• 如果甘薯为了自家消费,应作周密安排。甘薯收获只能保存个月

    If you are growing sweet potatoes for your own use, plan carefully. The tubers can be kept for only two to three months after harvesting.


  • 国家第一政策12年前,那个时候如果竹子的话,国家更多

    The first policy was 12 years ago, which said, if you grow bamboo , the government will give you more money.


  • 如果这样了,并且顺利完成锻炼而不另一个方向,那么就它变成习惯吧。

    If you do so and can get through the exercise without being pulled in another direction, make it a habit.


  • 如果希望建立新的关系开始时就要小心缓慢行事。

    If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with.


  • 本能反应如果小孩摔倒了会扶起来

    It's an instinctive reactionif a child falls you pick it up.


  • 如果预期失败失败。自我应验的预测。

    If you expect to fail, you will fail. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.


  • 如果尝试销售技巧,但是没有成功,一份单子都没做成,试一次吗?

    If you try a sales technique and flub it, not making a sale, will you try it again?


  • 如果不到任何像样苹果还可以试着自己

    If you can't find any decent apples, you can always try growing them yourself.


  • 如果认为可以聪明方式改变生活广告商可以空气清新剂那样可能就错了

    If you think you can change your life in a clever way, the way an advertiser can get you to buy an air freshener, you're probably wrong.


  • 如果方式转动,它变成一支控笔,换一方式转动,它就变成一支激光

    If you do it the other way, it becomes a stylus tip and in another way, it becomes a laser pointer.


  • 如果有幸距离观看岩石艺术品知道时间流逝历史感到好奇经历

    If you've been lucky enough to look at a piece of rock art close up, you'll know it's an experience that makes you wonder about the passage of time and our own history.


  • 如果理解信仰仍然信仰它,是没关系的。

    If you understand a belief but still don't believe in that specific belief, that's fine.


  • 如果正在考虑补品请阅读成分表——尽管并不总是可靠

    If you are considering a supplement, read the list of ingredients, she says, although this is not always reliable.


  • 尽管步行可以作为独立的锻炼方法,如果目标恢复尊巴课程打网球骑行其他任何运动步行也是不错的一步

    Although it can be a workout on its own, if your goal is to get back to Zumba classes, tennis, cycling, or any other activity, walking is also a great first step.


  • 如果愿意可以称之为祖先崇拜,但是了这份报纸惊人思想原则动力

    You can call that ancestor-worship if you wish, but it gives to the paper an astonishing momentum of thought and principle.


  • 如果采用彩色玻璃,就可以在玻璃上涂上超过颜色

    With this kind of stained glass, you could paint a piece of glass with more than one color.


  • 认为如果要素没有的话,就没有

    He argued that you don't have love if you don't have all three of these elements.


  • 如果遵循它们闻到使用牙膏清新气味!

    If you follow them, you will have a fresh smell of using toothpaste!


  • 如果真的健康生活方式那么多结交一些能为提供适当情感支持非常重要的。

    If you're serious about wanting to live a healthy lifestyle, it's extremely important to surround yourself with people who'll provide you with the proper emotional support.


  • 如果得到必须语言

    If you want to get it, you must speak three languages.


  • 如果赢了,计划这笔方法什么呢?

    What are the five ways you plan to spend the money if you win?


  • 如果仔细观察,发现不同形式混合物

    If you look more carefully, you will find that this is a blend of three different forms of carbon.


  • 如果甜点一杯饮料,至少多少钱?

    If you want to have a kind of dessert and a drink, how much will you pay at least?


  • 如果中国旅游体验深度多样性文化

    If you come to visit China, you will experience a culture of depth and variety.


  • 如果自己所有颜色里,就会变成恶心褐色

    If you dipped yourself in all of colors, you'd end up a disgusting brown.


  • 如果的是洋葱,就会喜欢它们的。

    When you plant onions, you will like them.


  • 如果对话看作场战斗竞争只要发现,可以通过作弊取胜

    If you see a conversation as a fight or competition, you can win by cheating as long as you don't get caught.


  • 如果决定成为永远不和客户交流的“隐士”,并且只采取同一处理办法来解决不同问题应该不到太多东西

    If you decide to be a "hermit" that never talks to clients and solve different problems with the same solution, you probably will not learn a lot.


  • 哪个方向?前门可以看到多少野花?如果感觉足够敏锐就能毫不费力地回答这些问题

    Which way is the wind blowing? How many kinds of wildflowers can be seen from your front door? If your awareness is as sharp as it could be, you'll have no trouble answering these questions.


  • 如果喜欢大豆可以另一

    If you don't like a particular kind of big beans, you can go and buy another.


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