• 年,佛罗伦萨制定了一项规则,游客如果被发现在街上吃东西,将面临最高500欧元的罚款。

    Last year, Florence made a rule saying that tourists would face fines of up to 500 euros if caught eating in the street.


  • 如果发现将会影响船期

    If it is detected, the sailing date would be delayed.


  • 如果发现罚款

    If you are discovered, you will be fined.


  • 这些如果发现特别伤人或者甚至人虚假希望

    These phrases can be especially hurtful if found out to be untrue or can even lead to false hopes.


  • 年幼时公园里玩的捉迷藏没什么区别只是如果发现就要挨枪子儿

    It's just like those youthful days of hide-and-seek in the park, the critical difference being that you get shot if someone finds you.


  • 如果被发现野外雨林地层落叶里,它们能够自己假装枯叶欺瞒过肉食动物。

    Found in the wild living amongst fallen leaf litter on rainforest floors, they are able to cheat predators by disguising themselves as dead leaves.


  • 请勿盗用他人作品如果发现我们除了删除作品外,严惩盗用者

    Please do not steal other people's works, if found out, not only we will delete this work piece, we will also severely punish the 'thief'.


  • 许多组织没有亲善政策如果发现可能解雇,就业市场可能值得冒险

    Many organizations have no-fraternization policies. You could be fired on the spot if found out, and in this job market, that guy may not be worth the risk.


  • 过度周期第二如果发现任何不足”,管理者同意修改或重写协议进行可操作性研究

    After the second year of transition, regulators agreed to conduct a study on the impact of the rules and rewrite them if anymaterial deficienciesare discovered.


  • 真相丑陋的时候,人们想法设法掩盖。 因为他们知道如果被发现的话后果相当严重。

    When the truth is ugly, people try to keep it hidden, becausethey know if revealed, the damage it will do.


  • 北京上海移动用户如果发现发送存在非法内容不健康信息的短信,那他们不能再发短信。

    And China Mobile's users in Beijing and Shanghai will not be able to send text messages if they are found to have sent illegal or unhealthy content.


  • 但是作为一个深水涉警局任职工作人员如果发现对此类案件负责的话,面对警告炒鱿鱼的纪律处分。

    But if the officer, who is attached to Sham Shui Po police station, is found to be responsible she may face disciplinary action, which could range from a simple warning to dismissal.


  • 克里·欧佩·特拉陵墓如果发现对于考古界来说,其轰动效应只有霍华德·卡特1922年发现塔特王陵墓能与之相媲美

    If Cleopatra's tomb is ever found, the archaeological sensation would be rivaled only by Howard Carter's unearthing of the tomb of King Tut in 1922.


  • 上星期出现在报纸头版头条海伦.戈尔德和15学生的事情还不完全一样,我和体育老师的爱情如果被发现很可能让他丢失那份教师工作,甚至以后一生连老师也做不成。

    It wasn’t quite the same as the Jazz Lady, Helen Goddard and her 15 year-old pupil who were in the headlines last week.


  • 如果癌症发现存活机率

    If cancers are spotted early there's a high chance of survival.


  • 如果脑电图装置发现研究者观测的的大脑活动改变符合,那么一个帽子预警即将发生错误可能会成为现实

    If the EEG device can be found to be consistent with changes in brain activity observed by researchers, then a hat to warn of impending errors may become a reality.


  • 科学家们担心如果有一外星人发现他们语言可能会人们理解他们

    If aliens are discovered one day, scientists fear their language may make it possible to understand them.


  • 如果那时我们发现知道我们什么后果

    If we had been spotted at that point, I don't know what would have happened to us.


  • 如果没有这种路山顶容易发现

    If there are no trails, you are much easier to be seen on top of a hill.


  • 如果没有这种路山顶容易发现甚至可以山顶看到公路或者铁路

    If there are no trails, you are much easier to be seen on top of a hill, and you may even spot a highway, or a railroad from this point.


  • 如果对话看作场战斗一种竞争只要发现,你可以通过作弊取胜

    If you see a conversation as a fight or competition, you can win by cheating as long as you don't get caught.


  • 如果没有发现,那事都没有。

    If no one finds out, nothing happens.


  • 所以如果脑电图装置发现研究者观测大脑活动改变相符合那么帽子预警即将发生的错误可能成为现实

    So, if EEG features can be found that correspond to the change in brain activity which the researchers have observed, then a hat that gives warning of an imminent mistake might one day become reality.


  • 虽然软件对于我们日常生活已经变得普遍存在具有决定性,但是软件开发基本准则如果存在的话,没有发现

    Although software has become ubiquitous and critical for our daily existence, the fundamental laws of software development, if they exist, have yet to be discovered.


  • 古代男人可以很多妻子但是如果女人发现自己丈夫不忠遭到虐待毒打

    In the old days, men could have many wives but women were tortured and beaten if they were discovered being unfaithful to their husbands.


  • 看到这种现象越来越少,因为许多公司知道如果他们发现雇用儿童立即就会失去守法资格证明

    You see it less and less, because firms know that if they are found employing children they immediately lose their certificate of compliance.


  • 如果公司员工发现违反了反托拉斯法公司迅速揭露并且终止错误举动,他们可能得到监管机构宽大处理

    Firms that swiftly uncover and put a stop to wrongdoing might also get more lenient treatment from regulators if, say, their employees are found to have broken antitrust rules.


  • 如果不在的话,你就不会发现所以…………请出现在[那儿]。

    You can’t be seen if you are not there, soumm… be there.


  • 如果不在的话,你就不会发现所以…………请出现在[那儿]。

    You can’t be seen if you are not there, soumm… be there.


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