意面,意式烩饭搭配。可与简单复杂的菜系清新乳酪搭配十分理想

    Versatile enough to pair with many dishes. This wine is perfect with soups, pasta and risotto, red meat, or with fresh cheeses.


  • 一项研究表明置身蓝色绿色房间的们要比置身于暖色调(、橙等色)的房间的人们感觉放松

    A study shows that people placed in blue or green rooms reported feeling more relaxed than those in rooms painted warm colors such as red, yellow and orange.


  • 其实许多网友看出的那样,这里面不少中国元素桌布上中国地图青铜器破损古代车轮,这些出来了吗

    Indeed, as many netizens have noted, the painting includes many Chinese elements: a red tablecloth with a China map, Chinese bronze vessels, and a broken ancient wheel — did you see all of these?


  • 食物西西瓜葡萄柚含有番茄有助于保护皮肤免受太阳紫外线的侵害。

    Red foods such as tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit contain lycopene, which may help protect the skin from the sun's damaging UV rays.


  • 处方受益的是煮过西西柿沙司),因为加热过程会增加人体可以吸收利用番茄

    Your Rx: The biggest benefits come from cooked tomatoes (think pasta sauce!), since the heating process increases the amount of lycopene your body is able to absorb.


  • 健康敏捷项目多种典型节拍发布迭代站立会议持续集成启动构建还有开发人员-绿-测试循环

    A healthy agile project has several typical rhythms such as releases, iterations, stand-up meetings, builds kicked off by continuous integration, and the red-green-red test cycle of a developer.


  • 花青素使很多水果蔬菜深色蓝莓柿子椒

    Anthocyanins provide the dark colours of many fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries and red peppers.


  • 对于逝去生命衫军也要开枪士兵一样,为此负责。

    They, as much as trigger-happy soldiers, must bear some responsibility for the lives lost.


  • 这些款式实际上重现了弗里兰的全盛时期--这些单品混合了许多大胆色调、紫赭色,显得鲜明生动。

    And the looks indeed were a throwback to Ms. Vreeland's heyday-- the pieces came out in a vivid whirl of bold colors such as magenta, plum and rust.


  • 你们罪虽变成雪白丹颜,必羊毛

    Though you SINS are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.


  • 澳大利亚一些海滩一些一些,一些海滩甚至

    Some Australian beaches are gold like the sun, others red like a fire, and a few so white they almost look like clouds on the ground. Some beaches even contain black sand.


  • 显然番茄含有很多番茄素,番茄制品沙拉、番茄番茄酱番茄调味等也包含很多。

    It is present in tomatoes, obviously, and tomato-based products including sauces, soups, pastes, and ketchup.


  • 各种颜色鲤鱼悠游水波荡漾莲花中,栩栩莲花似乎随着微风轻摆。

    Yellow, orange, red, and white carp swim in the rippling water of a lotus pond. The lotuses look so real that they seem to sway1 in the breeze.


  • 而在过去7年中已经逐渐成长举办大型音乐会的活动。烈焰舌”乐队的音乐会人数就超过5万。

    Over the past seven years it has turned into a mega-event hosting big ACTS like the Flaming Lips and a crowd exceeding 50, 000.


  • 平静夏日

    My heart is as calm as the summer sea


  • -眼镜——与欣赏3D影片佩戴眼镜类似——你便可以欣赏更加栩栩土卫十六

    Red-blue glasses--the kind worn to view 3-D movies--reveal a lifelike picture of Prometheus.


  • 约瑟夫•德西蒙尼是现在Google一个厨师最为敬仰是他调制菌茶的技术——他能够从无到有发酵这种茶能够使得员工才思泉涌(创造性思维流水而来)。

    One of Google's current chefs is Josef Desimone, who is admired chiefly for the kombucha tea that he ferments from scratch and that gets the employees' creative juices flowing.


  • 其它哺乳动物昆虫树木植物爬行动物一样(:和消防栓一样青蛙壁虎形状树叶),猕猴对于马达加斯加来说独一无二的

    Like so many other mammals, insects, trees, plants and reptiles (I'm talking fire-engine red tomato frogs and geckos shaped like leaves), the indri indri is unique to Madagascar.


  • 用于装饰天井、窗口花坛入口盆栽植物雏菊美人蕉栀子兰花

    Potted plant for patios window boxes and entry ways such as Daisy red canna gardenia orchid etc.


  • 写了许多著名小说高粱青蛙

    He wrote many famous novels, such as Red Sorghum and Frog.


  • 那天咸咸的空气凝重低沉,但是西方天空片火烧似的,周围燃烧着一条条兰尼斯特云彩

    The salt air lay still and heavy that morning, but the western sky was a fiery red, streaked with lowering clouds that glowed as bright as Lannister crimson.


  • 相同的情况也适用于个别物种园林灰雀燕子

    The same is true of individual species such as the garden warbler, bullfinch and swallow.


  • 桥边栏杆望柱形制奇特,人行上,随意左右泛舟水面,再加上鱼跃清波日,忘归

    Bridge side rails, pillars are looking peculiar shape, pedestrian bridge, free around, such as rafting water, coupled with diving Qing Bo, Dutch red Ying Ri, true music and forgotten.


  • 桥边栏杆望柱形制奇特,人行上,随意左右泛舟水面,再加上鱼跃清波日,忘归

    Bridge side rails, pillars are looking peculiar shape, pedestrian bridge, free around, such as rafting water, coupled with diving Qing Bo, Dutch red Ying Ri, true music and forgotten.


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