• 解释为什么如此满意球队态度穆帅为何如此喜爱他。

    His explanation of why it gave him satisfaction, his team attitude, sums up why jose Mourinho loves him.


  • 老板从来没有任何员工如此满意这个年轻人确实是个难得人才

    The boss never to any employee satisfaction, and the young man so is indeed a rare talent.


  • 老板从来没有任何员工如此满意这个年轻人确实是个难得的人才。

    The boss has never been so pleased with any employee before, The young man is a real find.


  • 母亲从未对一个洗衣女工如此满意好的衣物干净如同擦亮的银器,每件衣服都熨烫得非常整齐。

    My mother had never been so pleASed with any wAShwoman. Every piece of laundry wAS AS clean AS polished silver. Every piece wAS neatly ironed.


  • 描述效果也曾经历过许多知道该如何定义不知道这种效果如何或者为什么令人如此满意

    It describes an effect I've experienced several times but couldn't easily define, let alone know how or why it was so gratifying.


  • 自己残忍的行为如此满意而且已经编好一个故事,要国王回来时告诉疯狂狼群如何吃掉他的妻子两个孩子的。

    She was so delighted with her cruelty, and she had invented a story to tell the King, on his return, how the mad wolves had eaten up his wife and her two children.


  • 因为如此多的支出人为的,令人满意的。

    Because so much spending was artificial, it would be unfulfilling.


  • 满意,我从未想过做得如此漂亮

    I'm on top of the world. I never expected to do so well.


  • 可能会认为进行细致调查的这学生他们的最终决定满意的,事实证明并非如此

    You might expect that the student who had undertaken the most exhausted search would be the most satisfied with their final decision, but it turns out that's not true.


  • 如此辛苦地准备晚餐,却不可能让每个人对每顿饭的方方面面都满意

    He had worked so hard on dinner, but it was impossible to get everyone happy about every part of every meal!


  • 然而,假如客户满意调查的问题浓缩到了如此精华”的话,错失许多珍贵的信息而且容易进入误区

    While it is tempting to reduce your customer satisfaction survey to this supposed "essence", you miss a lot of valuable information and you can be easily misled.


  • 总是辛德雷·恩相比,我想来想去也难以满意解释为什么他们相似的情况下行为如此相反

    I used to draw a comparison between him and Hindley Earnshaw, and perplex myself to explain satisfactorily why their conduct was so opposite in similar circumstances.


  • 尽管如此近乎三分之二(65.4%)教师感到职业满意他们能坚守教师岗位重要原因

    Despite this, nearly two thirds of teachers (65.4%) felt that job satisfaction was the main factor that kept them in the profession.


  • 有人知道他们是否投资人道歉?凭什么股票居高不下吗?乔布斯解释用户满意为何如此

    Someone wants to know if they're going to apologize for investors? For what? The stock is still high? Steve just explained that customer satisfaction is high.


  • 令人满意车型名单梅赛德斯位于平均水平大众宝马如此——他们得分雪铁龙和阿尔法·罗密欧的得分相近

    In the list of most satisfying cars, Mercedes is only rated as average, as are VW and BMW - with scores similar to the likes of Citroen and Alfa Romeo.


  • 然而研究表明那些拥有消费观比较相似的伴侣相比,消费观相反的伴侣使用金钱方面会发生较大冲突长期如此他们对婚姻满意程度较低

    The study also showed, however, that the financial opposites had greater conflicts over money and lower marital satisfaction in the long run than those whose spending tendencies were similar.


  • 我们如此善于观察人脸迫使脸的人不懈努力使我们感到满意

    We are so good at looking at faces that we force anyone who draws them to work hard to satisfy us.


  • 研究表明女性自己体重抱怨越多自己的身材满意就会低,就算本身偏的女性如此

    The study showed that women who complained about their weight more often - even if they were thin - were more likely to have greater dissatisfaction with their bodies.


  • 现在,对生活基本满意占多数,不满的占少数——但并非所有国家都是如此

    People who say they are generally satisfied with their lives now outnumber those who say they are dissatisfied-but not in all countries.


  • 乔布斯解释用户满意为何如此

    Steve just explained that customer satisfaction is high.


  • 吃起来味道就像甜点水果味道会因如此奇妙的融合满意100。

    It’ll taste like a dessert, but you’ll be getting a good portion of fruit and 100% satisfaction all rolled into one wonderful package.


  • 但是新闻集团投入了如此资源事实不禁让人产生那个尚未得到满意答案的疑问iPad报纸到底什么样子呢?

    But the fact that news Corp. is putting so many resources into this project raises a basic question that has yet to be answered satisfactorily: What should an iPad newspaper look like?


  • 第二如果Hot wire客人自己住宿满意——如果他们不断地安排入住劣质客房的话肯定如此——我们入住后调查中得到客人反馈

    Second, if Hotwire guests are unsatisfied with their stays - and they would be if they were consistently put in lower quality rooms - we get that feedback through our post-stay surveys.


  • 雅虎首席财务BlakeJorgensen称其对公司如此艰难大环境下表现感到满意

    Blake Jorgensen, Yahoo's chief financial officer, said he was pleased with the company's performance under such tough circumstances.


  • 莫吉安娜看到离开后睡觉了如此成功拯救主人家庭感到满意开心

    When Morgiana saw him depart, she went to bed, satisfied and pleased to have succeeded so well in saving her master and family.


  • 尽管如此一个不仅满意的,同时也是别人满意想法

    Nevertheless, choose one idea that you will garner the greatest satisfaction not just for yourself, but to other people.


  • 觉得如此逻辑分明的生活多快乐或者令人满意

    And I do not see how this logically divided life can be happy and fulfilling.


  • 觉得如此逻辑分明的生活多快乐或者令人满意

    And I do not see how this logically divided life can be happy and fulfilling.


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