• 意思清楚如果减肥的话,你过上更快乐、更健康美好生活

    The message is crystal clearif you lose weight, you will have a happier, healthier, better life.


  • 如果认为生活美好并且希望一直如此那么你很可能会高龄至少一项研究结论表明如此

    If you think life is wonderful and expect it to stay that way, then you may have a good chance of living to a ripe old age, at least that is what the findings of a new study suggest.


  • 那些孩子送进大学父母,“生命时光”,加上一句“如果应对大学生活压力的话”更加合适。

    For parents who send their kids off to college saying, "These will be the best years of your life," it would be very appropriate to add, "If you can handle the stress of college life."


  • 就是说,如果你想拥有美好生活,光靠学校是不够的。

    That is to say, school is not just enough if you want to have a great life.


  • 相信,如果你知道如何剪纸,你的生活将会很美好,而且更加丰富多彩。

    I believe that if you know how to make paper cuts, your life will be nice and more colorful.


  • 有人被友善地对待,这可以让他们的生活美好,鼓励他们善待他人。

    If someone is treated kindly, it can make their day brighter and encourage that person to be kind to somebody else.


  • 你对别人友善,会让他们的生活美好,也激励他们把友善传递下去。然后它就会不断增长,让世界变得更美好

    If you're kind to someone else, it can make their day brighter and inspire them to pass on kindness. And then it just grows and grows, and it can make the world a better place.


  • 子认为,如果我们学会和谐相处,我们就能拥有一个真正美好和幸福的生活

    Confucius believed that we can have a really good and happy life if we learn to live in harmony.


  • 或者说海丝特规劝的那样,如果通往美好生活的途径,踏上肯定不是舍弃什么光明的前程!

    Or, if this be the path to a better life, as Hester would persuade me, I surely give up no fairer prospect by pursuing it!


  • 如果属于一个团队,你可以很坦诚地因为成员的身份,生活更加美好了,那么保留我的建议

    If you belong to a group and you can honestly say that your life is better for the 'membership', then my advice would be to stay.


  • 如果一样认为生活美好的事情,就会给非常强烈的工具理由设定一个目标

    And if you see living as a good thing, as I do, that gives pretty strong instrumental reasons to set the goal.


  • 如果是这样的话,水里打滚可能美好生活重要部分。”马克博士

    "If so, wallowing could be an important element of a good life in pigs," said Dr Bracke.


  • 如果只是为了自己美好生活并不意味着失败

    It's not failure if you "just" make a nice living for yourself.


  • 如果能够想想生活美好生命短暂,那么你就不会浪费时间那些无用冲突问题上了。

    If you can think "Life is more beautiful and your time to enjoy is less", then you won't waste your time in useless clashes and issues.


  • 美好生活我们想象的要近得多。近在眼前……如果我们愿意的话

    A beautiful life is closer than we think. It's already here... if we choose to see it.


  • 如果哈默德·布阿齐齐以及其他那些为了美好生活而献身人的努力都付之东流,那多么遗憾的事儿啊。

    It would be a shame if Mohamed Bouazizi and the others who have given their lives in the hope of a better life had done so in vain.


  • 通往美好生活道路不是坦途,但是如果现在容忍社会上的黑暗,我们保证你们明天将会是无比光明!

    And the road to the better life ahead will not be easy either, but if you just tolerate all of the evil in our society today, we promise it will be much better tomorrow.


  • 这种关系很难和谐的持续下去,但是如果彼此之间能够相互理解忽略对方的缺点他们仍然能够构成一段美好婚姻生活

    This relation can hardly be called compatible, but if both work out their ways and ignore each others short comings, they can have a good married life.


  • 如果健康生活将会美好即使别人也健康,结果也一样。

    Your life is better when you are healthy, even if others are also healthy.


  • 如果我们尽最大努力提高人民生活水平,就表示我们关心群众,国家美好未来

    If we pay enough importance to improving the livelihood of the people, that means we care about the people and we can have a better future for this country.


  • 如果憧憬美好生活积极度过一天勇于实践,富于思考

    If you want to have a wonderful life, spend your days in positive, forward-moving action and thought.


  • 是的——确信还有更多如果完全掌握其中一个,你拥有建造美好生活的牢固基础

    Yes -i'm sure there are more, but if you can manage to get each of these under control you will have a strong foundation upon which to build a wonderful life.


  • 如果那样的话是否可以争论或者证明美好生活本质是什么

    And if that's the case, is it possible to argue or to reason about the nature of the good life?


  • 如果这样赶紧想办法发现生活东西

    If depression has you noticing only the negative, make an effort to notice the good things in life.


  • 如果TiVo的遥控器提供与其他三个遥控器相同用户体验生活美好了。

    If its remote belongs to the same user experience family as your other three remotes, life will be good.


  • 更多感恩——如果我们不再把眼光集中那些我们没有东西上,更多地把注意力放在我们拥有的,我们倍加感激生活中的美好

    more gratitude. if we would stop focusing on the things that we don’t have and start focusing more on the things that we already do, we would become far more grateful for the good things in our lives.


  • 如果生活任何方面体会到这些感觉,你就会感到生活美好

    In anything in life, if you can experience the sensations of whatever you're doing, this is a beautiful thing.


  • 我们希望我们子孙一个更加美好未来,我们也相信如果其他人的子孙生活自由富裕,我们的子孙也生活更好

    We want a better future for our children and grandchildren, and we believe that their lives will be better if other people's children and grandchildren can live in freedom and prosperity.


  • 我们希望我们子孙一个更加美好未来,我们也相信如果其他人的子孙生活自由富裕,我们的子孙也生活更好

    We want a better future for our children and grandchildren, and we believe that their lives will be better if other people's children and grandchildren can live in freedom and prosperity.


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