• 如果发烧十二指肠溃疡以及肉桂过敏者不得服用本品。

    Do not take if you have a fever, stomach or duodenal ulcers, or are allergic to cinnamon.


  • 对镜欣赏容貌或者圣诞节不少而烦恼时,“体温”就可以显示出你的体温,如果发烧还会发出警报

    While a person admires their beauty or fretsabout how much extra weight they put on over Christmas, the mirror displays their temperature and an alarm sounds if they are deemed feverish.


  • 你对镜欣赏容貌或者圣诞节了不少而烦恼时,“体温”就可以显示出你的体温,如果发烧还会发出警报

    While a person admires their beauty or frets about how much extra weight they put on over Christmas, the mirror displays their temperature and an alarm sounds if they are deemed feverish.


  • Frieden博士如果存在那种危险人群如果发烧100.4以上并且咳嗽或者咽喉痛就应该寻求治疗

    Frieden said people in those risk groups should seek treatment if they have a fever of at least 100.4, and a cough or a sore throat.


  • 那么摸摸脉搏如果发烧就告诉

    Feel my pulse then and tell me if I have a fever.


  • 如果发烧了,在这种情况下当然冻得发抖。

    If you have fever, you will surely shiver under this condition.


  • 如果孩子生病了,出现无故发烧药物治疗无效的情况24小时全天呆在家里

    If your child gets sick, keep him home for 24 hours after the fever breaks on its own, without the help of medication.


  • 如果孩子生病了,发烧并且有流感症状他们不能学校了

    If your children are sick, have a fever and flu-like illness, they shouldn't go to school.


  • 发现合并症早期征兆非常重要。如果发现你有严重腹部疼痛发烧寒战或者直肠出血立刻联络外科医生

    It is important for you to recognize the early signs of possible complications and to contact your surgeon if you notice symptoms of severe abdominal pain, fever, chills, vomiting, or rectal bleeding.


  • 如果发现严重腹部疼痛腹胀恶心发烧寒战或者直肠出血以上,请立刻联络你的外科医生。 在活组织检查后的几天都有可能出血。

    It is important to contact your surgeon if you notice symptoms of severe abdominal pain, abdominal distension, nausea, fevers, chill, or rectal bleeding equal to more than half a cup.


  • 病人包括儿童如果患病他们发烧停止之后24小时就可以返校或是工作代替从前推荐

    But patients who get sick, including children, can return to school or work 24 hours after their fever breaks, instead of the full seven days previously recommended.


  • 身体的,如果发烧出脏痰,一想到火车公车觉得恶心,就回去上班

    Listen to your body - if you're still running a fever, coughing up green muck and feel nauseous at the thought of getting on the train or bus, don't go into work.


  • 叫做口渴如果同时进餐发烧

    That is called thirst, and, when one does not eat at the same time, it is called fever.


  • 如果还有一些诸如发烧体重下降、淋巴结肿大、极度疲劳症状之相关,问题严重了,应该医院。”

    And "if other symptoms are associated with them, like fever, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes and extreme fatigue, then this could be serious and you should see a doctor."


  • 爸爸宋德辉:“小宋胜常常痛苦如果我们没有足够冰,常常会发烧。”

    Song Dehui, his father, said: "He is in a lot of pain all the time and if we don't have enough ice he gets a fever."


  • 然而如果腹泻伴随皮疹头痛或者发烧那么就应该咨询的专业保健师。

    However, if the diarrhoea is accompanied by a rash, headache or fever then you should consult your health care professional.


  • 如果遇到孩子发烧建议患者不到三个月大并且体温高于38的情况下,父母需要致电家庭医生

    For a fever, she advises calling the doctor if the patient is a baby younger than three months and has a fever over 100.4 degrees.


  • 如果小儿发烧就要每小时检查一次体温

    If the child has a fever, check his temperature every hour.


  • 如果我们只是单纯治疗发烧,而忽视发烧原因,就会延误康复。

    If we define our problem as merely a fever and only treat the fever, we run the risk of overlooking the cause of the fever... thus.


  • 如果是个拥趸ogg格式音乐发烧发现一般的音乐播放器WMPiTunes装插件不能播放ogg文件

    If you're a music enthusiast who prefers Ogg file formats, you'll find that common players like WMP and iTunes don't play them without some work.


  • 如果小孩留在非常车子里面呆了很久,并且发烧的话,请立即寻求医治

    If your child has a fever after being left in a very hot car, seek medical care immediately.


  • 警告说如果人们违背条建议特别是老人他们就容易生病感冒发烧关节炎,到肠胃问题甚至是冠心病等,都有可能。

    If people, especially elderly citizens, do not follow this advice, they may get illnesses ranging from a cold and fever to osteoarthritis, stomach problems and even coronary disease, he warned.


  • 真是难以置信。如果所有的羽毛都拔了,她会感冒,发烧的。

    That's unbelievable. If she pulled out all her feathers, she must have a cold and be running a fever.


  • 最后如果我们发烧咳嗽,我们必须尽快医生

    Finally, if we have a fever or a cough, we must go to the doctor as soon as possible.


  • 如果半夜发烧爸爸医院

    If I have high fever at midnight, my father will carry me to the hospital.


  • 如果座位附近有人咳嗽打喷嚏看起来像是在发烧,最好换个座位。

    Change seats if you end up near a cougher, sneezer or someone who looks feverish.


  • 如果发烧温度不高持续没有其他症状医生也许会建议你做些检测帮助发现病因

    If you have a low-grade fever that persists for three weeks or more, but have no other symptoms, your doctor may recommend a variety of tests to help find the cause.


  • 如果今年的流感季节往年一样,想必许多员工都会给老板打电话他们鼻塞、发烧打喷嚏,不得不呆在家里

    If the coming flu season is anything like it was in past years, plenty of employees will be calling in to say they're staying home with sniffles, fevers, and sneezes.


  • 如果发烧可以给她做一下背部按摩

    If she has fever, you can do the dorsal massage.


  • 如果发烧可以给她做一下背部按摩

    If she has fever, you can do the dorsal massage.


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