• 如果改变压强那么问题。

    If you change the pressure, then you're in trouble.


  • 清楚回应性消费者开支如果改变房价

    No one is sure just how responsive consumer spending is to changes in house prices.


  • 相反如果改变主意可以使用+o开关关闭这些选项

    If you change your mind, you can turn off the options you set by using the + o switch, instead.


  • 如果改变窗口大小一些浏览器改变DIV宽度

    If you change the size of the window, some browsers will also change the width of DIV.


  • 一对一关系中,如果改变关系一端容器会自动替换的关系。

    In one-to-one relationships, the container automatically replaces the old relationship if you change one side of that relationship.


  • 如果改变消息中的字符那么消息摘要大约有一半字符改变

    If any one character of a message is changed, then up to half of the message digest changes.


  • 如果改变它们间距,它们其他字母连排的时候就会挤成一

    Changing the spacing would mess it up when they would be combined with other characters again.


  • 如果改变基本复制状态,则所有影子复制状态随之发生相同改变

    If you change the state of the primary replicate, all its shadow replicates' states are also changed to the same state.


  • 无论何种情况下有些情绪非常难接近的无论如果改变故事或者行为

    In any situation, some emotions are harder to access no matter how much you change your story or behavior.


  • 但是如果改变数据库路径那么必须指定当前路径和路径,中间逗号分开。

    However, if you are changing the database path then you would specify the current path and the new path, separated by a comma.


  • 如果改变的只是SQL查询的话,那么这个编辑-编译-运行周期可能很快

    The edit-compile-run cycle, when all you are changing is a SQL query, can be pretty quick.


  • 还要注意如果改变报表名称转移位置需要更新报表中的URL

    Also note that if you rename the report, or move it to a different location, you will need to update the URL inside the report.


  • 如果改变计划有方实施得当,而且员工了解发生改变原因,那么它可以公司带来效益

    If changes are well planned, well executed and staff understand the reasons for the changes, it can be profitable for your company.


  • 如果改变身体行为我们也会改变思维方式;如果我们改变思维方式,我们也能改变行为。

    If we change our physical behavior we change our mindset; if we change our mindset we can change our behavior.


  • 将来如果改变代码其他人改变代码,这些测试告诉我们是否我们破坏了现有功能

    In the future, if I change the code, or someone else does, these tests can tell us if we have broken any existing functionality.


  • 每个人回答不尽相同,如果是个创作者你很可能不介意改变如果改变强加可能会反对

    Everyone responds differently, but you are more likely to be accepting of change if you are the creator and you are more likely to oppose it when it is forced upon you.


  • 如果存在这样空间那么必须这些容器也复制新的系统中(如果改变路径需要配置文件列出)。

    If there are any such table Spaces, then those containers must be copied to the new system as well (and if their paths are changing then they need to be listed in the configuration file).


  • 如果移动数据库,但是忘记移动容器或者忘记文件中添加上相应的条目(如果改变位置的话),仍然可以连接数据库。

    If you move a database and forget to move a container, or forget to have an entry for it in the file (if the location is changing), you will still be able to connect to the database.


  • 如果改变了的内容不是(X)HTML格式(比如图片Flash,PD F文件改变了),不能使用缓存删除工具

    If the changed content is not in (x) HTML (for example if an image, a Flash file or a PDF file has been changed), you won't be able to use the cache removal tool.


  • 但是对于一个面板选中(selected)状态根本适用,当鼠标处于面板之上时如果改变面板的状态,那么只能招来抱怨。

    But with a panel, for example, selected doesn't even apply, and changing a panel's state on a mouse-over would be just plain annoying.


  • 纠正问题一步就是承认我们自己的养育方法可能使我们的孩子变得粗野如果改变它们我们可以帮助我们的孩子行为举止得体

    The first step in correcting the problem is to admit that our own parenting methods probably allowed our child to become unruly and by altering them, we can help our child behave appropriately.


  • 如果他们改变预算中的一个款项必须提出其他等值削减

    If they want to change an item in the budget, they will have to propose equivalent cuts elsewhere.


  • 如果此事发生,改变宗教广播面貌

    If this happens it will change the face of religious broadcasting.


  • 如果认为改变主意,那你在欺骗自己

    You're deceiving yourself if you think he'll change his mind.


  • 如果认为改变主意那你一定做梦

    You must be living in dreamland if you think he'll change his mind.


  • 如果那天下雨的话,我们可能改变计划

    If the day turns out wet, we may have to change our plans.


  • 如果共和党当选,他们可能会决定改变一状况。

    If the Republicans got in they might decide to change it.


  • 如果改变信仰,他会扭头走。

    If you try to convert him, you could find he just walks away.


  • 如果他们获得成功,他们改变世界政治经济格局。

    If they succeed, then they will have reshaped the political and economic map of the world.


  • 如果改变汽车方向,你必须把手放在方向盘上。

    If you want to change the direction of the car, you have to have your hands on the steering wheel.


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