• 如果支持客户端应用中激活操作

    If so, proceed to enable that operation in your client application.


  • 如果支持命名参数,则系统返回true

    The system returns true if named parameters are supported. For example


  • 如果支持SSO,那么可以使用生成可信凭证

    If SSO is supported it could be used to generate trusted credentials as well.


  • 如果支持其他语言的话,也必须编辑属性文件其他语言版本

    If other languages are to be supported, the corresponding language variants of the properties file must also be edited.


  • 如果支持变更进行设计实现以便同时支持接口接口。

    If yes, design and implement the change so that both the old and the new interface are supported concurrently.


  • 这个扫描器可能试图研究漏洞(如果支持特性),但取决于扫描器的先进程度

    Depending on how advanced the scanner is, the software may attempt to exploit vulnerabilities (if this feature is supported).


  • 可能支持AND OR,但是如果支持是否存在任何特殊情况呢?

    It might support AND or OR, but if it does, are there any caveats?


  • 如果支持将检查确保当前启动模式调试器mode元素支持

    If so, it checks to make sure the current launch mode is supported by the debugger's mode element.


  • 如果支持流媒体那么应用程序启动所需要部分就可以优先传送以优化启动时间

    If streaming is enabled then the portions of the application needed for startup are sent first optimizing startup time.


  • 可惜的是(如果支持比萨的话,就该展颜了),这个计划相对16世纪技术过于先进。

    Sadly (or happily, if you're rooting for Pisa), the plan was too awesome for 16th century technology.


  • 更为简单的方法(如果支持的话)命令使用内联然后作为整体定向这个输出

    A simpler solution, if your shell supports it, is to use an inline block for a group of commands, and then to redirect the output from the block as a whole.


  • 注意如果支持语言字符需要使用ResourceBundleEditor

    Please note that if the language characters were supported, it was not required to use the ResourceBundle Editor.


  • 如果支持出口游说者得势,自由贸易随之而来,进而保护主义者为代价而增强重商主义的势力。

    If the export lobby gets its way, freer trade will follow, further strengthening the mercantilists at the expense of the protectionists.


  • 如果支持紧缩的论点错误的,那么决定紧缩就危及复苏,可能还会触发进一步财政危机

    If arguments for tightening are false, decisions to do so threaten recovery and might trigger further financial shocks.


  • 调整可能涉及使用适当2.0指令或者(如果支持bc特性)版本属性设1.0看看会发生什么

    Tweaking might involve fixing it with the appropriate 2.0 instruction, or (if you have the BC feature) you can just set the version attribute to 1.0 and see what happens.


  • 如果支持运行时编译,CVM需要JIT相关初始化,包括初始编辑策略,编译器后代码缓存等等

    If runtime compiler (JIT) is supported, the VM needs to do JIT related initialization, including initializing the compilation policy, compiler back end, code cache, etc.


  • 应用可以通过蓝牙进行通信之前需要验证设备是否支持蓝牙,如果支持确保打开了。

    Before your application can communicate over Bluetooth, you need to verify that Bluetooth is supported on the device, and if so, ensure that it is enabled.


  • 首先必须创建一个Folder对象然后必须文件夹设置许多性质包括条目(如果支持文件夹条目的话)。

    First, a folder object must be created, and then a number of attributes must be set on the folder, including the item class (if folder item classes are supported).


  • 如果支持BC特性可以设置version 1.0表达式求值的元素生效,这样就不用担心类型匹配问题了。

    If the BC feature is available, you can set version 1.0 to be in effect for an element with expression evaluation, eliminating worry about type mismatches.


  • 如果支持响应Content -Encoding设置gzip并用gzip输出把响应输出流包装起来

    If it does, I will set the response header Content-Encoding to gzip and wrapper the response output stream with a gzip output stream.


  • 最后一点提示如果支持平台强制更新数据文件格式就请确保每个文件前面添加上一些容易解析版本信息如果还没有这样做的话)。

    One last tip: If support for a new platform forces you to update a data file format, make sure to add easily parsed version information to the very front of the file, if you haven't already.


  • 但是如果支持仍然要明确输出属性normalization - formundeclare - prefixes只能用于XSLT 2.0,不能用于XSLT 1.0。

    However, if it is supported, you should still be aware that the output attributes normalization-form and undeclare-prefixes are available for XSLT 2.0 but not for XSLT 1.0.


  • 如果会上提出这个问题,支持你。

    If you raise it at the meeting, I'll support you.


  • 如果联合国认为必要,他支持动用武力

    He says he would support the use of force if the UN deemed it necessary.


  • 如果投诉没有得到支持可能觉得得从新开始。

    If your complaint is not upheld, you may feel you are back to square one.


  • 如果我们支持他们他们就会尽力照顾我们客户

    If we support them, they'll do their best to look after our clients.


  • 乔伊斯博士建议除了自我护理之外如果女性有很大的压力应该寻求专业支持

    Dr. Joyce suggests that apart from self-care, women should seek professional support if they experience severe stress.


  • 伯恩斯坦预计如果一切顺利,将会有“大量利益支持涌现”。

    Bernstein predicts "an avalanche of interest and support" if all goes well.


  • 有人认为,如果环境能够支持繁殖那么足够食物资源支持人类

    It has been suggested that if the environment were capable of supporting breeding populations of bears, there would have been enough food resources to support humans.


  • 如果没有老师支持这个学生就无法克服困难

    Were it not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.


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